@metal-brain saidI think it's great that you have found a community of fellow inhumans you can commiserate with.
Israel is not even in NATO. Why are we defending a non NATO member when we are broke?
20 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidHalf of the products and services you use and enjoy are likely produced by companies owned by Jews. You have made them rich. Google 'Forbes Jewish Billionaires'.
Israel is not even in NATO. Why are we defending a non NATO member when we are broke?
@metal-brain saidwhat has ukraine done for us, they are not even a nato member?
Israel is not even in NATO. Why are we defending a non NATO member when we are broke?
20 Oct 23
@mott-the-hoople saidIt's different.
what has ukraine done for us, they are not even a nato member?
@mott-the-hoople saidThey’ve destroyed half of the army belonging to the guy that is allied to the CCP and not a drop of US blood spilt and only 10% of your defence budget you ungrateful 💩
what has ukraine done for us, they are not even a nato member?
20 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidThey are all over the world, but wherever they are, they are generally not poor or even middle class.
Jews from where?
20 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidOk, Israel only... Well, the US-Israel relationship is like 'friends with benefits'. It is often one-sided, but both parties like it. Those looking from the outside might condemn such a relationship but the thing is, it works. 🙂 So maybe you are in the minority. One of the key benefits of having an ally in the dead center of the Mid-East is that they can contain arms proliferation. A most notable example [and there are many] is sometime in 1983, when Israel bombed a nuclear facility being built by Saddam Hussein. Israel's survival depends on intelligence about the affairs of these countries, and shares this info with the US.
So it has nothing to do with Israel.
So what percentage of Americans do not like the US-Israel relationship?
20 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidIt's our colony, a landing site for planes in the middle east to control the heathens and the oil.
Israel is not even in NATO. Why are we defending a non NATO member when we are broke?
Also we have a general policy of supporting democracy.
@metal-brain saidamerican evangelists have wet dreams of the apocalypse
Israel is not even in NATO. Why are we defending a non NATO member when we are broke?