Dark Knight

Dark Knight


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16 Mar 04
19 Jul 08

Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
And also, I will avoid reading the internet at all costs so I dont find out any spoilers
Ironic that you write this in a thread entitled "Dark Knight".


Mr T

I pity the fool!

22 Jan 05
19 Jul 08

Originally posted by Ragnorak
Ironic that you write this in a thread entitled "Dark Knight".

I know, it was a bit of a risk, but it paid off.


lazy boy derivative

11 Mar 06
19 Jul 08

Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
Dont be so sad going alone - there is nothing worse then being in a cinema with somebody trying to talk to you in a film, I always demand absolute silence of anybody I go with, so not many choose to take up that challenge.
I'm with you. I almost always go by myself and no darn popcorn. They should outlaw popcorn in theaters.


30 Aug 06
20 Jul 08

So did you like the movie? I would bet it creeped you out because it was dark. 🙂


lazy boy derivative

11 Mar 06
20 Jul 08
1 edit

I saw it today and quite enjoyed it. Ledger is riveting as promised.

It was indeed dark and creepy almost to the extent to make it "cultish" although it's a blockbuster.


Some other realm

03 Aug 06
20 Jul 08

Originally posted by Ice Cold
So did you like the movie? I would bet it creeped you out because it was dark. 🙂
Ledger deserved the accolades he received. He really was the one and only convincing character. He is so good, you wonder why you didn't notice him before in other films. It's a shame really, that he did not find a better movie to display his skill before his death. He played the villian both hilarious and funny. It's almost sad that he was surrounded by a cast who all overdid it, they just didn't keep up. I'll say the best storyline here was his obsession with keeping Batman around for the thrill of creating ways to keep him engaged. Good stuff.

I don't think the chick (Gylenhall) was the right choice but they rarely get the female role choice right in these kinds of movies. She's a great actress, but out of place here.

I wouldn't call it the best. I love the movie Unbreakable. It doesn't compare to the dark emotion in that movie. For fans of this movie genre, it probably delivers quite well. The stunts were awesome, including the tractor trailer flip (that was real, no CGI), good story, cool Gotham, lots of violence, faithful to the Batman character.


lazy boy derivative

11 Mar 06
20 Jul 08

Gary Oldman always surprises me. Once again I watched an entire movie and learned through the credits that he played one of the major characters.


Some other realm

03 Aug 06
20 Jul 08

Originally posted by badmoon
Gary Oldman always surprises me. Once again I watched an entire movie and learned through the credits that he played one of the major characters.
He's a genius, but overlooked here. He got really skinny.

Yo! Its been

Me, all along

14 Jan 07
20 Jul 08

Originally posted by Sunburnt
He's a genius, but overlooked here. He got really skinny.
For you;


Some other realm

03 Aug 06
21 Jul 08

Originally posted by yo its me
For you;
That was pretty funny 😀.

anybody seen my


01 Sep 06
21 Jul 08

Saw it yesterday...Brilliant. Heath Ledger deserves a post mortem Oscar, not cuz he croacked, but because he was effing brilliant as the Joker. He gave a depth to that character that put Jack Nicholson(spelling?) to shame.

Mr T

I pity the fool!

22 Jan 05
29 Jul 08

I saw it tonight and was very impressed. I liked seeing the joker portrayed in such a recklessly insane but, yet, quite calculated and intelligent way.

Irresponsible Quoter

0 games mating

04 Nov 06
29 Jul 08

Originally posted by Sunburnt
Ledger deserved the accolades he received. He really was the one and only convincing character. He is so good, you wonder why you didn't notice him before in other films. It's a shame really, that he did not find a better movie to display his skill before his death. He played the villian both hilarious and funny. It's almost sad that he was surrounded by a ...[text shortened]... , no CGI), good story, cool Gotham, lots of violence, faithful to the Batman character.
I hope that Gylenhall was at least better than Cruise. (?)



05 Jun 07
04 Aug 08

I only watched the Dark Knight film on Friday (1 August 2008) and had avoided this thread until now incase there were any spoilers within it, the rest of this is based on people reading the thread after the event rather than before - so potential SPOILERS!

My thoughts:

Darkness - The films are getting darker, still not as dark as the comics (SPOILER - Batman of the comics would not have thought twice about running the Joker down on his bike!), but probably as dark as a modern film audience would cope with.

Film - Too long - in my opinion (and sadly ironically more useful for the producers), the Joker should have been dropped (again where is the Batman of the comics) and Two-Face should have disappeared to be the criminal for the next film - superb build up work on him to suddenly end it all - not a good plan really.

Actors :
Batman - I still think that Bale is the best Batman of the modern era, only Keaton coming close and frankly he had the wrong physique for the role. The least said about Kilmer the better! Bale has a darkness to him that comes through the role (perhaps from beating up his nearest and dearedst - allegedly).

Joker - Ledger was very good, the pencil scene showing his true evil intent below the surface and his adapting the story of his deformity to different people, however these are more the written character rather than acting. His speech pattern appears to be Elephant Manesque and the insanity of the character comes through well, so too his intelligence as mentioned in previous parts of the thread. Should he be Oscar nominated/win it? I don't think so, his was a good part, but I concider that Nicholson played a better part, from a weaker script.

Two-Face - Eckhart is one of the unsung acting heroes of the film, he played the character amazingly well, far better than Tommy Lee Jones played him in Batman Forever, again the script will have helped. His change from the intensly nice and law abiding District Attorney to the mentally damaged and deranged 2-Face was well portrayed and it was a shame that they didn't have the foresight to keep him through to the next film.

Others - Freeman is always a delight to watch in any film, as too is Caine. Oldman is an amazingly understated and under-rated actor, always a pleasure to watch him in action. The Rachel character played by Gyllenhaal was pathetic really, a badly re-created role showing none of the character strong points from Batman Begins, a waste of her acting skills.

Texting in the cinema - Not meaning to upset or offend 'Sunburnt', but to text somebody during a film (unless you are sat in the back corner and cover the phone fully, whilst its on silent) is plainly ignorant. The light emitted from a phone is a distraction for everybody sat behind you (not just directly behind, but every row behind), so if a text must be sent - go with the weak bladdered and leave the auditorium before sending it.

The womans place - No way on this Earth I'm getting involved in this part - its not film related!

Baby Gauss


14 Oct 06
04 Aug 08
1 edit

Originally posted by surtism
I only watched the Dark Knight film on Friday (1 August 2008) and had avoided this thread until now incase there were any spoilers within it, the rest of this is based on people reading the thread after the event rather than before - so potential SPOILERS!

My thoughts:

Darkness - The films are getting darker, still not as dark as the comics (SPOILER - mans place - No way on this Earth I'm getting involved in this part - its not film related!
I saw the movie recently too so let me barge in and post my thoughts on it too 😉

First thing I have to say is that Heath Ledger took my breath away. That guy wasn't acting he was the joker. He was way too natural on all scenes. The crashing the party scene, the nurse scene, and the final scene just stand way out of everything I'v seen in acting today. (Maybe I've not seen enough acting) Yeah I'm the riding the hype on the Joker but people it's a very well deserved hype.

Second thing: Just so you can know how big of a geek I am. I've been reading some of the critics and some of the text on the net and this idea keeps repeating and keeps pissing me off. 😵 🙄 😠 the fact that everybody says that this Joker is different from the comic's Joker. This joker kills, this Joker is mean, yaddayaddayadda. The comic Joker is all that and people are thinking on the Joker of the TV series. But the Batman Tv series hardly had anything to do with the real Batman Mythology. The comic Joker is a ruthless killer, a sociopath, and coniving, manipulating fellow. Just like this movie Joker. Here are some exibits so you can show these fools out there next time they run their mouth like little know-it-alls:

http://i33.tinypic.com/rvd7a8.jpg Please note Gordon saying: "nothing too awful" Yeah cause the Joker can really pull some sick stunts...

http://i35.tinypic.com/ayvbsy.jpg The Joker being described as maniac and murderer and right on his first appearence on comics. A-ah!

http://i33.tinypic.com/291f9qf.jpg Your regular Goodytwoshoes Joker playing a little prank.🙄

And if you need more proof rest assured that this nerd have them. 😵

I totally agree with you: not enough credit is being given to Eckhart's performance. He was really good. The second best actor in the movie. Too bad he died but apparently the big shots in hollywood think that two big villains in a movie is already a stretch for the poor viewers attention span so maybe that's why he had to go. But did he really go? I don't mean to be naive but never they say that he died in the movie... And that fall wasn't that high too. Let's see what the next chapter has in store for us.

But I do disagree with you on the part of the Batman not taking Joker's life. On the last Joker dialogue he says it all. They complete and complement each other. On the comics the Joker had plenty of chances for killing Batman and never did it. In one story he even got cured because he thought that the Batman wasn«t around anymore but got back to his normal ways once he found out that the Bat was back in town. And the Batman too needs the Joker. He also had plenty of chances to takes the Joker's life in the comics (and motives too while we at it: http://i34.tinypic.com/2lnbjp5.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/biw9e0.jpg) and never ever did it. He went as far as too propose some sort of truce to the Joker one time (http://i37.tinypic.com/2vmeuft.jpg). So I totally buy the misguided sense of honour of the Batman in the movie.

The only thing that bothered me was the sound. Sometimes it was too confusing and the Batvoice don't seem to work that good in longer dialogues. But overall a great f***n movie!