Panspermia & Corona

Panspermia & Corona


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20 May 17
21 Mar 20

It is within the realm of possibility that this virus arrived on Earth via outer space.. It's a proven fact that bacteria have survived inside asteroids.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Mar 20

But a virus is not strictly speaking alive and they deteriorate in a few days outside of a cell because the cell is forced to reproduce more virus particles like taking over a 3D printer to produce what it wants.
It seems to me a virus would not be able to survive asteroid or comet hits. Probably bacteria also.
What I CAN see is prebiotic molecules already produced in nebula which sprout from novae and the cloud just keeps expanding and producing prebiotic stuff, that stuff can survive going through an earthlike atmosphere.
Just one possible route to kick start life on Earth and elsewhere and of course pure speculation ATT.

bunny knight

planet Earth

12 Dec 13
21 Mar 20

@ogb said
It is within the realm of possibility that this virus arrived on Earth via outer space.. It's a proven fact that bacteria have survived inside asteroids.
It's far more plausible that it was lab-made.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
21 Mar 20

It's not from space and it's not artificial. Coronavirus is part of a genus not just an isolated species. The source is bats not biological warfare laboratories.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Mar 20

But conspiracy nuts will never accept that just like the bunch of idiots thinking the moon landing was fake. I suspect on that front 50 years from now when we have colonies on the moon there will still be folks saying the moon landings in 69 were faked even with HD TV covering the footprints of the astronauts.

bunny knight

planet Earth

12 Dec 13
21 Mar 20

@sonhouse said
But conspiracy nuts will never accept that just like the bunch of idiots thinking the moon landing was fake. I suspect on that front 50 years from now when we have colonies on the moon there will still be folks saying the moon landings in 69 were faked even with HD TV covering the footprints of the astronauts.
So it's impossible for the virus to be engineered? Really? How can you be certain? Several weeks ago a genetic scientist reported that the virus was basically a standard virus with an HIV component attached. Perhaps he was lying, perhaps not. How could anyone possibly prove it wasn't created? And what about the motive for this? I can think of a dozen motives right off the top of my head.

As for conspiracies, every war since at least 1950 was based on lies, another words - C O N S P I R A C I E S ! Anyone capable of starting a war for profit based on a lie could be capable of anything, thus making a moon landing conspiracy seem trivial by comparison. It's just basic, unbiased logic.

18 Jan 07
21 Mar 20

@ogb said
It is within the realm of possibility that this virus arrived on Earth via outer space.. It's a proven fact that bacteria have survived inside asteroids.
The stupid... it hurts!

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Mar 20

So given a new virus just how would you go about proving it was engineered or not? You don't think the world of life cannot do that on its own? You think every new virus has to be engineered by humans?


20 May 17
21 Mar 20

@sonhouse said

What I CAN see is prebiotic molecules already produced in nebula which sprout from novae and the cloud just keeps expanding and producing prebiotic stuff, that stuff can survive going through an earthlike atmosphere.
Just one possible route to kick start life on Earth and elsewhere and of course pure speculation ATT.
Yes I agree via a Gamma Ray Burster

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Mar 20

I know of no bacteria surviving in a comet strike or asteroid strike. First you have to show those objects HAVE bacteria and THAT would be Nobel prize time. Then would it be based on our DNA or some other shape? All kinds of implications for a discovery like that, same with finding bacteria on Mars or Europa.

bunny knight

planet Earth

12 Dec 13
22 Mar 20

@sonhouse said
So given a new virus just how would you go about proving it was engineered or not? You don't think the world of life cannot do that on its own? You think every new virus has to be engineered by humans?
"You think every new virus has to be engineered by humans?"
I never said such a silly statement ... it's a ridiculous thing to say.

That scientist who carefully examined this particular virus said that the probability that it naturally evolved so quickly was impossible, thus it was most likely man-made. That's all.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
22 Mar 20

@bunnyknight said
So it's impossible for the virus to be engineered? Really? How can you be certain? Several weeks ago a genetic scientist reported that the virus was basically a standard virus with an HIV component attached. Perhaps he was lying, perhaps not. How could anyone possibly prove it wasn't created? And what about the motive for this? I can think of a dozen motives right ...[text shortened]... thus making a moon landing conspiracy seem trivial by comparison. It's just basic, unbiased logic.
There is evidence that it came from bats. There is no evidence that it was genetically engineered. That I cannot prove that it was not genetically engineered does not entail that that idea should be given credence.


07 Dec 05
22 Mar 20
1 edit

@deepthought said
There is evidence that it came from bats. There is no evidence that it was genetically engineered. That I cannot prove that it was not genetically engineered does not entail that that idea should be given credence.
What evidence? Saying something is likely is not really evidence. I posted an article from the journal nature that makes it clear there is no conclusive evidence it came from bats.

Never underestimate human error.

bunny knight

planet Earth

12 Dec 13
22 Mar 20

@deepthought said
There is evidence that it came from bats. There is no evidence that it was genetically engineered. That I cannot prove that it was not genetically engineered does not entail that that idea should be given credence.
Really? So if some famous, highly paid "expert" says that there is no evidence that it was genetically engineered, that's the end of the argument, and all other theories and discoveries need to be suppressed and ignored?
That type of a conclusion is neither science nor logic ... it smells more like a cover-up.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
22 Mar 20

No, just some assshole trying to get in front of yet another stupid conspiracy which many people will UNDOUBTEDLY jump on immediately. Probably get a million hits before morning.