...club leaders who like to create lots of tournaments:
...club members who like to play in lots of CLUB tournaments:
send feedback to RUSS asking for automatic acceptance/decline in tournaments with ratings minimum-maximum stated (banded) and a players minimum-maximum as well...JUST LIKE THE SITE TOURNAMENTS WORK...
Originally posted by LEURI already have🙂
...club leaders who like to create lots of tournaments:
...club members who like to play in lots of CLUB tournaments:
send feedback to RUSS asking for automatic acceptance/decline in tournaments with ratings minimum-maximum stated (banded) and a players minimum-maximum as well...JUST LIKE THE SITE TOURNAMENTS WORK...
Originally posted by LEURI support this
...club leaders who like to create lots of tournaments:
...club members who like to play in lots of CLUB tournaments:
send feedback to RUSS asking for automatic acceptance/decline in tournaments with ratings minimum-maximum stated (banded) and a players minimum-maximum as well...JUST LIKE THE SITE TOURNAMENTS WORK...
We absolutly need banded tournaments 🙂
Also we need the posibility for zero timeout, for creating tournaments with a short playing period - for example 0/28 tourneys 😉
Also we need the possibility like in private tournaments, to invite members with a key, because we will play series of tournaments or a Player League with different Divisions for swinging up and down like in the clanleague 🙂
???for example 0/28 tourneys????
This means 0 days per move 28 day timeout!!
If you mean it the other way round,It's 7 days longer than the 7:14 quartets tournaments.
I think zero timeout games have limited appeal as some of us go away a lot or have other committments.
I rely on the timeout period(s) as I wouldn't have enough site holidays to cover all my breaks otherwise.