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"a result not the means"



"a result not the means"

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household [if they also believe]". Acts 16:31 Good works: a result not the means of salvation. Why risk flawed logic or rationalization on your eternal address? We're either for or against the person and substitutionary work of Christ [His reconciliation of us to God the Father]. Back in October, 2014.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"a result not the means"

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household [if they also believe]". Acts 16:31 Good works: a result not the means of salvation. Why risk flawed logic or rationalization on your eternal address? We're either for or against the person and substitutionary work of Christ [His reconciliation of us to God the Father]. Back in October, 2014.[/b]
I don't see how being a non-believer is a "risk" at all. The problem with oversized fridge magnets like your OP is that they seem to be intended for the choir's consumption whilst not making a serious point. Do you really mean to suggest that people who do not believe the claims you make about "the person and substitutionary work of Christ" should pretend to do so?


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Why risk flawed logic or rationalization on your eternal address? We're either for or against the person and substitutionary work of Christ
Perhaps we don't want to share the same address as you.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
. Back in October, 2014.
Seems you are back now?
But thanks for the warning.



Originally posted by FMF
I don't see how being a non-believer is a "risk" at all. The problem with oversized fridge magnets like your OP is that they seem to be intended for the choir's consumption whilst not making a serious point. Do you really mean to suggest that people who do not believe the claims you make about "the person and substitutionary work of Christ" should pretend to do so?
"I don't see how being a non-believer is a "risk" at all."


"The problem with oversized fridge magnets like your OP is that they seem to be intended for the choir's consumption whilst not making a serious point."

The point is for the unbeliever. Believers already know that Jesus has saved them through His substitutionary death on the cross on the behalf of those who believe. Your "oversized fridge magnet" reply misses the point.

"Do you really mean to suggest that people who do not believe the claims you make about "the person and substitutionary work of Christ" should pretend to do so?"

That is merely an obtuse obfuscation of the OP. Who would make such a suggestion, and why would anyone think that one should "pretend" to believe?

It's so idiotic in fact, I hesitate to dignify your post with a reply, but what the heck, your next reply will be sure to be even more intellectually challenging. 😕


Originally posted by wolfgang59
Perhaps we don't want to share the same address as you.
Your choice.


Originally posted by josephw
[b]"I don't see how being a non-believer is a "risk" at all."


"The problem with oversized fridge magnets like your OP is that they seem to be intended for the choir's consumption whilst not making a serious point."

The point is for the unbeliever. Believers already know that Jesus has saved them through His substitutionary dea ...[text shortened]... , but what the heck, your next reply will be sure to be even more intellectually challenging. 😕[/b]
If one does not believe the claims that people like you and Grampy Bobby make, then why would one believe the claim that not believing is a "risk"?

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Originally posted by FMF
I don't see how being a non-believer is a "risk" at all. The problem with oversized fridge magnets like your OP is that they seem to be intended for the choir's consumption whilst not making a serious point. Do you really mean to suggest that people who do not believe the claims you make about "the person and substitutionary work of Christ" should pretend to do so?
I think what Bobby is trying to point out is that, in his theology, salvation is a gift freely given by God
and not dependent on good works or Brownie points. If you accept Christ as your savior and adhere
to Christian doctrine, the good works come automatically. The real or imagined risk of not accepting
is purely subjective.


Originally posted by HandyAndy
I think what Bobby is trying to point out is that, in his theology, salvation is a gift freely given by God
and not dependent on good works or Brownie points. If you accept Christ as your savior and adhere
to Christian doctrine, the good works come automatically. The real or imagined risk of not accepting
is purely subjective.
The "gift" is in Grampy Bobby's imagination. The notion that an unbeliever not imagining the same thing as him somehow creates a "risk" for the unbeliever that he will be tortured in burning agony for ever and ever [the so-called "eternal address"] only make sense to believers and only to those who share his 'extorted love' ideology. These "threats" mean nothing to unbelievers. They are sheer vanity.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"a result not the means"

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household [if they also believe]". Acts 16:31 Good works: a result not the means of salvation. Why risk flawed logic or rationalization on your eternal address? We're either for or against the person and substitutionary work of Christ [His reconciliation of us to God the Father]. Back in October, 2014.[/b]
Grampy, how have you been my brother ?

Isn't it wonderful that God granted us the ability to believe in Jesus Christ ?
I thank God that His mercy granted me the ability to believe.

When I hear some of these smart guys go on and on with such eloquent reasonings of unbelief, I want to bow my head and thank God that He led me out of that labyrinth of vain reasonings, giving me the heart to believe in the Son of God.

1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
When I hear some of these smart guys go on and on with such eloquent reasonings of unbelief, I want to bow my head and thank God that He led me out of that labyrinth of vain reasonings, giving me the heart to believe in the Son of God.
What do you suggest a non-Christian do if he or she simply does not believe the same things as you and Grampy Bobby just so happen to believe?


Originally posted by FMF
What do you suggest a non-Christian do if he or she simply does not believe the same things as you and Grampy Bobby just so happen to believe?

Grampy and me disagree on quite a bit behind the scenes. Trust me.

The truth is a Person.
You have to come in contact with the Person.

"I am the way" is about a living Person.

I am the way and the truth ..." is about a living Person. Unusual for sure, but a living Person - Jesus.

"I am the way and the truth and the life ..." is about a living Person.

Whenever the heart turns to the Lord as a Person, the veil will be taken away. That is the veil obscuring the revelation that God, the Christ is a living Person.

"Indeed unto this day, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart; But whenever their heart turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." ( 2 Cor. 4:15,16)



Good. I'm glad we can agree.

I think this is the "one thing" Paul told the Philippians all to think.

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