Derek Prince on Demons

Derek Prince on Demons


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03 Jan 13
19 Jan 19



Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Jan 19

@philokalia said
Right -- I think one of the hardest things for our generation (of Westerners in particular) to accept is the notion of man's depravity.

It is perhaps a lot easier for people who have "seen some things," so to speak, and who know the naked default of man when he is given total free reign...

And it is also especially hard when the default in a lot of the Western Chris ...[text shortened]... and does.[/i] And you would think this would be an especially relevant truth to materialists.
Demons being acknowledged is an acknowledgement of evil, and that would make man very close to having to acknowledge our own short comings too. Reason being to claim there is evil presupposes there is a good it falls short of. Good then is the real issue man has, because if man does fall short, if man does seem to align himself with that which isn't good, what then can man expect when confronted by good, it most certainly will not be acceptance on merit.


28 Oct 05
19 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Demons being acknowledged is an acknowledgement of evil, and that would make man very close to having to acknowledge our own short comings too. Reason being to claim there is evil presupposes there is a good it falls short of. Good then is the real issue man has, because if man does fall short, if man does seem to align himself with that which isn't good, what then can man expect when confronted by good, it most certainly will not be acceptance on merit.
Do you view sonship's two unfortunate experiences with psychedelic drugs in the 1960s as evidence of the existence of "demons"?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Jan 19
1 edit

@fmf said
Do you view sonship's two unfortunate experiences with psychedelic drugs in the 1960s as evidence of the existence of "demons"?
I only read the page starting with the one I responded to here, so I cannot comment on anyone else’ posts. I will say that drugs and witchcraft have been around forever in human history. Taking a break from reality with drugs, does make one susceptible to experiences you would not otherwise have. I've heard ghost stories I believe were really demonic from people I've known my whole life. Can we say all such stories are evidence, I doubt that they all are, some maybe? I do believe this world is a warzone with truth and lies where spiritual powers that appose God at every turn, are trying to keep people away from Him, and in the bondage of their sins.


28 Oct 05
19 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
I only read the page starting with the one I responded to here, so I cannot comment on anyone else’ posts. I will say that drugs and witchcraft have been around forever in human history. Taking a break from reality with drugs, does make one susceptible to experiences you would not otherwise have. I've heard ghost stories I believe were really demonic from people I've known m ...[text shortened]... appose God at every turn, are trying to keep people away from Him, and in the bondage of their sins.
Well I've drawn your attention to it now. sonship cited his nasty experience with drugs - complete with suicidal urges under the influence of them - as having given him legitimate knowledge about "demons". Do you think it does?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Jan 19

@fmf said
Well I've drawn your attention to it now. sonship cited his nasty experience with drugs - complete with suicidal urges under the influence of them - as having given him legitimate knowledge about "demons". Do you think it does?
How would I know? I simply pointed out that drugs were and are a part of many of the people who wanted to deal with the spiritual world as in witchcraft, there is reason to believe that demonic activity abounds in those practices. If true than it stands to reason those that play with drugs for recreational purposes would be playing in the same waters even if they didn't intend to.

Mind altering drugs can be both beneficial and harmful, which is why doctors need to be consulted because they are aware of the chemical reactions they could cause! Some of these things going on if they were demonic how could you tell even if you were a doctor?

I dislike this conversation because I'm of the opinion if you start looking for demons you will find them if they are there or not, and because I do believe they are real I prefer to just concern myself about the Lord Jesus. Satan and all of his demons are a defeated foes. God uses Satan's attacks on us now like a chess piece, God works Satan's attacks towards the good of those that love God and are called according to God's purposes. Satan is doomed and he knows it so now he is just about attempting to drag as many down with him as possible, because he knows that God loves us.


28 Oct 05
19 Jan 19
1 edit

@kellyjay said
How would I know?
How would you know whether you accept it as evidence and legitimate knowledge or not? You are asking me that?


28 Oct 05
19 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
God uses Satan's attacks on us now like a chess piece, God works Satan's attacks towards the good of those that love God and are called according to God's purposes. Satan is doomed and he knows it so now he is just about attempting to drag as many down with him as possible, because he knows that God loves us.
You think psychedelic drugs are one of these chess pieces?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Jan 19

@fmf said
How would you know whether you accept it as evidence and legitimate knowledge or not? You are asking me that?
No, you cannot identify what you want in terms of evidence for so many things why would I ask you for an opinion on any topic like this?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Jan 19
1 edit

@fmf said
You think psychedelic drugs are one of these chess pieces?
God uses everything in our lives for our good, even things that were meant to harm us by those trying to do just that. He turns all the bad into good no matter how we were harmed for those that love Him and are called according towards His purpose. Drugs are not something we should be going after, they are one of the many things God warns off of, because they can inflict self harm. We are not to do evil so God could make something good out of them.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
19 Jan 19

@sonship said

Well I guess I’ll have to take it that you are just making it all up then.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
19 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
I only read the page starting with the one I responded to here, so I cannot comment on anyone else’ posts.
You are such a weasel, it’s hilarious to watch.


28 Oct 05
20 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
No, you cannot identify what you want in terms of evidence for so many things why would I ask you for an opinion on any topic like this?
Because it's the the thread topic. Because it's "evidence" that sonship has offered. Because 'opinions' is all anyone is offering, including you.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Jan 19

@fmf said
Because it's the the thread topic. Because it's "evidence" that sonship has offered. Because 'opinions' is all anyone is offering, including you.
I've asked you for reasoning behind your opinions more than once and you don't
offer them.


28 Oct 05
20 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
I've asked you for reasoning behind your opinions more than once and you don't
offer them.
Of course I do. So, do you accept sonship's unpleasant experiences with LSD as being "knowledge" about "demons"?