Humans are egotistical when it comes to god.

Humans are egotistical when it comes to god.


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
04 Apr 07

Originally posted by howardgee
You've used far too many words for Spanner to be able to follow your argument.
I guess speaking in actual whole paragraphs is more than some people can take, eh.



21 Jan 04
04 Apr 07

Originally posted by sonhouse
I guess speaking in actual whole paragraphs is more than some people can take, eh.
Ha, ha - it's certainly more than some people can do!

I am writing this in split sentences, so that you can understand me, Jammer.

Ooops that one was a bit long, can you still read me, Jammer?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by howardgee
Ha, ha - it's certainly more than some people can do!

I am writing this in split sentences, so that you can understand me, Jammer.

Ooops that one was a bit long, can you still read me, Jammer?
Next...Time... I ... will... Speak...slowwly....
*Sign language gestures, repeated several times* 🙂



27 Apr 05
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
I think it does nothing but lower the bar on human behavior when
the claim is we are but animals that dress ourselves too. That in
my opinion has much a push for an agenda than the other route.
As far as souls are concern what are "YOU" refering to when you
use that word?
Only because you are a narcissist.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by scottishinnz
Only because you are a narcissist.
What else do you expect from religious people? I am so soo great and loved by god I can continually pat myself on the back because GOD told me I am superior to every other life form on the planet, there can be no other creatures more advanced than me. Pity the poor soulless animals who only exist to satisfy OUR needs.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by scottishinnz
Only because you are a narcissist.
Odd, I'm attempting to stay on topic you and Howard just bring
insults. Someone else having a different points of view from me Scott
does not make that person a narcissist in my world, it may in yours.
You and Howard seem to go to the same school of discussion lower
the level of conversation to name calling as fast as possible. I know
animals fight from time to time, they don't reason together, I guess
when you two buy into your belief system, you become what you
believe, how sad for the two of you. Come to think of it, there are a
lot of believers in animal origins that believe in insults over
discussion, I guess there could be something to that.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
Odd, I'm attempting to stay on topic you and Howard just bring
insults. Someone else having a different points of view from me Scott
does not make that person a narcissist in my world, it may in yours.
You and Howard seem to go to the same school of discussion lower
the level of conversation to name calling as fast as possible. I know
animals fight fro ...[text shortened]... ins that believe in insults over
discussion, I guess there could be something to that.
Hey, thanks for staying on topic. I didn't flame you myself. I think we were flaming Jammer. So tell me again why you think we are so superior to animals a god would give us special attention?
I didn't say we were not better than animals in some ways but enough to warrent some god's special attention and say, not notice how we are mass killing off entire species, which in itself may not even be that big a deal in the bigger picture of things, the planet is resiliant but only up to a point. Humans have to admit, and by that I mean on a mass world wide basis, that we are screwing up the planet and if there is a god and we go about fixing things, I think then and only then would a proported god look at us with anything but contempt especially in light of our propensity to kill one another using god as an excuse. Personally, I think if there is a god, that one thing alone would be enough for it to send a big asteroid our way, that and the way we are screwing up the ecology of the entire planet. I don't think we would be looked at with any kind of love till we get our own act straightened out, assuming of course there actually is a god of some kind. Judgement day would be a bitch in that case, if we don't really mature as a species, get off our fat assses and fix it.



27 Apr 05
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
Odd, I'm attempting to stay on topic you and Howard just bring
insults. Someone else having a different points of view from me Scott
does not make that person a narcissist in my world, it may in yours.
You and Howard seem to go to the same school of discussion lower
the level of conversation to name calling as fast as possible. I know
animals fight fro ...[text shortened]... ins that believe in insults over
discussion, I guess there could be something to that.
You are a narcissist because you believe humans to be better than any other animal, without a single shred of evidence.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by scottishinnz
You are a narcissist because you believe humans to be better than any other animal, without a single shred of evidence.
There's that word again. It must be your favorite label for anyone with an aposing veiw.

Nothing is equal. We aren't equal. Some people are better than others in alot of ways. You, for example, have a superior education than I have. In science. I probably know more about dairy farming.

We are equal in soul, but not in role.
Animals don't have souls.

I know your objections to whether or not we have a soul.

Now, if I have an inferior understanding of our nature, and you think your understanding is superior to mine, but hold to the assertion that we are equal, then why does it appear that atheists thumb their noses at theists?

If you think I'm picking on you, it's because you, and possibly amninon, and some others, put up the best fight. 😉



27 Apr 05
05 Apr 07

Originally posted by josephw
There's that word again. It must be your favorite label for anyone with an aposing veiw.

Nothing is equal. We aren't equal. Some people are better than others in alot of ways. You, for example, have a superior education than I have. In science. I probably know more about dairy farming.

We are equal in soul, but not in role.
Animals don't have souls.
...[text shortened]... on you, it's because you, and possibly amninon, and some others, put up the best fight. 😉
There's that word again. It must be your favorite label for anyone with an aposing veiw.

No. I just call it as I see it.

Nothing is equal. We aren't equal. Some people are better than others in alot of ways. You, for example, have a superior education than I have. In science. I probably know more about dairy farming.

Is a car superior to a motorboat? Is a brick superior to an iron bar? Is a cloud superior to a space shuttle? Within groups, yes, it is possible to define one thing as better than another, but between groups it is just stupid. The car is better than the motorboat at travelling on land. The motorboat is better at travelling on water. All extant organisms have been good at surviving over evolutionary time. We are good at thinking. It doesn't make us "better" than any other organism at anything other than "thinking". Do think so it narcissism.

We are equal in soul, but not in role.
Animals don't have souls.

You run into a problem here, in that you cannot prove that a soul exists, in the same way that you can't prove there aren't invisible pink unicorns at the bottom of you garden. No evidence for either.

Then, if you can empirically prove that humans have souls, you have to prove that animals don't.

Now, if I have an inferior understanding of our nature, and you think your understanding is superior to mine, but hold to the assertion that we are equal, then why does it appear that atheists thumb their noses at theists?

Probably because theists are so willing to ignore reality to back up their own beliefs, and because theists have got such a "I'm better and more important than anything else in the world attitude" (don't deny it - you already said you are more important than any other life form on the planet - but YOU just try living without plants!)

If you think I'm picking on you, it's because you, and possibly amninon, and some others, put up the best fight. 😉

I enjoy it too.



21 Jan 04
06 Apr 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
Odd, I'm attempting to stay on topic you and Howard just bring
insults. Someone else having a different points of view from me Scott
does not make that person a narcissist in my world, it may in yours.
You and Howard seem to go to the same school of discussion lower
the level of conversation to name calling as fast as possible. I know
animals fight fro ...[text shortened]... ins that believe in insults over
discussion, I guess there could be something to that.
We don't insult you, Kelly. We just give you a few home truths.
In this, your latest attempt at a coherent argument (cough, cough) you claim rightly that "animals fight from time to time".
Your belief is that we are superior to animals because God created us in his image and gave us souls. You use the term 'animals' (mistakenly) to separate us from all the other 'lesser' species.
So animals are inferior to us because they fight from time to time?
Well Kelly, have you seen the news recently? Noticed what's going on in Iraq? Any idea about Darfur? Afghanistan? What's the murder rate in the US of A?
The irony is that most of these killings are done in the name of the (imaginary) being called God. The same being whose prescence you think makes us superior to all other life on the planet.
We call you stupid because you are. That is not an insult, it is fact. To say anything different about you would be lying.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Apr 07

Originally posted by howardgee
We don't insult you, Kelly. We just give you a few home truths.
In this, your latest attempt at a coherent argument (cough, cough) you claim rightly that "animals fight from time to time".
Your belief is that we are superior to animals because God created us in his image and gave us souls. You use the term 'animals' (mistakenly) to separate us from all ...[text shortened]... That is not an insult, it is fact. To say anything different about you would be lying.
Amen to that! Pray for the success of atheism!

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Apr 07

Originally posted by sonhouse
Hey, thanks for staying on topic. I didn't flame you myself. I think we were flaming Jammer. So tell me again why you think we are so superior to animals a god would give us special attention?
I didn't say we were not better than animals in some ways but enough to warrent some god's special attention and say, not notice how we are mass killing off entire s ...[text shortened]... ch in that case, if we don't really mature as a species, get off our fat assses and fix it.
We were made having a special relationship with God, it wasn't that
God created everything than later looked at it, and saw that we were
so cool or so much better than the rest that God then thought of us as
something above the rest; we were created here at the beginning that
way, so we have nothing to brag about in that we did something to
earn that spot. That type of thinking I could see coming from
someone who believes in evolution, but not creation. If life changed
once it started through an evolutionary path, than no one would be
better than another, it would all be personal taste nothing more, you
like red so red is better, it would be the only argument in town.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Apr 07

Originally posted by howardgee
We don't insult you, Kelly. We just give you a few home truths.
In this, your latest attempt at a coherent argument (cough, cough) you claim rightly that "animals fight from time to time".
Your belief is that we are superior to animals because God created us in his image and gave us souls. You use the term 'animals' (mistakenly) to separate us from all ...[text shortened]... That is not an insult, it is fact. To say anything different about you would be lying.
You give me your point of view, and call it truth, and you don't see
it that way because you are so full of yourself that you think your
way is the 'truth' the very thing you accuse me of doing.



21 Jan 04
07 Apr 07

Originally posted by KellyJay
You give me your point of view, and call it truth, and you don't see
it that way because you are so full of yourself that you think your
way is the 'truth' the very thing you accuse me of doing.
More flim-flam from the master of nonsense.

Do you accept that humans tend to kill each other far more than other animals kill each other?