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Humans are egotistical when it comes to god.

Humans are egotistical when it comes to god.


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Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselves in on the planet pretty much proves that point a thousand times over. We need to get over this reliance on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselv ...[text shortened]... on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.
Yea, seems there is a lot of self-importance (my way is right the
others are wrong) going around. If someone doesn't agree with them,
then pow start running them down, belittle their intelligence. We
should ban certain behaviour, and beliefs, setup a thought police, we
will put you in charge, of making sure everyone thinks they way you
say is correct. You have the truth, you know if God is real or not, for
you it isn't a matter of faith, YOU KNOW! You are so stinking
important on the planet, you are the only one who has that as a fact,
not a belief.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselv ...[text shortened]... on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.
How do you KNOW other Terran lifeforms don't "believe" in a higher power? I once had a dog that seemed to worship me. Perhaps I was his god. Would it not be arrogant to assume something about another group with no frame of refference?

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Yea, seems there is a lot of self-important (my way is right the others
are wrong) going around. If someone doesn't agree with them, then
pow start running them down, belittle their intelligence. We should
ban certain behaviour, and beliefs, setup a thought police, we will put
you in charge, of making sure everyone thinks they way you say is
correct. Y ...[text shortened]... ng inportant on
the planet, you are the only one who has that as a fact, not a belief.

I kind of agreed with him, but you pointed out a great flaw in his statement. I'd like to see humans in general be more responsible and take responsibility for what changes they can and have caused in the world, but religious freedom and the ability to disagree are important to a good society I think.

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Inscription on the Monument of a Newfoundland Dog
By Lord George Gordon Byron

When some proud son of man returns to earth,
Unknown to glory, but upheld by birth,
The sculptor's art exhausts the pomp of woe
And storied urns record who rest below:
When all is done, upon the tomb is seen,
Not what he was, but what he should have been:
But the poor dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his master's own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonour'd falls, unnoticed all his worth--
Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth:
While Man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive Heaven.
Oh Man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power,
Who knows thee well must quit thee with disgust,
Degraded mass of animated dust!
Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
Thy smiles hypocrisy, thy words deceit!
By nature vile, ennobled but by name,
Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame.
Ye! who perchance behold this simple urn,
Pass on--it honours none you wish to mourn:
To mark a Friend's remains these stones arise;
I never knew but one,--and here he lies.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Yea, seems there is a lot of self-importance (my way is right the
others are wrong) going around. If someone doesn't agree with them,
then pow start running them down, belittle their intelligence. We
should ban certain behaviour, and beliefs, setup a thought police, we
will put you in charge, of making sure everyone thinks they way you
say is correct. ...[text shortened]... g
important on the planet, you are the only one who has that as a fact,
not a belief.
Nice put-down but it doesn't answer the original charge, humans thinking they would be so much better than every other life form on the planet such that they and they alone would be worthy of the attention of some god. Call me what you will, the fact remains religious people give over their intelligence to a self-imagined god.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselv ...[text shortened]... on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.
Power corrupts.
Absolutely power corrupts absolutely.

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
Power corrupts.
Absolutely power corrupts absolutely.
who has absolute power?

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Originally posted by Big Mac
who has absolute power?
God? 😕

edit: that phrase is mainly used with leaders of countries with no restriction on their powers, whatsoever, they can do whatever they want, which corrupts.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselv ...[text shortened]... on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.
I must be certified nuts .. I think i'm more important than ANY dog or cat on earth .. and it's got nothing at all to do with God.
I'm egotistical and obcessive about it and have no idea where my self-delusion comes from.
I've had my dog for 11yrs and have two cats too. I love them dearly but the thing is .. they're cats and dogs NOT human beings.

I'd kill and eat that dog right now if I was hungry enough.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselv ...[text shortened]... on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.
So how did humanity arrive at a self-delusionality state and why do they seem to exhibit egotistical and obsessive behavior? I think it matters little in terms of the "belief systems". There are various degrees of this in every belief system whether it be religious or otherwise. Therefore, it seems as though the error does not necessarily reside in a particular belief system, rather, the problem lies somewhere in man himself that proclaims various belief systems.

Then again, who made you the morality police? Who is to say that being egotistiacal and obsessive and self-delusionary is a "bad thing"? Who says that man ever acts in a "bad" way? Perhaps we are all part of a greater whole in which we ehxibit a perspective of a greater reality of which we are all part of and of which we will all return? Just like when Hilter killed off all of those Jews, perhaps he......well maybe he really did'nt.....oh screw it he's burnin in hell!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by whodey
So how did humanity arrive at a self-delusionality state and why do they seem to exhibit egotistical and obsessive behavior? I think it matters little in terms of the "belief systems". There are various degrees of this in every belief system whether it be religious or otherwise. Therefore, it seems as though the error does not necessarily reside in a parti ...[text shortened]... , perhaps he......well maybe he really did'nt.....oh screw it he's burnin in hell!!!!!!!
Not sure what you are saying here, it's a bit incoherant.
I didn't even use the word 'morality', I was talking about humans who think they are the highest form of life on the planet, self-determined.
And being in this high state, they further suppose they MUST be worthy of the attention of a god. Such a god having nothing better to do than to cater to a bunch of human maniacs dead set on killing other human maniacs. The human race would be well advised to understand their real place in the cosmos instead of inventing their own self-defined heirarchy.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Humans have the most extraordinary ability to imagine they are so self-important, above all the rest of the life on the planet, that they and they alone have a line to some god which they themselves invented. Where does such egotistical and obsessive behavior arise?
Such self-delusionality robs us of badly needed intelligence. The situation we find ourselv ...[text shortened]... on some invisible and useless god and get on with making things better using our own inititive.
This is one of those areas where at first sight it seems as if this must be true that believing God sees us as special is egotistical. However , the practice and reality (if practiced properly) is the other way round. God's love for us is actually humbling instead. BTW God is absolutely in favour of initiative.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Not sure what you are saying here, it's a bit incoherant.
I didn't even use the word 'morality', I was talking about humans who think they are the highest form of life on the planet, self-determined.
And being in this high state, they further suppose they MUST be worthy of the attention of a god. Such a god having nothing better to do than to cater to a b ...[text shortened]... rstand their real place in the cosmos instead of inventing their own self-defined heirarchy.
But you make some assumptions in your rant. You imply that humans are out of line in thinking that they are more important than other forms of life. You then futher attempt to distance yourself from talking about morality of such a scenerio. If you insist that morality not be apart of your position, then you should have no objections for people thinking themselves more highly than you percieve they should. Assuming their is no God, everything is relative and there is no right or wrong, rather, their is only what you want to do and what you want to think. How is what you want to do and what you want to think is any better or any worse than what others want and think? In the end all of your morality is self righteous in origin or as a groug of people self righteous. What gives you the right to think your way of thinking is better than anothers? In the end what you do and what you think are 100% meaningless other than to yourself and those who care about you because if you exclude God life ultimatly has NO meaning and no purpose other than to yourself and your loved ones. In the end, who says that killing maniacs is wrong other than possibly the laws of the land? Perhaps the world is better off with such maniacs.......that is, as long as you don't get caught. 😉

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Originally posted by whodey
But you make some assumptions in your rant. You imply that humans are out of line in thinking that they are more important than other forms of life. You then futher attempt to distance yourself from talking about morality of such a scenerio. If you insist that morality not be apart of your position, then you should have no objections for people thinking th ...[text shortened]... ps the world is better off with such maniacs.......that is, as long as you don't get caught. 😉
What we do in life echoes in eternity.

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