Is there a Sinful lifestyle?

Is there a Sinful lifestyle?


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
Yes it is called following what God calls good and rejecting sinful.

Why did I not go out to parties and pick up girls for one night stands? Immoral life choice to do so.
Those things listed as activities that bar one from heaven I do not do.
So you are living a good life, isn't that trusting in your own efforts?


12 Jul 08
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
So you are living a good life, isn't that trusting in your own efforts?
Not at all. It is trusting in God and following his commands. That is what it means to know God. You put his teachings into practice.

But let's get back to the list of things that will prevent you from going to heaven. Do you agree with Paul that people who do those things are excluded from etrrnal life and belief in Jesus won't help?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
Not at all. It is trusting in God and following his commands. That is what it means to know God. You put his teachings into practice.

But let's get back to the list of things that will prevent you from going to heaven. Do you agree with Paul that people who do those things are excluded from etrrnal life and belief in Jesus won't help?
You have any sin in front of God your a sinner. Calling someone a fool puts you in danger of Hell. Thinking about sex with someone is enough.

I thought you said many people are thinking that they were saved and they are not? Do you think that they believe as you do that they are saved?


12 Jul 08
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
You have any sin in front of God your a sinner. Calling someone a fool puts you in danger of Hell. Thinking about sex with someone is enough.

I thought you said many people are thinking that they were saved and they are not? Do you think that they believe as you do that they are saved?
I never claimed salvation just doing my best. Glory be to God if I go to heaven or hell.

Are you going to answer my question? Do you agree with Paul or no?

I do not mean to imply they are the only ones but we know their fate for sure.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
I never claimed salvation just doing my best. Glory be to God if I go to heaven or hell.

Are you going to answer my question? Do you agree with Paul or no?

I do not mean to imply they are the only ones but we know their fate for sure.
The vast majority of all people are going to hell, those like you referred to and everyone who doesn't have God's salvation.

What exactly are you putting your trust in besides attempting to live a good life? Since God calls for everyone to come to Christ, why haven't you? He deserves it doesn't He? Why would you avoid Him since Jesus died and rose from the dead so you could be saved and know it?


12 Jul 08
15 Sep 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
The vast majority of all people are going to hell, those like you referred to and everyone who doesn't have God's salvation.

What exactly are you putting your trust in besides attempting to live a good life? Since God calls for everyone to come to Christ, why haven't you? He deserves it doesn't He? Why would you avoid Him since Jesus died and rose from the dead so you could be saved and know it?
Just to make sure.

Now you are saying that homosexuals who believe they take Jesus as lord are headed for hell.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
15 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
Just to make sure.

Now you are saying that homosexuals who believe they take Jesus as lord are headed for hell.
If Jesus accepts them as they are He will deal with them where they are.


12 Jul 08
16 Sep 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
If Jesus accepts them as they are He will deal with them where they are.
So you disagree with Paul.


12 Jul 08
16 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
So you disagree with Paul.
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Jesus came to save SINNERS, those that choose to remain in their sins which is going to be
most will die in their sins and they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Those that receive
Him, those that make Him their Lord and Savior will be saved from their sins. It will be
because of Jesus' not their sin. You'd know this if you were relying on Jesus instead of
your own choices.


12 Jul 08
16 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @kellyjay
Jesus came to save SINNERS, those that choose to remain in their sins which is going to be
most will die in their sins and they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Those that receive
Him, those that make Him their Lord and Savior will be saved from their sins. It will be
because of Jesus' not their sin. You'd know this if you were relying on Jesus instead of
your own choices.
Saved sinners stop their sinful lifestyle. This is what Paul was pointing out when he said some of them used to live that way.

You disagree with Paul and his warning. Why try to deny such an obvious fact?

Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
Saved sinners stop their sinful lifestyle. This is what Paul was pointing out when he said some of them used to live that way.

You disagree with Paul and his warning. Why try to deny such an obvious fact?

Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
You I agree saved sinners stop their sinful lifestyles. I am pointing out that no lifestyle
makes someone beyond Jesus Christ saving grace, they need to turn from sin, let there
be no mistake about that! I believe I already told you that when I got saved over 30 years
ago I was doing drugs, I wasn't a down and out druggy, and I enjoyed it. I stopped after
I got saved because my real joy was now in Jesus Christ and I couldn't live in two worlds
where I cared about my pleasure over the Lord.

The warning is for the reasons you are stating I'm in complete agreement, we must turn
from our sins when we serve the Lord, He is faithful to forgive, we need to be faithful in
our walk with Him. My point to you isn't that these life styles can be had and Jesus too,
that is not the case, but God takes us where we are, we cannot get good enough then
come to the Lord, and He changes us from the inside out. So if they are not walking with
the Lord and claiming to be, that would be no different than anyone thinking they are
right with God who doesn't have the Spirit of God within them, but thinks they are good
people, or good enough.

It is all about our walk with the Lord, nothing else matters.


12 Jul 08
16 Sep 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
You I agree saved sinners stop their sinful lifestyles. I am pointing out that no lifestyle
makes someone beyond Jesus Christ saving grace, they need to turn from sin, let there
be no mistake about that! I believe I already told you that when I got saved over 30 years
ago I was doing drugs, I wasn't a down and out druggy, and I enjoyed it. I stopped aft ...[text shortened]... e good
people, or good enough.

It is all about our walk with the Lord, nothing else matters.
If we agree, then you go on about nothing and try to deny agreeing with me.

Do you agree that if a person never turns from homosexuality that person is going to hell even if the person believes he takes Jesus as lord?

So far e ery time I ask this question of you, you say no.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
If we agree, then you go on about nothing and try to deny agreeing with me.

Do you agree that if a person never turns from homosexuality that person is going to hell even if the person believes he takes Jesus as lord?

So far e ery time I ask this question of you, you say no.
I've remain consistence in my discussions with you. I disliked it when you put words into
my mouth I did not say, nor even imply.

I find myself repeating the same things over and over to you, because you have an
agenda an are not taking what I say and reading it as is. Instead what you are still doing
even here is trying to make my point of view fit into yours, and you want to bend my words
into something you want, not something I've said.

If a sinner never turns from his or her sins, what does that say? If you hate someone you
see, you cannot love God who you do not see. If you take the Lord's name in vain that too
is something the LORD forbids, and if you continue doing it, you are no different than any
other sinner who loves their sin and refuses to leave it. Anyone turning to God will with
God in their lives change, if there is no change I doubt seriously God was ever involved
in them so they remain godless.

I've told you over and over believing in God is nothing, the devil believes in God it is not
going to stop him from being judged and thrown into Hell. All of those sinners below who
stood in front of Jesus on judgment day, believed in God, they told Him they did all kinds
of good works in His name, He cast them out into Hell, BECAUSE they didn't know Him
and thus they were workers of iniquity!

If you are going to continue looking for ways to condemn people, what is your motivation
in that? All sin will be accounted for, God is not going to let any sin go unpunished, He
will make the guilty pay in full. So where does that leave all of us before God, it leaves us
in a place where we do not stand a chance, without God's grace and we are not receiving
God's grace because we deserve it! We deserve His wrath in full, and some are actually
going to receive that, regardless of those that would deny God's punishment as just or

Matthew 7
2 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and
in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work


12 Jul 08
16 Sep 17

Originally posted by @kellyjay
I've remain consistence in my discussions with you. I disliked it when you put words into
my mouth I did not say, nor even imply.

I find myself repeating the same things over and over to you, because you have an
agenda an are not taking what I say and reading it as is. Instead what you are still doing
even here is trying to make my point of view fit ...[text shortened]...
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work
You have been flip flopping about every other post.

Do you agree with the statement that if a professed christian embraces the homosexual lifestyle and never leaves it, this Christian is fooling himself and will be rejected by Jesus.

No need to go on about the possibility of salvation, that's a different discussion.