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Islam, not the religion of peace:

Islam, not the religion of peace:


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So one assshole makes a stupid movie, which may even be true, or not, and the whole Muslim world erupts with violence?

That sure shows a solid connection to some god doesn't it?

Wow, just like Christianity.

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Originally posted by sonhouse

So one assshole makes a stupid movie, which may even be true, or not, and the whole Muslim world erupts with violence?

That sure shows a solid connection to some god doesn't it?

Wow, just like Christianity.
How do you define "the whole Muslim world erupt[ing] with violence"?

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Originally posted by FMF
How do you define "the whole Muslim world erupt[ing] with violence"?
In several countries at least. It is not coincidental the timing coming right on 911.

That implies planning. But Muslims are easily led and would start killing if told to. Muslims in some countries at least.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
In several countries at least. It is not coincidental the timing coming right on 911.

That implies planning. But Muslims are easily led and would start killing if told to. Muslims in some countries at least.
So you don't want to give us your definition of "the whole Muslim world erupt[ing] with violence"?

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Originally posted by FMF
So you don't want to give us your definition of "the whole Muslim world erupt[ing] with violence"?
Ok, it is not the whole muslim world but a bunch of easily led hotheads, which serves the political purposes of the perpetrators.

You have to admit, the violence is spreading.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Ok, it is not the whole muslim world but a bunch of easily led hotheads, which serves the political purposes of the perpetrators.
Ok, so let me rephrase what you've said and see if yo agree with it.

So one assshole makes a stupid movie, which may even be true, or not, and a bunch of easily led Muslim hotheads erupts with violence, and you've got people in the West making generalizations about 1,500,000,000 people and claiming that the "whole Muslim world [has] erupted with violence".

Can we agree on that amalgamation of what you and I think?


Originally posted by sonhouse

So one assshole makes a stupid movie, which may even be true, or not, and the whole Muslim world erupts with violence?

That sure shows a solid connection to some god doesn't it?

Wow, just like Christianity.
I don't think the movie had anything to do with it except as an excuse.
I read that the people that were killed were being cased right before.
So in my opinion, religion was used as a cover to kill someone on 9/11.
I could be wrong, but events in two countries on that day is a bit much when
you look at the weapons used in the attack.


Originally posted by KellyJay
I don't think the movie had anything to do with it except as an excuse.
I read that the people that were killed were being cased right before.
So in my opinion, religion was used as a cover to kill someone on 9/11.
I could be wrong, but events in two countries on that day is a bit much when
you look at the weapons used in the attack.
Surely the OP is about the angry reaction to the film and not just about the murders in Benghazi. You can't seriously be suggesting that the protests in places like Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen and Tunisia having nothing to do with the film and with religion.

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Originally posted by sonhouse

So one assshole makes a stupid movie, which may even be true, or not, and the whole Muslim world erupts with violence?

That sure shows a solid connection to some god doesn't it?

Wow, just like Christianity.
The part that bothers me is that sites like youtube have to censor content because certain parts of the world aren't ready for free expression.


Originally posted by FMF
Surely the OP is about the angry reaction to the film and not just about the murders in Benghazi. You can't seriously be suggesting that the protests in places like Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen and Tunisia having nothing to do with the film and with religion.
I think films are made all the time, to have this happen on 9/11 and have
what is reported that the place was being cased right before attacks with
high power weapons in a group working together to kill those people, that
suggest to me that an angry crowd didn't just spring up with those weapons
on that date and attack. Those weapons were NOT the run of the mill type
suggests to me that someone wanted those people dead and are using that
film as an excuse, nothing more.

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Think crusades, inquisition, witch burning....
You might say, that's all in the past but you never know how the future turns out. It could turn repressive again with a little help from our right wing nut job fundies, if they get into power, shudder to think....

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Think crusades, inquisition, witch burning....
You might say, that's all in the past but you never know how the future turns out. It could turn repressive again with a little help from our right wing nut job fundies, if they get into power, shudder to think....
I hope you are not including me in with the right wing nut job fundies. I am a Christian conservative who will vote for conservative Democrates or Republicans in the general election. However, in my area there is only one conservative Democrat that I will vote for. The rest are Republican because they believe in free enterprise and being able to keep as much as possible of what one has earned honestly and not being taxed to death unfairly.

I believe the Government should make a decision on how to save Medicare and Social Security and stop putting it off raiding it to pay for more government spending that the Liberal Democrats and even some Republicans keep voting for.

It is crazy to think the government can tax and spend their way out of debt. Government needs to stop giving aid to countries that do not deserve it and prioritize or government spending to essential things until we get out of thie mess we are in.

The liberal Democrates are more interested in giving the tax payer's money away to influence others to be on their side. They will blatantly lie in order to do so, as has been demonstrated most recently from Anderson Cooper's interviewing and reporting of a Liberal Democrat. They are more interested in their wealth than in the wealth of the nation, in my opinion.

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