Islam, not the religion of peace:

Islam, not the religion of peace:


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Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by sonhouse and sy-attacks-main/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

So one assshole makes a stupid movie, which may even be true, or not, and the whole Muslim world erupts with violence?

That sure shows a solid connection to some god doesn't it?

Wow, just like Christianity.
This film (The Innocence of Islam) is true.

The false [self styled] prophet of ignorance is everything the film depicted.........but this short film added something else [satirical humour].

The violence which came after the film was aired is proof that Muslims are filled with hate and violence - and are ready to kill at a moments notice. [and thanks to the Quaran which incites violence]

The signs and banners in Sydney streets were saying [be-head and kill] the producers of the movie, but why because the movie is true?

The ironic situation is that the false prophet of Allah "IS" a murderer and rapist and thief and false prophet........and this can be easily researched for all to see. [its part of history]

The false messenger of God even died a very inauspicious eating rotten meat and dying a miserable and painful death which is not becoming of a true messenger of God.

So why is there a protest over that which is true??????.................Because Muslims are some of the most ignorant and foolish and aggressive people on earth.......[ a product of their false religion]

God has nothing to do with these people or their false religion or false prophet.

Islam must be banned ........for its falsity and violence and aggression and ignorance and oppression.

Just read the Quaran for yourself .......and you will see where it incites division - and violence - and theft - and rape - and aggression - and injustice - and intolerance

Dasa ........ [A Personal Statement.]

"I love all people of all races with no exception...........but I reject falsity where I find it - and I reject the falsity of Islam and the false messenger of Islam who brings violence and suffering and injustice and division to the already suffering world."


28 Oct 05
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by Dasa
So why is there a protest over that which is true??????
The protests are caused by what is perceived to be the denigrating and satirising of their prophet who is also their key historical religious figure. Muslims of course are offended by ANY depiction of their prophet; they most certainly do not have any equivalent to the statues of Jesus found all across Christendom. The murders in Libya, on the other hand, appear to have been an assassination and therefore another chapter in the so called War On Terror.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
17 Sep 12
5 edits

Originally posted by FMF
You are simply a member of another interest group who is seeking to gain some political advantage out of the anger triggered by the film.
Nice try. I am only voicing disgust.. not only with the sickos that attacked our Embassy, but with our country's leadership whose policies led directly to this, and whose reactions to it make it clear they side with the attackers.

You have this thing. You unceasingly defend Islam and Liberals. In fact, I think (on the surface at least) that it's a very ironic, incredible, odd partnership that the Progressive Liberals have with the Muslims. Of course it's a one-way partnership as the Muslims consider Liberals enemy no. 1 -- but isn't it strange that Liberal Progressives show unrelenting support for Islam, when it's Islam--above all other religious beliefs in the entire world--that loathes every special interest group Progressive Liberals ever supported?

I say it's odd, only on the surface. Because as a Christian, I can see beyond this thinly veiled, convenient alliance, and see that the only reason it exists is because Progressive Liberals hate Christians more than Muslims. That's it in a nutshell. Progressives have lots of hate to spread around, let's not kid ourselves, but Christians are at the very top of the list--even though there are many other groups who are infinitely more hostile to Progressive interests.

So why do Progressive Liberals hate Christians most? It has to do with credibility and insecurity, but I'll leave it at that.

And Suzianne--before your back goes up--by Progressive Liberals, I mean to describe the Secular Progressive Liberals.

I know you are a Liberal politically, and actually I think that's kind of cool and unique as a Christian but I'm not including generic "Liberals" in the group when I say "Liberal Progressives."

Liberal Progressives describes a large special interest group that has the destruction of traditional family values, Christianity, and Capitalism at the top of their agenda.

Included in this broad alliance/special interest group, are the so-called Feminists who seethe with hatred against Christians, but never say a peep about the harsh, degrading treatment of women in the Islamic community.


03 Sep 12
17 Sep 12

It's not like Islam is a new or formally obscure religion that we're just learning about. For centuries it's been acknowledged as one of the three Abrahamic religions, right up there with Judaism and Christianity. And this is from experts such as theologians and other who study such things. In fact my 1980 American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines pagan as someone who isn't a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. And in the Koran the phrase "people of the Book" refers to those three. You don't just throw all that away because of terrorist attacks.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by sonhouse
In other words, you can't find one. BTW, I am the one you should be calling out for hatred against christians, accept on my part its not hate, just disappointment, disgust and disdain. In other words, Christianity in 3D.
You should start watching Fox News and CNN to find out what is true and forget the rest.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by FMF
If you will read that post again you will see it was an overview of what had been said by various people on this thread so far.
When you said posters like me....I took that to mean you were directing it to me.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
You should start watching Fox News and CNN to find out what is true and forget the rest.

I get all my facts from Chris Matthews, MSNBC, the Huffington Post, and the New York Times. Doesn't everyone?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid

I get all my facts from Chris Matthews, MSNBC, the Huffington Post, and the New York Times. Doesn't everyone?
Ha, ha 😀


28 Oct 05
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid
So why do Progressive Liberals hate Christians most? It has to do with credibility and insecurity, but I'll leave it at that.
This is in a post addressed to me so presumably it's about me. Are you claiming - as RJHinds does - that I "hate" Christians?

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
17 Sep 12
4 edits

Originally posted by FMF
This is in a post addressed to me so presumably it's about me. Are you claiming - as RJHinds does - that I "hate" Christians?
No I do not presume you hate Christians. I was careful not to direct what I said at you personally, but, you do *remind* me of the Secular Progressive Liberals with whom your views (so far) are in line with.

I don't know your background and this has probably been discussed ad nauseum... I don't know your political preferences, or your exact religious and spiritual beliefs.

I took in what little you have said to me over the past few days, and came away with a strong sense that you (a) are not a Christian, (b) support Obama, (c) don't care for many or most if not all Christians, and (d) sympathize on some level with Muslims.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
17 Sep 12
3 edits

Well, well, FMF.

I just spotted the guy I spoke about that was on TV. The guy that said most Egyptians make about $2 a day and don't have internet access.

Remember? The thing where you said I was lying and making stuff up?

His name is: CHRISTIAN WHITON, State Dept Senior Advisor (former)

He's getting a lot of coverage lately, I'm guessing because Middle East affairs were his specialty.

He maintains that the attacks on our Embassies were brewing for quite some time and not caused by the anti-Muslim film. Others on the show he was on just now, are suggesting that Obama's policy of being nice to the Muslim leaders and trying to "reset" our relations, was too idealistic and doomed to fail.

The idea I'm getting from most officials (the ones who don't fear condemnation from Obama for damaging his campaign) is that the Muslim leaders understand one thing: POWER... if you negotiate them from a weak standpoint and offer them gifts and other appeasements, they don't like you any more than they did before, and take it as carte blanche to act aggressively. However, if you negogiate with them from a position of power, i.e. "You so much as touch the wall of our embassy and we will bring the full might of our military down upon you), they will tend to think twice before trying to pull any stunts.

Look, we both agree that the Muslims in the Middle East absolutely hate the US, and want us out of their territory. So it just makes sense that they would think twice before attacking our embassies, if they knew the result would be a full-blown military strike and another US Military Base next door to their Mosque.


28 Oct 05
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid
I took in what little you have said to me over the past few days, and came away with a strong sense that you (a) are not a Christian, (b) support Obama, (c) don't care for many or most if not all Christians, and (d) sympathize on some level with Muslims.
I am one of the few posters here who resists generalizations and stereotypes that seek to paint all Muslims everywhere with the one big broad brush as a result of events that occur in certain cultural and political contexts. I sympathize with the Muslims I live among no more or less than the Christians I live among. I would have thought that you would welcome my input. I come here to hear points of views such as yours.


28 Oct 05
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by sumydid
Well, well, FMF.

I just spotted the guy I spoke about that was on TV. The guy that said most Egyptians make about $2 a day and don't have internet access.

Remember? The thing where you said I was lying and making stuff up?

His name is: CHRISTIAN WHITON, State Dept Senior Advisor (former)
Whether it's "CHRISTIAN WHITON" or you or KellyJay asserting that people in Egypt who are offended by the film have not seen it or are unaware of its content, then as far as I am concerned, you're plucking it out of thin air. The film has caused angry demonstrations in more than half a dozen countries. The people in Egypt who are angry about it will be from all social classes.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by FMF
I am one of the few posters here who resists generalizations and stereotypes that seek to paint all Muslims everywhere with the one big broad brush as a result of events that occur in certain cultural and political contexts. I sympathize with the Muslims I live among no more or less than the Christians I live among. I would have thought that you would welcome my input. I come here to hear points of views such as yours.
Please read my (edited) post above.

I judge the character of people individually. I try not to generalize either. I live in an apartment and absolutely adore my Muslim neighbors. They've been nothing but nice to me and likewise me to them.

BUT--and this is my opinion--I think the Muslims who are totally committed to peace with Christians like me, are not Orthodox Muslims because they clearly must reject some of Mohammed's commands.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
17 Sep 12

Originally posted by FMF
Whether it's "CHRISTIAN WHITON" or you or KellyJay asserting that people in Egypt who are offended by the film have not seen it or are unaware of its content, then as far as I am concerned, you're plucking it out of thin air. The film has caused angry demonstrations in more than half a dozen countries. The people in Egypt who are angry about it will be from all social classes.
The film threw a can of gasoline on a fire that was already burning. The match was already lit, FMF.

It's not just me, or KellyJay, or Christian Whiton that understands this.