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Prayreading the Word

Prayreading the Word


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I promised someone that I would open a thread on the practice of Prayreading.

So this will be an attempt. This practice of prayreading the word of God is an excellent way to make progress as a Christian.

So what is Prayereading ? It is the spiritual exercise of combining reading of the Bible with praying with and over the words of the Bible. Christians have been doing this for many years.

Labeling the practice is not that important. Many saints of the past had a practice to pray and read, to read and pray together. They may not have called it prayreading as some do today. But we know without a doubt that they practiced what we mean.

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To stimulate honest discussion:

1.) Did you ever read a Bible verse and then stop and pray about it ?

2.) Did you ever pray USING words from the Bible ?


Originally posted by sonship
To stimulate honest discussion:

1.) Did you ever read a Bible verse and then stop and pray about it ?

2.) Did you ever pray USING words from the Bible ?
Yes to both.
Even though I have read the bible completely a few times, I ask God to show me something, a deeper understanding when I read..
I have read some encouraging stories of Corrie Ten Boom, reading back to God His promises to get prayers answered.
A combination of reading and prayer is essential to a Christian.
So is praying in the spirit as often as we can.
Some people do not realize prayer is "asking"... many times it is just talking to God while we are driving or walking or doing anything.


Originally posted by checkbaiter
Yes to both.
Even though I have read the bible completely a few times, I ask God to show me something, a deeper understanding when I read..
I have read some encouraging stories of Corrie Ten Boom, reading back to God His promises to get prayers answered.
A combination of reading and prayer is essential to a Christian.
So is praying in the spirit as o ...[text shortened]... king"... many times it is just talking to God while we are driving or walking or doing anything.
Reading the Bible should bring us into a realm of light. Yes, we obtain light on this or that passage, no doubt. But it is so good to be brought into a whole realm of light.

When one enters into a realm of light, it seems there is just too much illumination. Just about every phrase and even every couple of words is enlightening. We are in a whole realm of illumination.

Yes, I think perhaps all Christians have at some time blended their reading of the scripture with their praying. Some remind God of His promises. As David in Psalm 119 continually reminded God - "according to Your word" or "according to You statutes" or "according to Your precepts" or "according to Your commandment/s".

David was very skillful at taking God's word and turning it around and placing it before god's face.

We can derive tremendous spiritual nourishment by mixing our genuine prayer to God with our reading of His word. This is like "masticating" His word or chewing His word.

The prophet Jeremiah said -

" Your words were found and I ate them, And Your word became to me the gladness and the joy of my heart." (Jer. 15:16a)

He ATE the words of God.
He masticated prayerfully the word of God and gladness and joy filled his heart !

Share more please.


A short video talk on Prayreading.


Originally posted by sonship
Reading the Bible should bring us into a realm of light. Yes, we obtain light on this or that passage, no doubt. But it is so good to be brought into a whole realm of light.

When one enters into a realm of light, it seems there is just too much illumination. Just about every phrase and even every couple of words is enlightening. We are in a whole realm o ...[text shortened]... rayerfully the word of God and gladness and joy filled his heart !

Share more please.
Great verse from Jeremiah... Some referred to him as the weeping prophet because he cried out to God in prayer continually...
People should know God thinks very highly of His Word...Psalm 138:2
....Ps 138:2
For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.

Just thinking about that is very revealing.

But we should know His word because people need to know what is available. Some people pray for things that are not available. There are hundreds of promises in the bible, but most people know very few.
The Psalms are loaded with prayer and requests, and one Psalm in particular, mentions God's word, precepts, in every verse.
Ps 119:9-11

How can a young man cleanse his way?
By taking heed according to Your word.
10 With my whole heart I have sought You;
Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!
11 Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You.

these are great psalms that encourage the reading and meditating on the word of God.

We should also remember that God wants to meet our needs, answer our prayers, more than we know. He is delighted when we pray and seek Him.

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Originally posted by sonship
I promised someone that I would open a thread on the practice of Prayreading.

So this will be an attempt. This practice of prayreading the word of God is an excellent way to make progress as a Christian.

So what is Prayereading ? It is the spiritual exercise of combining reading of the Bible with praying with and over the words of the Bible. Christ ...[text shortened]... d it prayreading as some do today. But we know without a doubt that they practiced what we mean.
I hope all the intelligent discussion on this topic gets done before Rajk comes stomping in here claiming that this is nowhere in the Bible and is therefore ungodly.

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Originally posted by sonship
To stimulate honest discussion:

1.) Did you ever read a Bible verse and then stop and pray about it ?

2.) Did you ever pray USING words from the Bible ?
Of course. I always considered this just "Reading the Bible". Prayer seems a natural part of it.

4 edits

The way to make progress as a Christian is to dispense with this airy fairy pie in the sky religion and to get out there and teach the word of God to people who will benefit from applying its principles in their life. There is NO substitute for a public ministry!

Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you - 1 Timothy 4:16

As for prayer, it should be heartfelt, that is the most important thing, not whether you are using words from the Bible.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The way to make progress as a Christian is to dispense with this airy fairy pie in the sky religion and to get out there and teach the word of God to people who will benefit from applying its principles in their life. There is NO substitute for a public ministry!

Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, ...[text shortened]... be heartfelt, that is the most important thing, not whether you are using words from the Bible.
Applying its principles in their life?
Are you referring to the Satanic principles of 'works' and 'living as Christ did'?
Are you crazy?

Christians are saved eternally.
All that is now required is for them to call Jesus name over and over for about 3 minutes
Claim to love God for another 5 minutes
Read the Bible for another 30
Call Jesus name for another 3 minutes
Repeat every 3 to 4 hours.


Originally posted by Rajk999
Applying its principles in their life?
Are you referring to the Satanic principles of 'works' and 'living as Christ did'?
Are you crazy?

Christians are saved eternally.
All that is now required is for them to call Jesus name over and over for about 3 minutes
Claim to love God for another 5 minutes
Read the Bible for another 30
Call Jesus name for another 3 minutes
Repeat every 3 to 4 hours.
Lies are not becoming you!


Originally posted by KellyJay
Lies are not becoming you!
Which are lies?


Originally posted by Rajk999
Applying its principles in their life?
Are you referring to the Satanic principles of 'works' and 'living as Christ did'?
Are you crazy?

Christians are saved eternally.
All that is now required is for them to call Jesus name over and over for about 3 minutes
Claim to love God for another 5 minutes
Read the Bible for another 30
Call Jesus name for another 3 minutes
Repeat every 3 to 4 hours.
All Christians must be vigilant lest our worship become naught but an empty ritual.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
All Christians must be vigilant lest our worship become naught but an empty ritual.
This thread Robbie is about doing 2 things simultaneously, which I suspect is outside of your skill set.


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