Since the beginning of abolition some 4000 persons (some estimates as much as 5,500) were subjected to lynching. Most of these lynchings occurred after church services were concluded on Sunday afternoon.
A major reason why lynching is connected to Christianity is that most lynchings actually occurred on Sunday afternoons, shortly after church services concluded. After Sunday services were let out, these executions were well attended by Christians. This harsh reality is not only beyond frightening, but it also serves to prove the necessity of beginning this conversation. In fact, many of those believers who were present at lynchings did not consider themselves to be racist, because in their minds the racist were the ones actually conducting the lynching. These individuals would avoid the stigma of racism and the conviction of the Holy Spirit by rationalizing their presence as purely spectators; arguing that they just happened to be present at the scene of the hanging, which in their minds did not make them culpable.
Lynchings were photographed and turned into postcards, which would then be used to promote future lynchings. People would send these postcards to their friends inviting them to attend the next lynching as if it were a social soiree. According to historian Ralph Ginzberg, “lynching [which also frequently included burning, castrating, & disfiguring the victim,] were spectacles, announced in advance, attended by whites including women and children, and covered on assignment by newspaper reporters in a manner not unlike contemporary coverage of sporting events.”[1] The most disturbing part about this spiritually is that people who self-identified as Christians played a significant role in these events, in both the promotion and execution of lynchings. Dr. James Cone interview helped us think through the implications of this harsh reality in the interview we posted Friday (2-22) and his most recent book The Cross & the Lynching Tree.
Theologically, this exists as the most disturbing part of the lynching phenomenon. Believers’ lack of values and ethical response to God’s love was so nonexistent that it was commonly acceptable within the last one hundred years of this nation to watch someone be tortured, burned, castrated, and killed for sport just because of the color of their skin. Moreover, one’s faith was thought to have nothing to do with coming to the defense of these helpless victims. In fact, one’s faith did not even prohibit Christians from participating as enthusiastic observers within the crowds.
- Pastor Dominique
This is quite a phenomena and from the article we can readily discern that those christians involved engaged in a kind of self justification. The point that interests me is what was actually being taught at those Church services? For it seems evident that it must have been so insipid as to have a negligible impact on the psyche of the churchgoers or that it actually fortified their hatred and violence.
None of the Christians able to offer an explanation? Suffice to say that this shameful historical episode is reflective of the emptiness of the teachings that one finds in nominal Christianity. Insipid and lukewarm its unable to refresh the adherent and motivate them to acts of mercy and compassion. Its as Christ stated, 'Look your house is abandoned to you'.
Originally posted by robbie carrobiei suspect most of them dozed off before the end of the first paragraph.......they wouldnt be alone.
None of the Christians able to offer an explanation? Suffice to say that this shameful historical episode is reflective of the emptiness of the teachings that one finds in nominal Christianity. Insipid and lukewarm its unable to refresh the adherent and motivate them to acts of mercy and compassion. Its as Christ stated, 'Look your house is abandoned to you'.
Originally posted by stellspalfieGee I forgot im dealing with the facebook/twitter generation. Next time ill get my crayons out and draw a picture for you diddums. Would you like some cats with a machine gun and a caption? or someone coming through a door wielding a gun? Is that what you are used to diddums? anything more than 140 syllables and you are overwhelmed?
i suspect most of them dozed off before the end of the first paragraph.......they wouldnt be alone.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieReligion has been put to the service of earthly motivations from time immemorial. It's the motivations we should address, and the religions will follow along in time.
None of the Christians able to offer an explanation? Suffice to say that this shameful historical episode is reflective of the emptiness of the teachings that one finds in nominal Christianity. Insipid and lukewarm its unable to refresh the adherent and motivate them to acts of mercy and compassion. Its as Christ stated, 'Look your house is abandoned to you'.
For good or bad, religions act like sea anchors. They serve to slow a movement that is being driven by the winds of progress.
Edit: Or should I say "change" to be fair.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThis must have been before they had television.
Since the beginning of abolition some 4000 persons (some estimates as much as 5,500) were subjected to lynching. Most of these lynchings occurred after church services were concluded on Sunday afternoon.
A major reason why lynching is connected to Christianity is that most lynchings actually occurred on Sunday afternoons, shortly after church serv ...[text shortened]... impact on the psyche of the churchgoers or that it actually fortified their hatred and violence.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIs this surprising to you?
The point that interests me is what was actually being taught at those Church services? For it seems evident that it must have been so insipid as to have a negligible impact on the psyche of the churchgoers or that it actually fortified their hatred and violence.
Originally posted by C HessYes it should be surprising to anyone who has come to know the teachings of Jesus Christ, in fact its so far removed from them that its diametrically opposite to those teachings. How can you be taught to have the utmost regard for the example of Jesus Christ and continue without compassion and mercy towards humanity to such an extent that you are prepared to perpetrate unimaginable acts of murder and mutilation on another human being and not only that but to make a spectacle of it as some kind of macabre entertainment? That is not Christianity, that is daemonic.
Is this surprising to you?
Originally posted by JS357Yes it is the motivations that should be addressed. How the compassionate and self sacrificing example of Jesus Christ should be so distant as to be non existent is a matter of serious concern.
Religion has been put to the service of earthly motivations from time immemorial. It's the motivations we should address, and the religions will follow along in time.
For good or bad, religions act like sea anchors. They serve to slow a movement that is being driven by the winds of progress.
Edit: Or should I say "change" to be fair.
-Removed-This is no place for your religious hatred, I have never let a child die, nor has Galveston nor has roigam. Perhaps you would like to tell us how many persons Jehovahs witnesses have lynched after their services on a Sunday afternoon? How many persons Jehovahs witnesses have mutilated after their services on a Sunday afternoon? How many persons they have set on fire after their services on a Sunday afternoon? ?How many persons they have killed in acts of war? shall we make a comparison with the churches of Christendom? Yes lets do that.
Lets start, that would be 4000 persons your churches have lynched, mutilated, burnt and invited your friends and children to watch die. Please tell the forum how many Jehovah Witness have acted in a similar manner? Lets see if you can do it.
And don't tell me what to do, you might be a tin hat forum dictator in your head, to me you are simply an ignorant religious bigot with no more love in your heart than the people who perpetrated these atrocities. Now you will answer the questions because for at this point you are winning 4000 dead and mutilated to nil.