The Bible accepts homosexuality!

The Bible accepts homosexuality!


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The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
summed up, your wall o' text is more or less:

1. the bible is 100% awesome and correct.
2. ignore the non awesome (murderous, gruesome, cruel, etc) stories in the bible or continue to call them awesome but provide nothing to support them.
3. continue to claim the bible's view on how a society should function should be applied to this society after 2000 ...[text shortened]... love and accept other categories of people. will you accept gays into your society?
God gave the ten commandment. Jesus said it was Moses who gave the
other laws, like eye for eye, due to the hardness of their hearts.


04 Feb 05
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
God gave the ten commandment. Jesus said it was Moses who gave the
other laws, like eye for eye, due to the hardness of their hearts.
so moses lied? where does it say that?


26 Aug 07
01 Nov 11
7 edits

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
summed up, your wall o' text is more or less:

1. the bible is 100% awesome and correct.
2. ignore the non awesome (murderous, gruesome, cruel, etc) stories in the bible or continue to call them awesome but provide nothing to support them.
3. continue to claim the bible's view on how a society should function should be applied to this society after 2000 love and accept other categories of people. will you accept gays into your society?
we nowadays have homosexuality. and people are born gay. they don't become gay

predisposition and determination are not the same thing, if we are, as you claim,
predisposed to a particular sexual orientation from birth, that is mutually exclusive as
your comment seems to suggest then how to you account for bi-sexuals or those who
are heterosexual and later change in life or those who are 'reformed', homosexuals.
Do tell.

Also you have provided no substantiating evidence to your claim that human sexuality
is predetermined, therefore on what basis are you claiming that its mutually exclusive,
for if its not mutually exclusive then its a preference. If its a preference then its a
moral issue. If its a moral issue then you have no right to term others haters
simply because they do not accept it.


04 Feb 05
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
we nowadays have homosexuality. and people are born gay. they don't become gay

predisposition and determination are not the same thing, if we are, as you claim,
predisposed to a particular sexual orientation from birth, that is mutually exclusive as
your comment seems to suggest then how to you account for bi-sexuals or those who
are heteros ...[text shortened]... al issue then you have no right to term others haters
simply because they do not accept it.
so basically, you are indeed saying that there is some dude out there waking up one morning and saying "today i am gonna try another man's penis".

homosexuality is simply a willingness to find someone of the same gender sexually attractive. you have it in you, some simply don't acknowledge it so they spend their life next to a person of the opposite gender they don't find "yummy". and it doesn't need to absolutely rule out heterosexuality either.

in a world where reproduction isn't always a driving force in a human's behavior, a world where not all people need to reproduce so humanity doesn't die off, some people are starting to consider other types of life partners. it is a desire to spend one's life with someone compatible, not have a partner with which to swap genetic material with the purpose of having a child.

homosexuality might be evolution's way of telling humanity to slow down with the making babies. i personally don't care why homosexuality exists. i just know that some people invented something that i don't enjoy and never will but something that doesn't hurt anyone. and i must recognize their right to enjoy that something.


26 Aug 07
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
so basically, you are indeed saying that there is some dude out there waking up one morning and saying "today i am gonna try another man's penis".

homosexuality is simply a willingness to find someone of the same gender sexually attractive. you have it in you, some simply don't acknowledge it so they spend their life next to a person of the opposite g ...[text shortened]... t doesn't hurt anyone. and i must recognize their right to enjoy that something.
please answer the question, if you cannot simply state so.


04 Feb 05
01 Nov 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
please answer the question, if you cannot simply state so.
i did answer your post. there was no question in it but i tried to address some of your "facts".

got another issue you raised: me coining haters people who don't accept homosexuality.

help me out then. what do you call people that dismiss a group of people because of a lifestyle that has no bearing on anyone but the people who chose it? a general term if you please. and from that, please add terms for people who do some or all of the following: refuse contact with said group, deny them opportunities that "normal" people have (in this case access to heaven), forbid them from getting certain jobs, verbally abuse them, physically abuse them, practice separation, etc.

what would you call someone who claims "Steve The Very Gay" (The Very Gay is his last name), who is a doctor and saved thousands of people in his lifetime and believes in jesus with all his heart and is in fact a very good christian, will go to hell simply because he was so very gay with Frank, a very good christian who believed in jesus with all his heart and was a fireman who saved thousands of people in his lifetime? What would you call people who will tell the children Steve and Frank adopted that their fathers will go to hell even if they are outstanding members of society?


26 Aug 07
02 Nov 11
3 edits

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
i did answer your post. there was no question in it but i tried to address some of your "facts".

got another issue you raised: me coining haters people who don't accept homosexuality.

help me out then. what do you call people that dismiss a group of people because of a lifestyle that has no bearing on anyone but the people who chose it? a general te opted that their fathers will go to hell even if they are outstanding members of society?
No you have no answered the question nor did i expect you to because it cannot be
answered in purely materialistic terms. The folly of those who project such a
simplistic point of view of human sexuality is self evident from their failure to
explain any of those anomalies and to state that a sexuality is mutually exclusive
without stating why is merely proffering an assumption, which, in the all inclusive,
moral morass in which we find ourselves, we are simply meant to accept without
question. If anyone does dare to question its legitimacy, they are a hater.

help me out then. what do you call people that dismiss a group of people because of
a lifestyle that has no bearing on anyone but the people who chose it?

in what way are they being dismissed?

If Steve the very gay wishes to stick his willy where he likes of what concern is it of
anyone, that is not to say however, that we agree with the legitimacy of where he
prefers to stick his willy nor of the morality of his doing so. This is quite different
from Steve the very gay himself, who may indeed be a paragon of virtue
otherwise. Thus you are making the act synonymous with the person, when in fact,
they are not one and the same, for Steve the very gay may indeed make an
excellent doctor, but a very poor wife.


04 Feb 05
02 Nov 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No you have no answered the question nor did i expect you to because it cannot be
answered in purely materialistic terms. The folly of those who project such a
simplistic point of view of human sexuality is self evident from their failure to
explain any of those anomalies and to state that a sexuality is mutually exclusive
without stating wh ...[text shortened]... nd the same, for Steve the very gay may indeed make an
excellent doctor, but a very poor wife.
1: i still don't get what the question was that i didn't answered
2: i haven't claimed homosexuality is mutually exclusive with heterosexuality. it isn't. it is a trait one has. one can find both genders equally attractive.(we called them bisexuals)
3" the legitimacy of where he
prefers to stick his willy nor of the morality of his doing so"
Wha? the legitimacy? is there a list of approved places one may stick his schlong? would god think metal shorts would be appropriate? how about a list of places one may stick his arm? or nose? morality is a human construct. it isn't always synonim with good.
4. what makes a good wife? is it bewbs? Frank the fireman doesn't need bewbs. Is it vagina? Frank doesn't need that either, because he is gay. Would caring, understanding, being there for her spouse, helping raise the children be the mark of a good wife? Because Steve is not only a good doctor but a wonderful parent as well. And the care and love Steve has for his patients is increased tenfold for Frank the fireman and their adopted children Sinija(steve was a volunteer doctor in the war in Serbia and he adopted a little serbian orphan) and Lily.

so basically, a wife is a good wife if she is caring, loving and helps raise a family's children (if there are any). having bewbs and vagina only makes a wife a good lover for a hetero husband. not a good wife.


26 Aug 07
02 Nov 11

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
1: i still don't get what the question was that i didn't answered
2: i haven't claimed homosexuality is mutually exclusive with heterosexuality. it isn't. it is a trait one has. one can find both genders equally attractive.(we called them bisexuals)
3" the legitimacy of where he
prefers to stick his willy nor of the morality of his doing so"
Wha? the ...[text shortened]... bewbs and vagina only makes a wife a good lover for a hetero husband. not a good wife.
ok, Zhalanzi, its getting ridiculous. May i also raise the point that your are making the
sexual act synonymous with love, this appears to me to be folly, for in many instances
this is not the case, people engage in sex all the time without feeling any affinity for
their partner. Do you think a prostitute actually feels anything for the person she
conducts business with? Hardly, therefore citing a sexual act as evidence of love I dont
think can stand.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
03 Nov 11

I'll just contribute a few comments to this discussion, since I have the unique position of being an insider on this subject.

First, I do not believe it is possible to change sexual orientation. There are certainly many 'ex-gays' but whether they have actually experienced a re-orientation or whether they have simply decided to change their sexual identity is unclear. Some gay men may choose to live a heterosexual lifestyle but I am very skeptical of claims that their sexual attraction has changed. For my part, it is impossible. I once tried to change, very hard. I went to Mass, prayed frequently during the day, confessed my sins weekly. Whether you believe in the spiritual efficacy of these devotions is irrelevant. The point is I tried with all effort to change myself for many years. It was not successful.

Second, Robbie is suggesting that homosexuality is simply a matter of 'where one sticks one's willy'. I personally find this offensive. My sexuality is not an anal fetish. I am attracted to men physically and [/i]emotionally[/i]. I have never desired anonymous encounters with men in public toilets. There are some gays who are like that. It only shows that the LGBT community is not homogenous but eludes stereotypes. I suspect though that most gays, whether promiscuous or not, still want a lasting intimate romantic relationship.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
03 Nov 11

Originally posted by Conrau K
I'll just contribute a few comments to this discussion, since I have the unique position of being an insider on this subject.

First, I do not believe it is possible to change sexual orientation. There are certainly many 'ex-gays' but whether they have actually experienced a re-orientation or whether they have simply decided to change their sexual [i]ide ...[text shortened]... ost gays, whether promiscuous or not, still want a lasting intimate romantic relationship.
Heck your gay?

Unreal. I mean thats good.
Good that you can tell us, it really sheds some light on your other posting.

Not to mention the respect you get from me for telling the forum that!


26 Aug 07
03 Nov 11
5 edits

Originally posted by Conrau K
I'll just contribute a few comments to this discussion, since I have the unique position of being an insider on this subject.

First, I do not believe it is possible to change sexual orientation. There are certainly many 'ex-gays' but whether they have actually experienced a re-orientation or whether they have simply decided to change their sexual de ost gays, whether promiscuous or not, still want a lasting intimate romantic relationship.
Second, Robbie is suggesting that homosexuality is simply a matter of 'where one
sticks one's willy'

If you actually read the text you will see that i did state that human sexuality was not
simplistic, quite the opposite, that me and Zhalanzi were exchanging some ribaldry
should also be self evident. Did i not also state that love need not be synonymous
with a sexual act? well, then.

Acts 13:48


21 May 03
03 Nov 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
so moses lied? where does it say that?
Fundamentals of Torah:
1 To know there is a God Ex. 20:2
2 Not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him Ex. 20:3
3 To know that He is one Deut. 6:4
4 To love Him Deut. 6:5
5 To fear Him Deut. 10:20
6 To sanctify His Name Lev. 22:32
7 Not to profane His Name Lev. 22:32
8 Not to destroy objects associated with His Name Deut. 12:4
9 To listen to the prophet speaking in His Name Deut. 18:15
10 Not to test the prophet unduly Deut. 6:16
Laws of Character
11 To emulate His ways Deut. 28:9
12 To cleave to those who know Him Deut. 10:20
13 To love Jews Lev. 19:18
14 To love converts Deut. 10:19
15 Not to hate fellow Jews Lev. 19:17
16 To reprove Lev. 19:17
17 Not to embarrass others Lev. 19:17
18 Not to oppress the weak Ex. 21:22
19 Not to speak derogatorily of others Lev. 19:16
20 Not to take revenge Lev. 19:18
21 Not to bear a grudge Lev. 19:18
Laws of Torah Study
22 To learn Torah Deut. 6:7
23 To honor those who teach and know Torah Lev. 19:32
Laws of Idolatry and Paganism
24 Not to inquire into idolatry Lev. 19:4
25 Not to follow the whims of your heart or what your eyes see Num. 15:39
26 Not to blaspheme Ex. 22:27
27 Not to worship idols in the manner they are worshiped Ex. 20:5
28 Not to worship idols in the four ways we worship God Ex. 20:5
29 Not to make an idol for yourself Ex. 20:4
30 Not to make an idol for others Lev. 19:4
31 Not to make human forms even for decorative purposes Ex. 20:20
32 Not to turn a city to idolatry Ex. 23:13
33 To burn a city that has turned to idol worship Deut. 13:17
34 Not to rebuild it as a city Deut. 13:17
35 Not to derive benefit from it Deut. 13:18
36 Not to missionize an individual to idol worship Deut. 13:12
37 Not to love the missionary Deut. 13:9
38 Not to cease hating the missionary Deut. 13:9
39 Not to save the missionary Deut. 13:9
40 Not to say anything in his defense Deut. 13:9
41 Not to refrain from incriminating him Deut. 13:9
42 Not to prophesize in the name of idolatry Deut. 13:14
43 Not to listen to a false prophet Deut. 13:4
44 Not to prophesize falsely in the name of God Deut. 18:20
45 Not to be afraid of killing the false prophet Deut. 18:22
46 Not to swear in the name of an idol Ex. 23:13
47 Not to perform ov (medium) Lev. 19:31
48 Not to perform yidoni (magical seer) Lev. 19:31
49 Not to pass your children through the fire to Molech Lev. 18:21
50 Not to erect a column in a public place of worship Deut. 16:22
51 Not to bow down on smooth stone Lev. 26:1
52 Not to plant a tree in the Temple courtyard Deut. 16:21
53 To destroy idols and their accessories Deut. 12:2
54 Not to derive benefit from idols and their accessories Deut. 7:26
55 Not to derive benefit from ornaments of idols Deut. 7:25
56 Not to make a covenant with idolaters Deut. 7:2
57 Not to show favor to them Deut. 7:2
58 Not to let them dwell in our land Ex. 23:33
59 Not to imitate them in customs and clothing Lev. 20:23
60 Not to be superstitious Lev. 19:26
61 Not to go into a trance to foresee events, etc. Deut. 18:10
62 Not to engage in astrology Lev. 19:26
63 Not to mutter incantations Deut. 18:11
64 Not to attempt to contact the dead Deut. 18:11
65 Not to consult the ov Deut. 18:11
66 Not to consult the yidoni Deut. 18:11
67 Not to perform acts of magic Deut. 18:10
68 Men must not shave the hair off the sides of their head Lev. 19:27
69 Men must not shave their beards with a razor Lev. 19:27
70 Men must not wear women's clothing Deut. 22:5
71 Women must not wear men's clothing Deut. 22:5
72 Not to tattoo the skin Lev. 19:28
73 Not to tear the skin in mourning Deut. 14:1
74 Not to make a bald spot in mourning Deut. 14:1
Laws of Repentance
75 To repent and confess wrongdoings Num. 5:7
Laws of Reading the Shema
76 To say the Shema twice daily Deut. 6:7
Laws of Prayer and Kohanic Blessings
77 To serve the Almighty with prayer daily Ex. 23:25
78 The Kohanim must bless the Jewish nation daily Num. 6:23
Laws of Tefillin, Mezuza and Sefer Torah
79 To wear tefillin on the head Deut. 6:8
80 To bind tefillin on the arm Deut. 6:8
81 To put a mezuzah on each door post Deut. 6:9
82 Each male must write a Sefer Torah Deut. 31:19
83 The king must have a separate Sefer Torah for himself Deut. 17:18
Laws of Tzitzit
84 To have tzitzit on four-cornered garments Num. 15:38
Laws of Blessings
85 To bless the Almighty after eating Deut. 8:10
Laws of Circumcision
86 To circumcise all males on the eighth day after their birth Lev. 12:3
Laws of the Sabbath
87 To rest on the seventh day Ex. 23:12
88 Not to do prohibited labor on the seventh day Ex. 20:10
89 The court must not inflict punishment on Shabbat Ex. 35:3
90 Not to walk outside the city boundary on Shabbat Ex. 16:29
91 To sanctify the day with Kiddush and Havdallah Ex. 20:8
Laws of Eruvin (Rabbinical)
Laws of Yom Kippur Rest
92 To rest from prohibited labor Lev. 23:32
93 Not to do prohibited labor on Yom Kippur Lev. 23:32
94 To afflict yourself on Yom Kippur Lev. 16:29
95 Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur Lev. 23:29
Laws of Festival Rest
96 To rest on the first day of Passover Lev. 23:7
97 Not to do prohibited labor on the first day of Passover Lev. 23:8
98 To rest on the seventh day of Passover Lev. 23:8
99 Not to do prohibited labor on the seventh day of Passover Lev. 23:8
100 To rest on Shavuot Lev. 23:21

there are 613.

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
03 Nov 11

I would say that Robbie is correct. In my estimation, there are relatively few people that don't separate at least to some degree... the self-sacrificing, heartfelt, kinship, oneness, wholesome love one feels for their loved one, and the act of fornication; sodomy, standard, or otherwise. And this goes especially for the case of sodomy because it is a completely one-sided act as far as orgasm goes.

And with that... and I can't believe I even went there.... I'm done with this thread.

I'll admit, I was so disgusted by this very subject I requested not once, but twice, that the moderators move this thread elsewhere. Evidently they feel that sodomy and spirituality are synonymous on some level. I respect their decision but I disagree wholeheartedly.

Good day.


04 Feb 05
03 Nov 11

Originally posted by sumydid
I would say that Robbie is correct. In my estimation, there are relatively few people that don't separate at least to some degree... the self-sacrificing, heartfelt, kinship, oneness, wholesome love one feels for their loved one, and the act of fornication; sodomy, standard, or otherwise. And this goes especially for the case of sodomy because it is ...[text shortened]... onymous on some level. I respect their decision but I disagree wholeheartedly.

Good day.