Originally posted by musicismyworldJesus taught that the Holy Spirit convicts guilty men and women of sin "because they do not believe in Me." (John 16:9) On that final day, it will not so much be the sin question as it will be the Son question. All sins can be dealt with and forgiven if we believe in Jesus.
What would you consider the worst sin you could commit? Adultery? Stealing? Murder? You might be surprised by the answer the Bible gives.
The worst sin—and the one with the most far-reaching consequences—is this: to refuse to believe in Jesus Christ.
[Originally posted by musicismyworldWhat do you think it means to "believe in Jesus"?
What would you consider the worst sin you could commit? Adultery? Stealing? Murder? You might be surprised by the answer the Bible gives.
The worst sin—and the one with the most far-reaching consequences—is this: to refuse to believe in Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneI think my Christian friends think believing in Jesus is permission to sin. It is a free ticket to heaven which you do not have to earn. It is a get out of jail card, because after all we are all sinners, but those who believe in Jesus are forgiven. He died for our sins. He paid the penalty for it, and now all we have to do is believe. Get it?
What does it mean to "believe in Jesus"?
Repent and sin all you want, or is it repent and sin no more? I get confused. 😀
Originally posted by VarqaJust food for thought...
...my Christian friends think believing in Jesus is permission to sin....
At one point in one of his epistles, Paul addressed this issue. I do not remember the exact passage, but he in a sense said that with faith in Him, God always forgives our sins, unconditionally. He admits that some abuse this grace constantly, but God still forgives them. Nonetheless, Paul discourages such abuse, saying that 1) there are obvious "Earthly" consequences for sinning, and 2) the relationship (not God's love, which is unconditional, just the spiritual relationship) between God and those who continually sin would not be as strong as those who strived for good works.
Originally posted by musicismyworldWhat do you think is meant by 'believe in me' ? Saying with your MOUTH that you believe or DOING the commandments of Christ?
Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit convicts guilty men and women of sin "because they do not believe in Me." (John 16:9) On that final day, it will not so much be the sin question as it will be the Son question. All sins can be dealt with and forgiven if we believe in Jesus.
Originally posted by VarqaA small portion of Christians believe that. Most Christians know that you have to work to get salvation.
I think my Christian friends think believing in Jesus is permission to sin. It is a free ticket to heaven which you do not have to earn. It is a get out of jail card, because after all we are all sinners, but those who believe in Jesus are forgiven. He died for our sins. He paid the penalty for it, and now all we have to do is believe. Get it?
Repent and sin all you want, or is it repent and sin no more? I get confused. 😀
Originally posted by whodeyThere is nothing I can say, really.
Would you please elaborate? I have no idea what you are trying to say here.
Your Bible has a couple of verses in it: We have all sinned and fallen..., and For God so loved the world that He.... Everything else that is in the Book, including the words of Jesus, do not apply to you. They are either meant for the Jews or they were spoken before Jesus died on the cross. So there is nothing to discuss. Your mind is closed, locked, and the key is missing.
Originally posted by VarqaThe Bible is very clear as to what God expects throughout the Old and New Testament. What he expects is FAITH!!! For example, God could have cared less how many good works Abraham did or did not do. All he cared about was that Abraham believed what he said and did what he said to do. Doing this Abraham then did good works by default because he was taking instructions from a good God.
There is nothing I can say, really.
Your Bible has a couple of verses in it: We have all sinned and fallen..., and For God so loved the world that He.... Everything else that is in the Book, including the words of Jesus, do not apply to you. They are either meant for the Jews or they were spoken before Jesus died on the cross. So there is nothing to discuss. Your mind is closed, locked, and the key is missing.
Originally posted by whodeyIn that case, the suicide bombers have more FAITH than all of us put together.
The Bible is very clear as to what God expects throughout the Old and New Testament. What he expects is FAITH!!! For example, God could have cared less how many good works Abraham did or did not do. All he cared about was that Abraham believed what he said and did what he said to do. Doing this Abraham then did good works by default because he was taking instructions from a good God.
Originally posted by VarqaThe first words spoken by Christ when he began his ministry on earth were:
I think my Christian friends think believing in Jesus is permission to sin. It is a free ticket to heaven which you do not have to earn. It is a get out of jail card, because after all we are all sinners, but those who believe in Jesus are forgiven. He died for our sins. He paid the penalty for it, and now all we have to do is believe. Get it?
Repent and sin all you want, or is it repent and sin no more? I get confused. 😀
"...REPENT and believe the gospel."