Three wise former gays

Three wise former gays


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16 Jan 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I only answer with health reasons because its the only reasons the materialist recognises. Homosexuality is anti Biblical.
go on, try us.


26 Aug 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
go on, try us.
what with scripture?

16 Jan 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what with scripture?
no, i want to know what you understand the biblical meaning to be.


26 Aug 07
29 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
no, i want to know what you understand the biblical meaning to be.
That is why God gave them over to uncontrolled sexual passion, for their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature likewise also the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full penalty, which was due for their error.

Romans 1:26-27

Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

we can therfore see that the Bible states that homosexuality is unnatural (contrary to nature), stands condemned by God, is unrighteous and obscene and is worthy of censure.

16 Jan 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
That is why God gave them over to uncontrolled sexual passion, for their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature likewise also the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full pe ...[text shortened]... ntrary to nature), stands condemned by God, is unrighteous and obscene and is worthy of censure.
all this does is explain that god thinks homosexuality is bad. it doesnt explain why god thinks it is bad. why is it unnatural? why is being unnatural bad? how does god define unnatural? are all unnatural things bad?


26 Aug 07
29 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
all this does is explain that god thinks homosexuality is bad. it doesnt explain why god thinks it is bad. why is it unnatural? why is being unnatural bad? how does god define unnatural? are all unnatural things bad?
Gods word says its natural and gives the reason, that males are meant to, by nature, have sexual intimacy with females,

have you never examined nuts and bolts?

you are party to the same information as me.

16 Jan 07
29 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Gods word says its natural and gives the reason, that males are meant to, by nature, have sexual intimacy with females,

have you never examined nuts and bolts?

you are party to the same information as me.
so your understanding of the bible is that all natural things have a purpose. if they are used for any other purpose than what they were intended for it is considered unnatural.

or is it okay to use somethings unnaturally and not others?


26 Aug 07
29 Dec 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
so your understanding of the bible is that all natural things have a purpose. if they are used for any other purpose than what they were intended for it is considered unnatural.

or is it okay to use somethings unnaturally and not others?
You are party to the same information as me and I am listening to 'In the garden of Jane Delawney', by the illustrious Trees, and i don't want to climb down from my cloud to the level of the forum at present, the poetry is too intense, the transcendental spirit of 1969 too loving for me to extricate myself at present, i feel i may come down with a crash at any moment. Like ancient Icarus, I have soared too close to the sun and have become overcome by the sheer exuberance of the experience!

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
31 Dec 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You are party to the same information as me and I am listening to 'In the garden of Jane Delawney', by the illustrious Trees, and i don't want to climb down from my cloud to the level of the forum at present, the poetry is too intense, the transcendental spirit of 1969 too loving for me to extricate myself at present, i feel i may come down with a cr ...[text shortened]... soared too close to the sun and have become overcome by the sheer exuberance of the experience!
Written by Bias Boshell, who wen on to be the keyboardist for Moody Blues. Great song.

I am going to have to go to Princeton Record exchange to see if they have a copy.

Did that album ever come out on CD or was it strictly vinyl?


26 Aug 07
31 Dec 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Written by Bias Boshell, who wen on to be the keyboardist for Moody Blues. Great song.

I am going to have to go to Princeton Record exchange to see if they have a copy.

Did that album ever come out on CD or was it strictly vinyl?
honestly dude I think these two albums, 'in the garden of Jane Delawney' and 'on the shore', are pure awesome, I simply cannot understand why they were not a commercial success. I know people like Fairport convention, but they are not that original, this band is way original and I suspect single-handedly invented acid folk rock.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
31 Dec 13
2 edits

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Exactly what "bandwagon" are you being asked to jump on?

1.) Bandwagon - There is pressure on militant homosexuals to secure for themselves respectability. It is beyond the point of being allowed or accepted to have same sex romance.

It is wanting government endorsement. Therefore the demand for tax dollars for homosexual marriage and divorce in terms of benefits. And the respectable regard from society in terms of being able to raise children in gay "families".

So more and more clamor must be made to enlarge the numbers of people demanding these things. This is the bandwagon I speak of.

And the vehemence leveled by gay activists against those wanting out of this kind of sinful living is evident. Look at the angry responses to this submission of three former homosexuals thanking God for deliverance.

Those who get on the bandwagon increase chances of democratic majority rule in the exaltation of homosexuality.

2.) You want to be protected from gays?

I personally do not fear violent gay mobs, if that is what you mean. At least not yet. There is ample civility among most of the gay leaning people I know personally. And I know some who are family relatives or friends.

I would be concerned about older homosexuals seeking to influence minors into their kind of living. And this we have seen with a niece of 14 years old. Two lesbians seem to be attempting to sway this niece into homosexuality, in my opinion.

I have concerns for that as I would have concerns for promiscuous heterosexual influence.

I don't think you would be happy, if without your counsel your kids were being pressured to be homosexuals. Then again, I don't know you. Maybe you'd be very pleased.

You can call me homophobic if you wish. I don't mind. That is just an attempt to shame by label those not approving of the bandwagon of homosexuality.

3.) Tempted?

Not sure what this "tempted" is in reference to. Perhaps you are expecting me to boast that I could NEVER be capable of a homosexual act.

"You tempted? Hmmmm, maybe YOU have a problem with being Gay. Hmmmm ? "

That seems to be the innuendo here. Well, I know the frailty of human life. And I am capable of any sinful conduct just as much as the next person.

You see, my trust is not in myself. Sure I could be tempted by just about any sin for I am also a fallen human being in need of the grace of Christ.

So, as I could be tempted to do anything common to any other descendent of Adam in this sinful world, why could I not also be tempted to homosexual sex ? You get persuaded that something is missing. You don't know what. So you experiment hoping that at last happiness can be found in being "Gay."

That happens a lot. These millions of gays were not "born" with a gay gene. That the hype the bandwagon makers want us to believe.

These millions of empty frustrated people are thinking the grass must be greener on the other side of the fence. Maybe they need to be homosexuals ?

So being a typical fallen person susceptible to temptation and peer pressure and eloquent persuasion, I do not count that I am somehow above being persuaded to be gay.

As it stands I have been successfully married for over 35 years to a beautiful person of the opposite sex. So for that I also thank God.

But if I were born a female, I would hope to thank God for that just as much. I chose not to go against the physiology of the body God designed for me.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Dec 13

Originally posted by sonship
[b]Exactly what "bandwagon" are you being asked to jump on?

1.) Bandwagon - There is pressure on militant homosexuals to secure for themselves respectability. It is beyond the point of being allowed or accepted to have same sex romance.

It is wanting government endorsement. Therefore the demand for tax dollars for homosexual marriage a ...[text shortened]... for that just as much. I chose not to go against the physiology of the body God designed for me.[/b]
You appear to have missed this -

I know you were born male, you've told me twice now. The question though is not - are you male or female? The question is - did you choose your sexual attraction to women?

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
01 Jan 14
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
And the vehemence leveled by gay activists against those wanting out of this kind of sinful living is evident. Look at the angry responses to this submission of three former homosexuals thanking God for deliverance.
I am not sure what vehemence you mean here, but there are good reasons to criticise reparative treatments. The fact is that attempts to repress homosexual impulses, whether to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality or to lead them into a celibate life, result in immense psychological damage.


26 Aug 07
01 Jan 14

Originally posted by Conrau K
I am not sure what vehemence you mean here, but there are good reasons to criticise reparative treatments. The fact is that attempts to repress homosexual impulses, whether to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality or to lead them into a celibate life, result in immense psychological damage.
Wow i had some kind of premonition for i was thinking about you today and on that exhausting debate we had on the 'pasha' and i was wondering how you are, anyhow i do hope you are well and you visited your mom for New Year.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
01 Jan 14

Originally posted by sonship
I would want someone to let me know that certain people just want to see me jump on the bandwagon, to legitimize their own deviancy.

Sonship - here is your original quote containing "bandwagon".

Who are these people who want you to jump on?