Minister's sentence in sex case unchanged
A minister is seeking prison time instead of house arrest after his conviction for impregnating his teenage goddaughter.
Sun Sentinel
Less than a week after being sentenced to two years of house arrest for impregnating his 15-year-old goddaughter, a Broward minister was in court Thursday asking to go to prison for 18 months instead.
Cory Cortezis Lewis, 35, said he cannot live at his Fort Lauderdale home without violating sexual-offender restrictions.
Fort Lauderdale restricts sexual offenders from living within 1,400 feet of schools, parks, playgrounds, child-care centers, school bus stops and other places that children frequent.
Another Broward County defendant made a similar request in June when he could not find a legal place to live after seven years in prison. In that case, a judge sentenced Raphael Marquez to six months in the Broward County Jail instead of two years of house arrest.
Broward Circuit Judge Dale Cohen turned down Lewis' request, saying he fashioned Lewis' sentence so he could continue to support his seven children.
Instead, he gave Lewis 90 days to find a new home, and an expression of sympathy.
``To me it's just inhumane that somebody that's not in prison, in our society, should be forced to live under a bridge,'' Cohen said.
Lewis left the courtroom grumbling: ``I do not do well with jumping through hoops, and jumping through hoops, and jumping through hoops.''
Lewis, who was youth pastor at the Church of God by Faith in Fort Lauderdale, pleaded no contest in August to lewd or lascivious battery on a minor. He faced up to 15 years in prison.
At Lewis' sentencing hearing Oct. 16, the victim, now 19, said she would rather have help supporting their 2-year-old son than see Lewis go to prison.
The thinking behind Lewis' request was twofold, said his attorney, assistant public defender Gabe Ermine.
One thought was that 18 months would give Lewis' family sufficient time to find a new home that complies with sexual-offender restrictions.
The other thought, Ermine said, was that if Lewis violated a local ordinance, punishment would be less severe than a probation violation that would subject Lewis to 15 years in prison.
Lewis' Fort Lauderdale home is about 700 feet from a bus stop, Ermine said.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateToo lengthy for my taste, Hand. Boil it down. Distill it. Give us the essence of what's in your gut. Your decision
Minister's sentence in sex case unchanged
A minister is seeking prison time instead of house arrest after his conviction for impregnating his teenage goddaughter.
Sun Sentinel
Less than a week after being sentenced to two years of house arrest for impregnating his 15-year-old goddaughter, a Broward minister was in court Thursday as son.
Lewis' Fort Lauderdale home is about 700 feet from a bus stop, Ermine said.
to make a grand entrance to the new week with this superficial profusion of generic 'human interest' verbiage
is reminiscent of someone's thoughtful words, "My apologies for the lengthy letter but I was pressed for time."
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyMy kids say "Dad can we have the short answer please."........Brats.
Too lengthy for my taste, Hand. Boil it down. Distill it. Give us the essence of what's in your gut. Your decision
to make a grand entrance to the new week with this superficial profusion of generic 'human interest' verbiage
is reminiscent of someone's thoughtful words, "My apologies for the lengthy letter but I was pressed for time."
Originally posted by Hand of HecateBasically, this offender is saying, I can't be held responsible for his actions if I'm not locked up. Now whether that means he won't control himself and do similiar things in the future, or just can't control himself is the question.
Minister's sentence in sex case unchanged
A minister is seeking prison time instead of house arrest after his conviction for impregnating his teenage goddaughter.
Sun Sentinel
Less than a week after being sentenced to two years of house arrest for impregnating his 15-year-old goddaughter, a Broward minister was in court Thursday as ...[text shortened]... son.
Lewis' Fort Lauderdale home is about 700 feet from a bus stop, Ermine said.
My solution, you just take them rascals out to the swamp, put them on their knees and tie them to a stump. Let the bugs and the gators and the snakes do the rest.
Even with chemcal castration, there is no gurantee this jokester won't bother some child again.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyFine:
Too lengthy for my taste, Hand. Boil it down. Distill it. Give us the essence of what's in your gut. Your decision
to make a grand entrance to the new week with this superficial profusion of generic 'human interest' verbiage
is reminiscent of someone's thoughtful words, "My apologies for the lengthy letter but I was pressed for time."
- Child rapist "who was youth pastor at the Church of God by Faith"
- Knocks up his 15 year old Goddaughter.
- Rapist has seven other kids.
- Faced 15 years. Plead down to lewd or lascivious battery on a minor. Ulitimately sentenced to 2 years house arrest and prohbation.
- Scum, polluting the gene pool. Should have been strangled in the street and gets a slap on the wrist instead.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateOn that we agree. Capital punishment for any and all men and/or women who commit murder, incest, rape, pedophilia,
- Child rapist "who was youth pastor at the Church of God by Faith"
- Knocks up his 15 year old Goddaughter.
- Rapist has seven other kids.
- Faced 15 years. Plead down to lewd or lascivious battery on a minor. Ulitimately sentenced to 2 years house arrest and prohbation.
- Scum, polluting the gene pool. Should have been strangled in the street and gets a slap on the wrist instead.
pederasty to destroy (in some instances the childhood and in all cases) the privacy/freedom of another human being.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyLewis left the courtroom grumbling: ``I do not do well with jumping through hoops, and jumping through hoops, and jumping through hoops.''
On that we agree. Capital punishment for any and all men and/or women who commit murder, incest, rape, pedophilia,
pederasty to destroy (in some instances the childhood and in all cases) the privacy/freedom of another human being.
No good will come of this. The judge should be ashamed of himself and the offender's wife is a fool for supporting him.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateElectric chair. Dry sponge.
- Child rapist "who was youth pastor at the Church of God by Faith"
- Knocks up his 15 year old Goddaughter.
- Rapist has seven other kids.
- Faced 15 years. Plead down to lewd or lascivious battery on a minor. Ulitimately sentenced to 2 years house arrest and prohbation.
- Scum, polluting the gene pool. Should have been strangled in the street and gets a slap on the wrist instead.
Problem solved.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateMaybe he was asking for prison for another (ala Dahmer) reason?
- Child rapist "who was youth pastor at the Church of God by Faith"
- Knocks up his 15 year old Goddaughter.
- Rapist has seven other kids.
- Faced 15 years. Plead down to lewd or lascivious battery on a minor. Ulitimately sentenced to 2 years house arrest and prohbation.
- Scum, polluting the gene pool. Should have been strangled in the street and gets a slap on the wrist instead.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIf a crime has to have an equal punishment, then the worse punishment would have to be for genocide surelly. It'd be rediculas to have a scale of punishments ready for all mannor of crimes -that would be like tourture plans. I'm with Trev far anyway.
To which criminal activities, in your view, would maximum punishment apply?
I agree with incarseration and labour. No punishment can make good on an offence, except for embeselment or fraud.