05 Sep 07
I think I have just finished my best chess game ever (still, I need to recheck it wit a computer to see if my sacrifices were correct)...anyway, the Q sack is for sure winning:
Game 3967407
Originally posted by vipiuVery nice.
I think I have just finished my best chess game ever (still, I need to recheck it wit a computer to see if my sacrifices were correct)...anyway, the Q sack is for sure winning:
Game 3967407
Originally posted by Fat LadyNot really, its a very ncie sac but its one of those moves you cn have a feeling about, see that the king can be sent up the board. Its not something to be found all the time but occasionally by an 1800-1900 player? easily.
I won't accuse you of cheating... but that queen sac really was wonderful and frankly a bit too good to be true. If you genuinely found it yourself then I salute you.
Originally posted by Fat Ladyactually this was a bit easier to analyze than the R sack (which has more branches and also includes in the Q sack against the white Bg3 move that I thought that almost refuted my Rxg2) as if you spot it you can check it easier as it doesn't have branches(options for white)
I won't accuse you of cheating... but that queen sac really was wonderful and frankly a bit too good to be true. If you genuinely found it yourself then I salute you.
and, do you think anyone would open a thread for a game in which he cheats ? 🙂
(edit: and, as someone said in some other thread, many of the tactic problems have Q sacks included these days)
Originally posted by vipiuTrue. That would be like committing murder and then writing a book about how you did it.
actually this was a bit easier to analyze than the R sack (which has more branches and also includes in the Q sack against the white Bg3 move that I thought that almost refuted my Rxg2) as if you spot it you can check it easier as it doesn't have branches(options for white)
and, do you think anyone would open a thread for a game in which he cheats ? 🙂
Originally posted by vipiuThat is beautiful. You get a rec.
I think I have just finished my best chess game ever (still, I need to recheck it wit a computer to see if my sacrifices were correct)...anyway, the Q sack is for sure winning:
Game 3967407
Originally posted by vipiuvery nice, congratulations !
I think I have just finished my best chess game ever (still, I need to recheck it wit a computer to see if my sacrifices were correct)...anyway, the Q sack is for sure winning:
Game 3967407
That's a marvelous conception. I don't see how Black can possibly have sufficient compensation for the R if it were not for QxN+.
i.e. if it weren't for QxN, Neg1 should sufficiently protect the knight and I do not see the compensation for the rook.
So it requires Black to see the forced mate if QxN+ KxQ before the R sac.
So...very nice, if you missed Bg3 then you were very fortunate to find QxN...very nicely done!