Any LDS people around? I am.

Any LDS people around? I am.


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Corner Brook NFLD CA

28 Jun 06
24 Jul 06

Originally posted by masscat
Signs and wonders were used during biblical times to authenticate God’s message, but today Scripture is the only test as to the validity of a man’s message.

In the OT they took prophecy seriously. If you said God would do something and it didn’t come to pass they would stone you to death.

In Deuteronomy 13:1-5, God commands Israel not to be gullible a ...[text shortened]... uals who claim to have some mysterious "anointing" that is available only to a select few.
Read Mal 3:1 please. In that verse, it states that before the Lord comes again, there would be a messenger to prepare the way before him and that the Lord would come to his temple.
Matt 7:17-20 Do as James 1:5 says with a sincere heart, and with real intent and ask the Lord if the Book of Mormon is true and if Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. If you ask with an open mind, and a willing heart, the Lord will manifest the truth of it to you.



21 Jan 04
24 Jul 06
1 edit

Originally posted by LinkHyrule
Well, think about it. The people of 34 A.D. (forgive me if that's an incorrect date), were very rebellious. They were waiting for their Savior to come to defeat the Romans. They knew that Jesus was the true king of the Jews, (Jews keep records of family history, therefore they would have known that Jesus was a descendent of David) and yet, because of the bout what will occur there.
I don't believe anybody can become an equal to Christ.
See, everybody who encouraged this guy, now you have got the lunatic babbling.
If you all just asked him to bugger off like I did, this would never have happened.


25 Sep 04
24 Jul 06

Originally posted by LinkHyrule
Read Mal 3:1 please. In that verse, it states that before the Lord comes again, there would be a messenger to prepare the way before him and that the Lord would come to his temple.
Matt 7:17-20 Do as James 1:5 says with a sincere heart, and with real intent and ask the Lord if the Book of Mormon is true and if Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. If you ask with an open mind, and a willing heart, the Lord will manifest the truth of it to you.
Read Mal 3:1 please. In that verse, it states that before the Lord comes again, there would be a messenger to prepare the way before him and that the Lord would come to his temple.

That would have been John the Baptist (John 3:28), NOT Joseph Smith.

Matt 7:17-20 Do as James 1:5 says with a sincere heart, and with real intent and ask the Lord if the Book of Mormon is true and if Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. If you ask with an open mind, and a willing heart, the Lord will manifest the truth of it to you.

You are right about this. I did and God did and the Book of Mormon isn’t true and Joseph Smith isn’t His prophet.


25 Sep 04
24 Jul 06

Originally posted by howardgee
See, everybody who encouraged this guy, now you have got the lunatic babbling.
If you all just asked him to bugger off like I did, this would never have happened.
He is not a lunatic. He’s is trying to serve God which is more than I can say for a lot of people. I’m putting you on my prayer list along with Lemonjello.🙂

This is my laast post on this thread.:'(



21 Jan 04
24 Jul 06

Originally posted by masscat
He is not a lunatic. He’s is trying to serve God which is more than I can say for a lot of people. I’m putting you on my prayer list along with Lemonjello.🙂

This is my laast post on this thread.:'(
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....
The lunatics have taken over the asylum....


02 Jan 06
25 Jul 06

Originally posted by LinkHyrule
The people of the 1830's would not have crucified their Savior if they knew it was him.
And the people during the time of Jesus would not have crucified him had they known it was him either. If I recall, Jesus prayed for the Farther to forgive them, for they know not what they do. The apparent metamorphosis of human behavoir seems odd to me. Throughout the the Old Testament, men of God who came to preach and prophesy to them to warn them and call them to repentance were consistantly persecuted and/or killed. In fact, Christ was no different. We even see Christians persecuted and killed today for standing up for the truth as well. There was nothing magical about the people of the 1830's that made them any nobler than people of any other time in history. Men are men and sin is sin. Nothing has changed except for your glorification of the peole of the 1830's.


02 Jan 06
25 Jul 06

Originally posted by LinkHyrule
Yes, we can become Gods ourselves someday, or what purpose would their be to coming to Earth? We might as well have never been born if we wouldn't grow from our experiences on Earth.
If memory serves, there is only one God. It is not me and it is not you. You can become a god unto yourself, however, in the sense that you no longer choose answer to and serve the one true God. This occured when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and partook of the fruit. The serpent told them that they will be as gods. God did not say to not eat of the fruit, wink, wink, and not really mean what he was saying to them. He was not hoping for them to sin. Sin is abhorrent to a holy God and he in no way desires it for us or for himself in any way. Sin is merely a departure for what is best for us in our life. In effect, there is no fall upward, only downward. Gravity has a way of doing that to you.

As far as our purpose today is on earth, it is to SERVE and commune with our creator just as it will be when we recieve an incorruptible body in the next life. It is not to become some greater god than we are today. If this was what God really thought was best for us, he would have created us that way to begin with.


02 Jan 06
25 Jul 06

Originally posted by LinkHyrule
The commandments, of course, but also other things. Not drinking coffee, tea, taking drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes was a revelation to keep our bodies healthy when the world didn't know those things were bad for you. Also, not watching bad things or listening to bad music or words helps us to keep the Holy Ghost close to us. I don't think there's anything w ...[text shortened]... ark about what will occur there.
I don't believe anybody can become an equal to Christ.[/b]
I am all for cleaner living. After all, sin is destructive and will only add sorrow to our lives. However, it is important to note that there is no specific good work that will save you. Faith in God's word is counted as righteousness in the eyes of God and not "good works". Also, this faith in the power of Christ sacrifice and resurrection is what redeems us from the power of sin and death. It is a gift through grace and not of ourselves.


02 Jan 06
25 Jul 06

Originally posted by LinkHyrule
Eternal marriage is where a family can live together for all eternity in happiness. As a family they can still have children, as it is a God-given blessing to have children, or we would never have been born. I know there are a lot of things I don't know about after I am done with this life, but I do know that the Lord won't leave me in the dark about what will occur there.
I don't believe anybody can become an equal to Christ.[/b]
Matthew 22:23 "The same day came to him the Sadducees which say that there is no resurrection and asked him, saying, Master, Moses said if a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. Now there were with us seven brothers and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased and having no issue left his wife unto his brother. Likewise the second also, and the third unto the seventh. And last last of all the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven for they all had her? Jesus anwered and said to them, 'Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection the neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.'"

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by howardgee
The lunatics have taken over the asylum......
No, Howard...they're on the grass. The paper holds their folded faces to the floor, and everyday the paperboy brings more.



13 Apr 04
27 Jul 06

Originally posted by David C
No, Howard...they're on the grass. The paper holds their folded faces to the floor, and everyday the paperboy brings more.
LOL Have a rec.


Corner Brook NFLD CA

28 Jun 06
08 Aug 06
1 edit

Sorry, I haven't been around for a while. I'll try to catch up.

Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
10 Aug 06

Originally posted by rbmorris
LOL Have a rec.
Don't try to butter me up, buttercup. I'm still not going to Woodstock 2007 with you.


11 Jan 06
12 Aug 06

i dunno mormon, but i've sure eatin alot of lsd!



21 Jan 04
13 Aug 06

Originally posted by David C
No, Howard...they're on the grass. The paper holds their folded faces to the floor, and everyday the paperboy brings more.
There isn't really a dark side of the moon, you know....