Biblical basis for the Trinity?

Biblical basis for the Trinity?


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by Doward
Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

In whose name do you gather? Its a simple question, why won't you answer?
I answered this a few post ago....

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Are you really that confused ? I hope not Manny. Of course at that time he materialized real flesh and blood just as other angels have done many times in the past. Remember the angels that mated with human females before the flood? Would they not have to be real flesh and blood to procreate?
But at the time of Jesus returning to heaven he dematerialize ...[text shortened]... space if for no other reason.
So don't insult me like that Manny. It's a simple explination.
So explain what happened to Enoch? I think you are mistaken in the power of God. Also how the heck do you know anything about heaven? Been there?


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by galveston75
I answered this a few post ago....
You are a liar. You did not answer the question as to whose name you
gather together. Instead you responded with a question of your own.
You said, "Jesus is the one speaking here. So is he there in the flesh or
in spirit?" The answer to your question you already knew was "in spirit".
However, that in no way answers the original question. In whose name
do you gather together?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Aug 11
1 edit

Originally posted by menace71
So explain what happened to Enoch? I think you are mistaken in the power of God. Also how the heck do you know anything about heaven? Been there?

What about Enoch? You have to let me know what your talking about. And yes I've been to heaven by space shuttle... I guess I shouldn't joke with you guys as you take things so out of context.
And it seems your always trying to trip me up and when I do answer you give no responce. So I have no idea if you've even read it or not or get the point I was showing you..
So I guess that means you didn't read it or you don't disagree?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by galveston75
What about Enoch? You have to let me know what your talking about. And yes I've been to heaven by space shuttle... I guess I shouldn't joke with you guys as you take things so out of context.l
He was flesh and did not die and God took him it says in the scriptures. Where did God take Enoch?



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
You are a liar. You did not answer the question as to whose name you
gather together. Instead you responded with a question of your own.
You said, "Jesus is the one speaking here. So is he there in the flesh or
in spirit?" The answer to your question you already knew was "in spirit".
However, that in no way answers the original question. In whose name
do you gather together?
Your a very rude person as normal but I did answer it as I said this was Jesus speaking. Sooooooooo one should conclude that we gather together in Jesus name as the logical answer one should GET. And we do this as a responce that we should all be doing as it was Jesus that set up the congregations and the elders in charge of them and the preaching work that is directed from those meetings.
So do you GET it now?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by menace71
He was flesh and did not die and God took him it says in the scriptures. Where did God take Enoch?

So your saying Jesus did not die?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by galveston75
I don't know as I'm worried about him. He's had some health problems so I hope to hear from him soon.
Yes, I was beginning to worry too. He was beginning to lose his chess
games on time. I hope he hasn't died. Sorry to come across as rude,
but it is sometimes hard to get a straight answer out of you, if one
at all. I believe both you and robbie love Jesus; but I am concerned
for both of you, for I believe you are letting Satan deceive you through
the Watchtower Society.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by galveston75
So your saying Jesus did not die?
When you answer a question like you do. It makes me think you are
trying to avoid giving the answer. For I know you can not be as stupid
as you make out to be.


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
11 Aug 11

Originally posted by galveston75
I answered this a few post ago....
actually, no you didn't. In whose name do you gather?


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
11 Aug 11
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
I love you too man!!!! Lol.
It would be better if you loved Jesus and accepted him as Lord and savior


02 Aug 06
11 Aug 11
1 edit

" Is Jesus Christ the created archangel Michael ? "

Includes these words as a sample of the article:

" They [Watchtower] believe Jesus is a mighty God and Jehovah is the almighty. That's two Gods, this is not monotheism. Then what of the angel Gabriel that also means mighty like God does this make him Jesus too? Where is Michael now since the resurrection has not occurred and Michael fights before it in Dan.12. Yet he is Jesus. Whose name is above all names forever. Did the angel Michael incarnate to die for our sins?

What about Micah whose name means who is like Jehovah. The names don’t give a parallel but beg a question. Who is like God? Obviously no one. If Jesus is Michael than who are the other angels? Are they God too. Since he is only one of the chief princes. Doesn’t this destroy being the only begotten son since, he the son before he incarnated?

The Jehovah witnesses say "Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael is applied to God’s son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ." (Aid to bible understanding)

"Michael the Archangel, the first creation of Jehovah, before He came to earth and returned to the identity of Michael after his resurrection." (Aid To Bible Understanding, p. 1152).

The Watchtower teaches that Jehovah, the Father only created only one thing directly, the Logos, or Jesus. It was Jesus according to the Watchtower who created "all other things" (Colossians 1:16 NWT; Insight, Vol. 1, p. 527).

So then who is the creator of all? JESUS. But according to them He's not God.

We find the Bible contradicts the Watchtower interpretation in Isa.44:24 "I am the Lord who makes all things…""who has made the earth, and has created even man upon it...and who stretched out the heavens..."Jehovah. Is. 45:12. Do you see the predicament they are in? "


"This is polytheism, more than one god and worse yet they have an angel exalted as "a god." It does not matter if they worship him or not , they call him a god and creator. Jeremiah a reliable prophet said in chpt.10 v.11 "the Gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish…" Then what are they to do with Jesus who is called creator and "a god", is he to be eliminated with all the rest. That's the problem when you have two gods even if one is almighty and the other mighty. What of the Father? According to them he only created one thing, Jesus the angel. If he did not make the heavens and the earth he too will perish! So if Jesus who is called "a god" did not create it all, he goes the away with the rest of the false gods. This isn’t my opinion but Gods! "

For entire article:

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Aug 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Doward
actually, no you didn't. In whose name do you gather?
After he accused me of being rude as normal, he said, " should conclude
that we gather together in Jesus name as the logical answer one should GET."


St. Peter's

06 Dec 10
11 Aug 11
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
After he accused me of being rude as normal, he said, " should conclude
that we gather together in Jesus name as the logical answer one should GET."
Yet he hasn't actually stated that he gathers with others in Jesus name. He siad that the logical answer would be Jesus, but they do everything in Jehovah's name, not in the name of Jesus. They deny Christ his rightful honor and glory.


26 Aug 07
11 Aug 11
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
I don't know as I'm worried about him. He's had some health problems so I hope to hear from him soon.
i am fine my dear Brother,

say something once, why say it again? what is there for me to discuss with RJHinds, Jaywill, Doward, Manny? I told them many times in a spiritual context that I am interested in what is actually in the Bible, not what is not, therefore the trinity holds no interest for me. If i was on their doorstep i would not hesitate to leave at a moments notice, for as you know yourself, there is a certain dignity attached to preaching the good news of Gods Kingdom, for we are not pedlars of the word and given their propensity for terming you a liar and issuing forth all manner of insults I simply have no stomach for it any more. A present, amidst the turmoil of life, I am attempting to learn to read and write Koine so that i can read the scriptures for myself in the original language, i cannot tell you how exciting this has been, Greek has a beautiful script and is not so far removed that one cannot trace the origins of the English alphabet.

When i was on holiday i managed to procure a book entitled, 'Truth in translation', written by Jason BeDuhn, associate professor of religious studies at Northern Arizona University, in which he compares nine major translations for accuracy and bias. The New world translation according to his learned and informed opinion was, in many instances the most accurate, if you can get the book, its a wonderful read, for the bias of biblical translators is laid bare by a qualified professional for all to see.

As for the forum i have neither the inclination nor the time at present to answer all these quite frankly unfounded and contrived criticisms, for indeed, one can criticise our doctrines from the comfort of a personal computer, but dont, for heavens sake ask them to lift a finger to help another learn Biblical principles so that others may benefit from it, they are only interested in their own personal salvation, that is why they are constantly talking of Jesus in them and the whole point of the Good News has evaded them. They are solely negative, contentious, simply content to tear down and not to build up another's faith, and my time away from the forum has left me feeling refreshed and confident in my faith, despite what life has thrown my way.

take care my friend, give my regards to you and yours, the brothers in America who are working hard to help others overcome all manner of problems - kind regards Robbie.