blindfaith101 - Question for you...

blindfaith101 - Question for you...


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Chess Samurai


26 Apr 04
30 Nov 05

Anyone want to take bets on when BF101 will start with the vommiting (no wait, he is doing that already....) spinning of the head and speaking in Aramaic?
I am going for 8pm GMT!

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by KnightWulfe
Anyone want to take bets on when BF101 will start with the vommiting (no wait, he is doing that already....) spinning of the head and speaking in Aramaic?
I am going for 8pm GMT!
Give the man a break, will ya?

Chess Samurai


26 Apr 04
30 Nov 05
1 edit

Originally posted by Halitose
Give the man a break, will ya?
He calls me Satan, scorns me and wants to bring down God's vengeance upon me and you want me to give him a break?????

The "man" needs some serious help. I am not saying that in jest....he really does.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by KnightWulfe
He calls me Satan, scorns me and wants to bring down God's vengeance upon me and you want me to give him a break?????

The "man" needs some serious help. I am not saying that in jest....he really does.
Its like fighting fire with fire, it's not going to help.

Chess Samurai


26 Apr 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by Halitose
Its like fighting fire with fire, it's not going to help.
I was hoping that the bigger fire would actually suck up all of the oxygen and put itself out.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by KnightWulfe
I was hoping that the bigger fire would actually suck up all of the oxygen and put itself out.
Ah... Unfortunately, there's lots more where that came from, no end in sight.

Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by Halitose
Ah... Unfortunately, there's lots more where that came from, no end in sight.
BF101 is like Jack Bauer with demons.


16 Dec 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by The Chess Express
[b]But these people attack with insults anything they do not understand; and those very things that destroy them.

I'm not siding with anybody, and I don't condone this type of behavior…

Have no worry GOD Will deal with you too. And soon!

…but I have a question for you. Why is it necessary to threaten people with divine retribu ...[text shortened]... is born of God, and knoweth God.[/b]

Perhaps there is a brighter way to deliver your message.[/b]
I have threated noone.
If people donot like the idea of going to hell. Then they should repent and accept the salvation that is offered by JESUS CHRIST.
Never once have I ever said that anyone has to believe as I do. I have only stated the thruth, that mankind must beleive THE WORD OF GOD. I have only stated that all of mankind must accept the Salvation that is freely offered by JESUS CHRIST. Failure to do so will lead everyone to everlasting damnation. Yes, THE WORD OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST, and THE HOLY SPIRIT "alienates" people. Should it not. If a man or woman choses not to accept CHRIST. Or if they are told that they are sinners. Then they are alienated. They are alienated from GOD.
What you call "rhetoric" is THE WORD OF GOD. Only those that have chosen that they want no part of JESUS CHRIST are getting farther and farther away from the Grace and Mercy of GOD. Those that have chosen to live inn there sins have chosen the the judgement they deserve.
I have not judged anyone. THE WORD OF GOD is the Judge. You, I, and everyone else will be Judged by THE WORD OF GOD. If I am incorrect THE WORD OF GOD will judge me, and I will be punished for my error. If I am correct in what I have been saying, then all those that have rejected THE WORD OF GOD, will be judged by that rejection.
Son of man, I have made you a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and theou givest him not warning, nor speaketh to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast divered thy soul. Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his right his righteousness , and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. EZEKIEL 3:17-21
Every Believer has the responibilty to warn sinners whether the heed the warning or not. That warning also must be by the truth whether they accept it or not.
GOD HIMSELF threatens sinners with eternal hell.
Even as Sodom and Gommrrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, suffering the vengence of eternal fire.
To execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. JUDE 7,16
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell? MATTHEW 23:33
If you are offended by the way GOD has allowed me to express HIS message. Then you should be spreading the Gospel in the way that GOD gives you. Picking out scriptures meant for those that are saved and trying to live saved is not bringing anyone to CHRIST. THE WORD OF GOD, brings Salvation. Not paying Patty cake with satan.


16 Dec 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by KnightWulfe
He calls me Satan, scorns me and wants to bring down God's vengeance upon me and you want me to give him a break?????

The "man" needs some serious help. I am not saying that in jest....he really does.
I donot comdemn you you comdemn yourself. I you are offended by anything that I said, through THE WORD OF GOD, then you should Repent and get saved. It is your own Words that are going to put ypu in hell, not mines.
None of us knows how much longer GOD'S Grace and Mercy is upon our lives. At any moment or second you could be standing before the LORD GOD then it will be to late to repent. REPENT for JESUS CHRIST is soon to return.


16 Dec 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by Halitose
Its like fighting fire with fire, it's not going to help.
If he does not Repent he will be in fire.

Chess Samurai


26 Apr 04
30 Nov 05
1 edit

Originally posted by blindfaith101
I donot comdemn you you comdemn yourself. I you are offended by anything that I said, through THE WORD OF GOD, then you should Repent and get saved. It is your own Words that are going to put ypu in hell, not mines.
None of us knows how much longer GOD'S Grace and Mercy is upon our lives. At any moment or second you could be standing before the LORD GOD then it will be to late to repent. REPENT for JESUS CHRIST is soon to return.
Nah... I don't condemn myself or anyone else, BF101. You are entitled to your opinion and your beliefs. What I dont like is that you ram it down everyone's thoat with every post you make. And you condemn those that do not agree with you. Everyone must repent and be saved.

Personally, I don't want to be saved. Been there, done that, and got over it when I was 13.


16 Dec 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by KnightWulfe
Nah... I don't condemn myself or anyone else, BF101. You are entitled to your opinion and your beliefs. What I dont like is that you ram it down everyone's thoat with every post you make. And you condemn those that do not agree with you. Everyone must repent and be saved.

Personally, I don't want to be saved. Been there, done that, and got over it when I was 13.
You have just proven my case. If you or anyone else has no intentions of getting or being saved. There is no reason for you to be offended. You have chosen your road and all that goes with it. All I have done is warned you that you are on the wrong road. And I have not really warned you. THE WORD OF GOD is warning you. It is up to you to accept or reject.

Chess Samurai


26 Apr 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
You have just proven my case. If you or anyone else has no intentions of getting or being saved. There is no reason for you to be offended. You have chosen your road and all that goes with it. All I have done is warned you that you are on the wrong road. And I have not really warned you. THE WORD OF GOD is warning you. It is up to you to accept or reject.
Proven your case? What case would that be? That I need to be saved? That I must repent my sins and pray to God to forgive me my trespasses against Him?

BF101 - I dont believe in God....especially the one that you put forth. I dont believe in Satan either. I dont believe there is Heaven or Hell. In my belief, I am fine. Why do I have to be fine in yours too?


The sky

05 Apr 05
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
I have only stated the thruth, that mankind must beleive THE WORD OF GOD.
You have stated what you believe to be the "thruth". It's very arrogant to assume that you are the one who knows the truth, while everybody else (including other Christians, as they inevitably disagree on some points) is wrong.


16 Dec 04
30 Nov 05

Originally posted by KnightWulfe
Proven your case? What case would that be? That I need to be saved? That I must repent my sins and pray to God to forgive me my trespasses against Him?

BF101 - I dont believe in God....especially the one that you put forth. I dont believe in Satan either. I dont believe there is Heaven or Hell. In my belief, I am fine. Why do I have to be fine in yours too?
Whether or not you believe in HE exsists. You have to find the way to GOD through JESUS CHRIST, not by what I say on donot say. You donot need GOD. That's fine. You are committed to what you think or believe. What has happened is if you fgeel the way that you do. That would mean that what THE WORD OF GOD says is not for you. And you should not be offended by what does not concern you.
If you are an unbeliever that choses not to believe. Then don't believe.