Originally posted by 667joeChrist once said that loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor completes the law of God....unless you desire to continue to sacrifice animals to atone for your sins rather than have Christ do it for you.
If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament he would be a criminal. If he would strictly follow the teachings of the New, he would be insane. Robert Ingersoll
So how about it, was he insane?
Originally posted by 667joeNo joe. I still retain some property.
You always turn the other cheek and have given all your property and money to the poor?
But moments have come when I did give away because the Lord within me was giving away. And there also have been times when I left my vindication up to God rather than fight back, because that is what the Lord was doing within me - turning the other cheek.
You see the New Testament has Jesus teaching "Abide in Me and I in you". It is a matter of lingering in the realm of Christ and flowing along with what He is doing.
It is foolishly legalistic for you to lift at random a phrase here and there and gloat the NO Christians on earth are living as the Bible says.
Originally posted by PsychoPawnI know many who are still trying to live the laws of Moses, not personally.
Including the old testament?
The New Testament is the teaching to receive the available Christ and abide in Him, allowing Him to abide in us.
Living Christ is not a matter of how one acts as much as how one reacts. We learn to more and more abide in the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus flows out of our reactions because He dispenses Himself into our souls.
Thousands are experiencing this and growing in this.
Originally posted by jaywillBut they are not living following the rules of the bible.
I know many who are still trying to live the laws of Moses, not personally.
The New Testament is the teaching to receive the available Christ and abide in Him, allowing Him to abide in us.
Living Christ is not a matter of how one acts as much as how one reacts. We learn to more and more abide in the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus flows out of our reactions ...[text shortened]... e He dispenses Himself into our souls.
Thousands are experiencing this and growing in this.
Originally posted by 667joeIt would be insane to give away everything. It would be insane to turn the other cheek. Acording to Robert Ingersoll.
You are not living up to your biblical Christian obligations by keeping even some of your property, and your response to me certainly did not turn the other cheek.
Do you imply that jaywill would be insane?