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Imagine if this happened in the US

Imagine if this happened in the US


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Could this even happen in the US?

"Photos of a Christian group are going viral online after they marched in an LGBT pride parade in the Philippines with “I'm Sorry” signs over the weekend."

"The group of Christians from the Church of Freedom in Christ Ministries (FICM), a church based in Makati, Philippines, reportedly stood outside Marikina Stadium, where the march ended, holding signs apologizing for the harm inflicted on the LGBT community by Christians over the years, BuzzFeed reported Monday."

Follow the link to see the signs they marched with.

Agree or disagree?


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Originally posted by @suzianne
Could this even happen in the US?

"Photos of a Christian group are going viral online after they marched in an LGBT pride parade in the Philippines with “I'm Sorry” signs over the weekend."

"The group of Christians from the Church of Freedom in Christ Ministries (FICM), a church based in Makati, Philippines, reportedly stood outside Marikina Stadium, ...[text shortened]... blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/395169-christian-group-marches-in-lgbt-pride-parade-in-philippines
Are you impressed, or sadden by this? Almost anything can happen in the US.

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This has literally been going on in the USA since 2010.



Originally posted by @suzianne
Could this even happen in the US?

"Photos of a Christian group are going viral online after they marched in an LGBT pride parade in the Philippines with “I'm Sorry” signs over the weekend."

"The group of Christians from the Church of Freedom in Christ Ministries (FICM), a church based in Makati, Philippines, reportedly stood outside Marikina Stadium, ...[text shortened]... blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/395169-christian-group-marches-in-lgbt-pride-parade-in-philippines
Harm inflicted?

What? Did someone tell the LGBT that homosexuality and all other sexual deviancy outside the God given biblical parameters for sex is a sin?


Originally posted by @secondson
Harm inflicted?

What? Did someone tell the LGBT that homosexuality and all other sexual deviancy outside the God given biblical parameters for sex is a sin?
Well, aren't you just a sweet, self righteous piece of crap.

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Originally posted by @suzianne
Could this even happen in the US?

"Photos of a Christian group are going viral online after they marched in an LGBT pride parade in the Philippines with “I'm Sorry” signs over the weekend."

"The group of Christians from the Church of Freedom in Christ Ministries (FICM), a church based in Makati, Philippines, reportedly stood outside Marikina Stadium, ...[text shortened]... blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/395169-christian-group-marches-in-lgbt-pride-parade-in-philippines
Many liberal churches in the US would do that. If you go to church it would be that kind of church. Either that or you are a hypocrite.


Originally posted by @caissad4
Well, aren't you just a sweet, self righteous piece of crap.


Originally posted by @caissad4
Well, aren't you just a sweet, self righteous piece of crap.
So when someone disagrees with you on moral grounds concerning your choice of "lifestyle" it's ok to attack them with name calling?

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

1 edit

Don't y'all see. It's not enough that you tolerate the LGBTQP lifestyle. You have to embrace it. And promote it.

Anything less and you're a self-righteous, backward, bigoted, phobic piece of trash.

edit: And it doesn't work the other way. If you're a Conservative, a Caucasian male, a patriot, a nationalist, a Republican, or God forbid... a Trump supporter? Then you will not be tolerated and you deserve to be mocked, marginalized, and treated like the self-righteous, backward, bigoted, phobic piece of trash that you are.


Of course the problem is that many project their homophobia onto what is and isn't "moral', what is "dark and what is "light", etc. Even worse they use their interpretation of the Bible as a weapon in an attempt to justify their bigotry to themselves and others whilst wrapped up in a cloak of self-righteousness.

2 edits

Originally posted by @thinkofone
Of course the problem is that many project their homophobia onto what is and isn't "moral', what is "dark and what is "light", etc. Even worse they use their interpretation of the Bible as a weapon in an attempt to justify their bigotry to themselves and others whilst wrapped up in a cloak of self-righteousness.
It shouldn't matter if person A believes person B has an immoral lifestyle. Back during the Crusades, the religious folks didn't tolerate anyone who disagreed with their version of morality, and forced people to either think and behave in approved fashion, or die. Today, it's similar but it's the (mostly atheist) progressives™ forcing everyone to either embrace and promote political correctness, or, suffer the consequences. The consequences don't normally include death, but I'm guessing that option is still on the table. For future implementation.


Originally posted by @thinkofone
Of course the problem is that many project their homophobia onto what is and isn't "moral', what is "dark and what is "light", etc. Even worse they use their interpretation of the Bible as a weapon in an attempt to justify their bigotry to themselves and others whilst wrapped up in a cloak of self-righteousness.
You project your fear and hate of actual Christians on those of us who believe the Bible and agree with God.

Not sure what you are getting so defensive about. Embrace your live of evil and take ownership.

2 edits

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
It shouldn't matter if person A believes person B has an immoral lifestyle. Back during the Crusades, the religious folks didn't tolerate anyone who disagreed with their version of morality, and forced people to either think and behave in approved fashion, or die. Today, it's similar but it's the (mostly atheist) progressives™ forcing everyone to eithe ...[text shortened]... y include death, but I'm guessing that option is still on the table. For future implementation.
How easily the crucial sentence in the above can be altered to: Today, it's similar but it's the (mostly theist) conservatives™ forcing everyone to either embrace and promote political intolerance, or, suffer the consequences.

Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.


Originally posted by @js357
How easily the crucial sentence in the above can be altered to: Today, it's similar but it's the (mostly theist) conservatives™ forcing everyone to either embrace and promote political intolerance, or, suffer the consequences.
But that's not what's happening. Political Correctness rules the day now. And as traditional Conservatives die off, and Liberalism permeates our education system, government, and media more and more... it's just a matter of time. By and large, Liberal progressives™ are hostile to Conservatism and Christianity. I wouldn't be surprised if within the next couple of decades, the bible will be labeled dangerous hate speech and banned. The good ol' days of the "Christian Coalition" are over.


Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
But that's not what's happening. Political Correctness rules the day now. And as traditional Conservatives die off, and Liberalism permeates our education system, government, and media more and more... it's just a matter of time. By and large, Liberal progressives™ are hostile to Conservatism and Christianity. I wouldn't be surprised if within the ne ...[text shortened]... eled dangerous hate speech and banned. The good ol' days of the "Christian Coalition" are over.
Matthew 24:12
And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

Dark days are coming.

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