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Religious people are functionally insane.

Religious people are functionally insane.


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Just think of it, their god makes a whole universe, puts in billions of years or is it 8,000, this omnicient god who knows all about every quark in every atom of every cell in every life form in the universe, chooses to spend its time directing the very rocks to grow, the very air to come into being, the very oceans to come forth, the sun to light up the earth, directing every typhoon, hurricane, volcanoe, earthquake, etc., just to arrange it so humans appear and humans being the pinnacle of creation, the best this god can deliver, humans with eyes where the blood vessels are in FRONT of the retina, nice job there, god. Muscles one tenth as strong as a chimp, way to go god.
And BILLIONS of people buy into this BS with more being brainwashed every day. This god of death, causing us to fight to the death over other religions, this diseased syphalitic mind ravenged god is the one these people worship daily, this sicko god allowing 3 year old girls to get cancer of the vagina, allowing babes to be born with ALS, Downs, AIDS, and so forth, this is the god they worship. Just goes to show you the depth of the 3000 year old scam it is. When peoplel live their lives as if all this crap is real, it makes them functionally insane, not able to deal with real life as it is, instead putting the mind this god supposedly gave them, parking it in the closet and just hoping this god will set things straight in the 'afterlife' a nice oxymoron if ever I heard one.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Just think of it, their god makes a whole universe, puts in billions of years or is it 8,000, this omnicient god who knows all about every quark in every atom of every cell in every life form in the universe, chooses to spend its time directing the very rocks to grow, the very air to come into being, the very oceans to come forth, the sun to light up the ea ...[text shortened]... ping this god will set things straight in the 'afterlife' a nice oxymoron if ever I heard one.
yeh, like humans could do better???? My goodness you would be lucky if you could bake a cake!

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Just think of it, their god makes a whole universe, puts in billions of years or is it 8,000, this omnicient god who knows all about every quark in every atom of every cell in every life form in the universe, chooses to spend its time directing the very rocks to grow, the very air to come into being, the very oceans to come forth, the sun to light up the ea ...[text shortened]... ping this god will set things straight in the 'afterlife' a nice oxymoron if ever I heard one.
there is an anecdote in my country . at the start of the century, a zoo was built complete with lions and tigers etc. and a peasant who probably couldn't read and never heard of the world outside the boundaries of his village let alone the world, happened to visit said zoo.

he was marveled at what he saw, discovered that cats can be much bigger than what he used at home as an anti-mouse device. but what really messed him up was the sight of a giraffe. he stayed in front of it, looked at it and when it was finally closing time, he shook his head and said "this cannot exist".

we are all ignorant and there are still some things that cannot be explained. the origin of the universe. now i understand that inventing any story and presenting it as scientific proof is wrong, the sensible christians and religious people in general understand that. that's what faith is all about.

but is it better to beat your atheist chest and say "god is 100% not real".
it is quite sad how angry you are at a god that doesn't even exist. were you beaten as a child? haven't your parents shown you any love?

let me tell you what i find disgusting. lawyers going to court and using a technicality to allow a rich rapist go free. people who sue starbucks because they were idiots and spilled hot coffee(it's supposed to be hot dipsh|t) on themselves, child rapers and murderers, child beaters. wife beaters, stalin killing millions that didn't agree with him, rich bastards putting led in toys or toxic materials because they are cost-effective and so on.

and of course i also find disgusting a muslim psycho going with a strap-on in a church or different sect mosque or a school and blowing himself up, i hate the inquisition, i hate bush and hitler using god among other ideas to promote their agenda, i hate how people refuse transfusion because god doesn't want it and so on.

does that mean that all "peoplel live their lives as if all this crap is real" are "functionally insane" you disgusting, pathetic little man? does it mean that i put my "mind in the closet" just because i believe in god and jesus you sorry excuse of a human being? Did you giggle when you put afterlife in ''? How do you know there is no after life? Do you know what happened "before" the big bang? then how can you know for sure what happens in a place nobody can observe?

oh i have to thank you, i haven't had this much fun trashing an idiot since the last YEC i had. Been growing a little hungry.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yeh, like humans could do better???? My goodness you would be lucky if you could bake a cake!
Neither humans nor some god did it. We are the product of a long string of good (from a human POV) luck. For instance, if it had not been for the disaster that struck the dino's down 65 megayears ago, vocanoes, asteroid, whatever, we would still be little mice sized deals scampering about under the feet of dinosaurs. There have been so many major extinctions in the last half billion years as to make it seem improbable for us to have come about but, no god needed, it came about all unaided by anything but luck and mutations.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
there is an anecdote in my country . at the start of the century, a zoo was built complete with lions and tigers etc. and a peasant who probably couldn't read and never heard of the world outside the boundaries of his village let alone the world, happened to visit said zoo.

he was marveled at what he saw, discovered that cats can be much bigger than wha trashing an idiot since the last YEC i had. Been growing a little hungry.
Gotcha!🙂 Even the very idea of anyone daring to call the bluff of the 3000 year old scam gets your goat. Your reaction shows the insanity quite plainly.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Gotcha!🙂 Even the very idea of anyone daring to call the bluff of the 3000 year old scam gets your goat. Your reaction shows the insanity quite plainly.
oh, before the edit i only saw the gotcha and the smiley so i thought you really made a joke with the whole hate speech.

so i was gonna say "you asked for it". but now, i realize that "you asked for it, moron" is much better.

my reaction shows the insanity clearly you say? why, because i called your incoherent babble and showed you that you are just as ignorant as a yec: both hold their truth as absolute although both have no scientific data to back it up?

because i said i hate the heretic burning inquisition and the atheist stalin and mao whereas you said you hated all people that go to church, pray to god, give to the poor and try to live a life of love and compassion?

when you are prepared to discuss things in a civilized manner, we will continue. or better said start again.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
oh, before the edit i only saw the gotcha and the smiley so i thought you really made a joke with the whole hate speech.

so i was gonna say "you asked for it". but now, i realize that "you asked for it, moron" is much better.

my reaction shows the insanity clearly you say? why, because i called your incoherent babble and showed you that you are jus ...[text shortened]... ared to discuss things in a civilized manner, we will continue. or better said start again.
I didn't say there wasn't REAL insanity in the world, as clearly evidenced by the Stalins, Idi Amins, Hitlers, Pol Pots, etc. Functional insanity is living in a dream world where everything comes out happy happy in the end, but only if you believe. I personally think people who think that way are judgemental, even though there is a script that says Judge not lest ye be judged, they are judgemental nonetheless,
living in a dream world where they believe all they are spoon fed about the 'Lord' and all the anthropomorphic BS that goes with it.
This is not a god speaking through men, this is men making up crap as they go along, all in the program to contol mens lives and make life generally miserable for women. AND to give them a rational to kill people of other religions, beings how THEIR religion is the only true one. And you don't think that is functional insanity?
BTW, this is not spoken in hate, it is spoken to the immaturity of the human race needing such falsity.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
you hated all people that go to church, pray to god, give to the poor and try to live a life of love and compassion?
Please don't make these 'virtues' out to be a christian thing. Us 'non-believers' have just as much emotional currency as christians...

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Just think of it, their god makes a whole universe, puts in billions of years or is it 8,000, this omnicient god who knows all about every quark in every atom of every cell in every life form in the universe, chooses to spend its time directing the very rocks to grow, the very air to come into being, the very oceans to come forth, the sun to light up the ea ...[text shortened]... ping this god will set things straight in the 'afterlife' a nice oxymoron if ever I heard one.
Yea, why is it science has not one thing that is offered in place of
creation? I have submitted before there isn't even a theory on the
beginning of everything, science has to start with something and
move on, it does not answer where everything that is dated comes

Creation does answer that with the Eternal Creator causing reality
as we see to spring forth. Science has a Big Bang, but it does not
address what caused the Big Bang where did that stuff come from.

If you want to run in circles again on this topic keep it up, almost
without exception we see people talking in circles, they drop the
subject as unknowable, those discussing this matter will break the
rules of logic or deny them for that event to attempt to make it
sound reasonable, but nothing is offered beyond faith with should
give pause instead normally personal attacks follow close behind
this discussion. As you started this thread with the accusation that
insanity is at the root of a belief in creationism.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Yea, why is it science has not one thing that is offered in place of
creation? I have submitted before there isn't even a theory on the
beginning of everything, science has to start with something and
move on, it does not answer where everything that is dated comes

Creation does answer that with the Eternal Creator causing reality
as we see to ...[text shortened]... ou started this thread with the accusation that
insanity is at the root of creationism.
People make up a story and now you use it as if it were an absolute. That is the biggest bunch of crap going. There are as many creation stories from turtles on the back of elephants holding up the universe to humans coming from beavers after building a dam. None of these stories including your own has any more weight than any of the other 10,000 versions all made up by man. You in your absolute arrogance, think YOUR mythical tale is the only one worth considering. There is no more truth in your rediculous tale than the one with the elephants and turtles.

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Originally posted by Crowley
Please don't make these 'virtues' out to be a christian thing. Us 'non-believers' have just as much emotional currency as christians...
yes, but he doesn't call you insane. and i didn't refer only to christians. substitute church with mosque.

what i really wanted to point out is that he was so rabid about religious people that he forgot to be polite, to be considerate, to understand that not all religious people would refuse transplants or transfusions just as not all lawyers defend rapists and not all atheists are called mao and stalin

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Originally posted by sonhouse
People make up a story and now you use it as if it were an absolute. That is the biggest bunch of crap going. There are as many creation stories from turtles on the back of elephants holding up the universe to humans coming from beavers after building a dam. None of these stories including your own has any more weight than any of the other 10,000 versions a ...[text shortened]... ing. There is no more truth in your rediculous tale than the one with the elephants and turtles.
how do you know the story you are referring to is made up?

sure, we all know there are no turtles supporting the earth. why? because we got off this planet and we saw. and we proved there is no turtle.

did you prove there is no god? give me a proof. refrain from saying god isn't needed for the universe to work because in my religious insane mind that simply proves how good of a handy-man god is to have built such a self sustaining piece of engineering.

common, i challenge you to offer proofs god doesn't exist.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
how do you know the story you are referring to is made up?

sure, we all know there are no turtles supporting the earth. why? because we got off this planet and we saw. and we proved there is no turtle.

did you prove there is no god? give me a proof. refrain from saying god isn't needed for the universe to work because in my religious insane mind that ...[text shortened]... ustaining piece of engineering.

common, i challenge you to offer proofs god doesn't exist.
Well you have me there for sure, an impossible task which is why so many different religions share the same planet. Nobody can say with certainty the gods of ancient Greece don't exist, so they have exactly the same validity as the god you worship. I can see that you think
when I used the phrase 'functional insanity' I was actually calling you and all religious folk insane. There is a big difference between functional insanity and real insanity, the kind that people get put away for because they are not mentally on the same planet as most folk, where they hear voices that tell them to kill or plant trees or whatever. These are caused by imbalances in the mind physiologically speaking. You should be able to tell by your own response, you were ready to whack me over the head with a 2X4 so I offer that as proof you are so involved with this religion as to think anyone deriding it deserves death. That to me is functional insanity.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
how do you know the story you are referring to is made up?

sure, we all know there are no turtles supporting the earth. why? because we got off this planet and we saw. and we proved there is no turtle.

did you prove there is no god? give me a proof. refrain from saying god isn't needed for the universe to work because in my religious insane mind that ...[text shortened]... ustaining piece of engineering.

common, i challenge you to offer proofs god doesn't exist.
Hey Z dude!

You know well that me in person I have not a religion; but you and I and all of us we are aware of the fact that the existense of "god" is impossible to be scientifically proven or disproven.

Therefore I ask a quite simple question: If "god" exists and this miserable atheist denies his existence, then what are the consequences of this attitude of mine in my life and in the life of the people I love?

In my opinion there is not the slighest implication. What you say?

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
but is it better to beat your atheist chest and say "god is 100% not real".
it is quite sad how angry you are at a god that doesn't even exist. were you beaten as a child? haven't your parents shown you any love?.
What is even sadder is how the theists are always trying to bash an atheist god which neither party believes exists.

In another thread I had robbie carrobie dictating to me that I must believe in everything that he thinks atheists must believe in, whilst he simultaneously is not too sure whether atheists themselves even exist.

Atheists are such an annoyingly frustrating target because we really have nothing in common except a property we don't have (a belief in a god). So what do you bash?

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