The Jesus Question

The Jesus Question


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30 Apr 17
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @chaney3
While this sounds reasonable, it doesn't explain why Jesus appears to be playing a hide and seek game with His true identity, all throughout the New Testament.

Just say it!
If you're God, then say it!

Then, when we have all of the information, we can utilize our free will to decide.

But at least tell us clearly.
His disciples wondered the same thing as you. Jesus answered the question and imho it leads directly to the doctrine of election.

Matt 13:10-13
Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.



04 Apr 04
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @chaney3
While this sounds reasonable, it doesn't explain why Jesus appears to be playing a hide and seek game with His true identity, all throughout the New Testament.

Just say it!
If you're God, then say it!

Then, when we have all of the information, we can utilize our free will to decide.

But at least tell us clearly.
Who Jesus was is of no consequence to anyone's salvation. That is why Jesus played hide and seek with all that information. The disciples were not even aware of his coming Crucifixion and resurrection. Neither is that important to anyone's salvation.

What is important for entry into the Kingdom of God is the critical question ? Jesus said it is those who do good works. Those who do it will enter, those who dont will be cast out.

Churches fight against that doctrine because it does not fill the churches and does nothing for their bank accounts. Poor churches preach the truth and the rich ones preach garbage ,,, OSAS, prosperity gospel... etc


15 Oct 06
02 Jun 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @chaney3
While this sounds reasonable, it doesn't explain why Jesus appears to be playing a hide and seek game with His true identity, all throughout the New Testament.

Just say it!
If you're God, then say it!

Then, when we have all of the information, we can utilize our free will to decide.

But at least tell us clearly.
In the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry, Jesus not only never claims to be God, He repeatedly makes a clear distinction between Him and God.

Jesus makes it quite clear.

Your problem seems to be that you often listen to those who do not have the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry as their foundation. As such, they can't hear what He is saying.



04 Apr 04
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
His disciples wondered the same thing as you. Jesus answered the question and imho it leads directly to the doctrine of election.

Matt 13:10-13
Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been give ...[text shortened]... parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
You will find no place in the Bible where the disciples stated that Jesus was God. And yes the disciples were chosen by God and they understood and knew the truth. The truth is that Jesus is the Son of God as stated clearly by Simon Peter and confirmed by Christ himself.

Churches that preach that Jesus is God is doctrinally astray.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
How could the Word be WITH God and BE God as well.
There is something wrong with that sentence
There are well established translation difficulties with that sentence

Jesus was always WITH God.
God was always the Father
Jesus was always the Son
The Father is greater
Jesus is not equal to the Father.

They are two separate and distinct entities.
<<Jesus was always WITH God.>>

If Jesus was always with God as you claim, Jesus is not a created being. Therefore, Jesus, like God, has existed eternally, as the Old Testament prophecies stated.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
02 Jun 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Let us not forget the OT tells us not to put our trust in the son of man:

'Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. (Psalms 146).

From this we can surmise:

Jesus is the son of man,
The OT tells us not to put trust in him,
In other words, we cannot put our trust in Jesus as we can with God,
Jesus is not God.
I thought you didn’t believe in God. You’re saying Jesus is not an entity you do not believe in?


Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
[b]Jesus said "I and the Father are one."

Jesus calls for His followers to become "one" with God as He is "one" with God and utilizes metaphor to depict it. For example: 

John 14 
20“In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 

John 15 
4“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itsel ...[text shortened]... loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.[/b]
Hebrews 2:9.

Standard memberRemoved

31 Jan 18
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Correct ... a crystal clear distinction is made

[i]Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and that hour knoweth [b]no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
(Mark 13:30-32 KJV ...[text shortened]... st [referring to the commandments as Pharisaical and law keeping] so I guess they dont qualify.[/b]
Read the Gospel of John chapter 1 and Hebrews chapters 1 and 2 if you want to learn The Truth.

Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
You will find no place in the Bible where the disciples stated that Jesus was God. And yes the disciples were chosen by God and they understood and knew the truth. The truth is that Jesus is the Son of God as stated clearly by Simon Peter and confirmed by Christ himself.

Churches that preach that Jesus is God is doctrinally astray.
There are places in the bible, but for argument's sake, let's say there aren't and you are correct. Then when Jesus said "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone," your conclusion is, Jesus was not good.


15 Oct 06
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
There are places in the bible, but for argument's sake, let's say there aren't and you are correct. Then when Jesus said "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone," your conclusion is, Jesus was not good.
Then when Jesus said "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone," your conclusion is, Jesus was not good.

C'mon. Do you really not understand that that would be YOUR conclusion?



04 Apr 04
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
There are places in the bible, but for argument's sake, let's say there aren't and you are correct. Then when Jesus said "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone," your conclusion is, Jesus was not good.
Show me the places .. thanks.
Why are you changing the topic.


15 Oct 06
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Show me the places .. thanks.
Why are you changing the topic.
If the posters on this forum are any indication, Intellectual integrity is in really short supply amongst Christians.



04 Apr 04
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
If the posters on this forum are any indication, Intellectual integrity is in really short supply amongst Christians.
You could say that again.

Aficionado of Prawns


30 Apr 17
02 Jun 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @rajk999
Show me the places .. thanks.
Why are you changing the topic.
I didn't change the topic. If you believe Jesus when he said only God is good, and you don't think Jesus is God, then by simple deduction, you don't believe Jesus was/is good.

I didn't just up and decide for no reason that the case for the doctrine OSAS has merit; I weighed the arguments for and against, and came to my own conclusion.

John 3:15-16 says twice--no doubt for emphasis--those that believe will have eternal life. Not "hopefully have," not "unless they change their minds later."

Rom 8:30 says those whom God predestines, He calls. And those whom He calls, He justifies. Not some of whom are predestined and called. All.


12 Jul 08
02 Jun 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
You will find no place in the Bible where the disciples stated that Jesus was God. And yes the disciples were chosen by God and they understood and knew the truth. The truth is that Jesus is the Son of God as stated clearly by Simon Peter and confirmed by Christ himself.

Churches that preach that Jesus is God is doctrinally astray.
Was John written by an apostle?