What kind of Forum this is to people depends much on how you use it. And to preach the gospel is a valid use of this Forum.
Some people always want to remind you "This is a debate forum." Yes, it is a debate forum. And it is also a preach the Gospel Forum.
I've been doing so for about twelve years and haven't been thrown out yet. In my preaching of the Gospel I leave room for debate - a lot of it, as you can see from my exchanges.
For some people this is a Preach Atheism forum. And they do. And nobody stops them. And for some it is a Preach the Gospel of God Forum. Both are equally welcomed apparently.
@sonship saidI think this is a debate and discussion forum for people with a range of beliefs. Nobody uses it for raw-contemptuous-of-dissent-and-disagreement preaching to the same degree you do and nobody rains down the same kind of visceral insults upon those you perceive are not interested in sitting at your feet, as you do.
What kind of Forum this is to people depends much on how you use it. And to preach the gospel is a valid use of this Forum.
Some people always want to remind you "This is a debate forum." Yes, it is a debate forum. And it is also a preach the Gospel Forum.
I've been doing so for about twelve years and haven't been thrown out yet. In my preaching of the Gospel I lea ...[text shortened]... ps them. And for some it is a Preach the Gospel of God Forum. Both are equally welcomed apparently.
I suggest you take the preaching side of your outreach to your own blog or to a Christianity message board and then use this place to engage fellow posters, not as a self-anointed holy man or "teacher", simply share perspectives as almost everyone else does, and let the glow you get from walking the walk of your Christian life ~ demonstrate how Jesus flows through you ~ permeate your contribution to a wider range of spiritual topics rather than just trotting out doctrine and copy-pasting reams of stuff.
As things stand, you often cannot spell other community members' names, you don't know what gender they are, you don't know what they have said they believe, you don't seem to remember what they have posted, and you can't remember what threads they have started. It's an oddly detached posture to take in a place you have spent so many years in. You sell yourself short. Just my penny's worth.
Nobody uses it for raw-contemptuous-of-dissent-and-disagreement preaching to the same degree you do and nobody rains down the same kind of visceral insults upon those you perceive are not interested in sitting at your feet, as you do.
Honestly, I've seen worst come from Dive & Rajk in the last few days. Of course, I have not seen every post, and I fully forgive them and think it is completely inconsequential....
Because it's the internet.
I think you put a lot of effort into never going beyond calling people feeble-minded and the likes, and you think you gain some schweet social capital from all that effort, but I do not see it that way.
@sonship saidI don't think so. I think people like Ghost of a Duke, cassaid4, Proper Knob, BigDoggProblem and myself [and others] simply share our opinions and observations - in the spirit of debate and discussion - and do so without copy-pasting blocks of text about doctrine thread after thread, day after day, year in year out, and resort to Appeal to Authority constantly, like you. You are a self-styled and self-anointed head down ears back "preacher" in a way that the atheists in this community certainly are not.
For some people this is a Preach Atheism forum.
@philokalia said"Social capital"?
I think you put a lot of effort into never going beyond calling people feeble-minded and the likes, and you think you gain some schweet social capital from all that effort, but I do not see it that way.
I think you mentioning this term may be a glimpse into your psyche.
@sonship saidNo it isn't.
What kind of Forum this is to people depends much on how you use it. And to preach the gospel is a valid use of this Forum.
Some people always want to remind you "This is a debate forum." Yes, it is a debate forum. And it is also a preach the Gospel Forum.
I've been doing so for about twelve years and haven't been thrown out yet. In my preaching of the Gospel I lea ...[text shortened]... ps them. And for some it is a Preach the Gospel of God Forum. Both are equally welcomed apparently.
A 'preach the Gospel' thread (if that is your intent) but you don't get to re-define the forum which is far more inclusive than your particular flavour of the divine.
@fmf saidI would much prefer it if users were to share relevant text, quotations, etc. from the likes of atheist thinkers (which I believe I have seen Cass do a few times), because, ultimately, that would be a good contribution and form some good discussion topics.
I don't think so. I think people like Ghost of a Duke, cassaid4, Proper Knob, BigDoggProblem and myself [and others] simply share our opinions and observations - in the spirit of debate and discussion - and do so without copy-pasting blocks of text about doctrine thread after thread, day after day, year in year out, and resort to Appeal to Authority constantly, like you. You are ...[text shortened]... inted head down ears back "preacher" in a way that the atheists in this community certainly are not.
If I learn some details about the thoughts of Nietzsche here, I am enriched.
If I learn the details about ... some guy on the internet's beliefs... Not so much.
@philokalia saidIt's interesting that you mentioned "social capital" as if to be dismissive of stuff I post that you don't approve of.
I think social capital is a feature you can find in any community of people. You might even be able to find people attempting to accrue it in a movie theater audience.
@philokalia saidStuff on "the thoughts of Nietzsche" would make you "enriched" you say?
If I learn some details about the thoughts of Nietzsche here, I am enriched.
And yet you singled out a poster who offered paedophilic humour, thousands of posts accusing others of being liars, and humourless "jokes" about having children by raping a woman ~ all directed at posters that did not interact with him for his last three months here ~ as the "best poster on this forum".
I say this about you and not about him.
He's gone. But you're still here pontificating hypocritically about 'forum standards' and people posting in 'good faith'.
That's number fourteen, I believe. ^^
And yes, Dive, I am going to spend more time reading.
You know those long absences where you say that I have slunk off and avoided the issue..? I spend a lot of the time then reading.
I am intending to cut back my activity a bit for that express purpose.