What other hope is there?

What other hope is there?


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Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 17

There is to me no hope so great that the Perfect Person, Jesus Christ, could come to live in me a mingled life of union.

This is a great hope.
This is to the reply of the original OP.

What a hope. That God could be dispensed into us in the Son as the Spirit - into men and woman.

Fighting for men’s

right to have babies

16 Feb 08
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
The three of the Trinity are distinct...
But I’ve just proved to you that “distinct” doesn’t mean what you are claiming it means. Do you accept the dictionary definition of “distinct”?



04 Apr 04
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship

It is obvious to me that this matter is bothering you for you to raise it in another unrelated thread.

Just take it then in the same way that in practically every thread YOU participate in where I make a comment, you are sure to write something about "the commandments of Christ".

You too are sure to slip in there "the commandments o ...[text shortened]... ans 15
... all of it. You cannot blame those passages on my favorite Bible teachers.[/b]
I tend to focus on critical matters ie critical to ones eternal life, much the same way that Jesus Christ focused on these things. And yes following the commandments of Christ is the one critical thing that determines whether or not a person is accepted into the Kingdom of God or rejected and cast out.

You focus on trivialities, and you further use these trivialities to proclaim your superiority over other Christians, even going so far as to think that these trivial matters will bar one from entry into Gods Kingdom.



04 Apr 04
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
Maybe you can ask others in this forum what is their interpretation of this passage by Paul. The language is simple and straightforward. I cannot explain it further.

This language is also very simple:
[b]Psalm 10:16

"Jehovah is King forever and ever"

I believe that as Jesus Christ reigns on His thron ...[text shortened]... Hebrews 1:8[/b].

I reserve the right to believe both and all the relevant biblical passages.[/b]
The Bible is full of contradictions if you try to place all on the same level. When deciding where to get your truths from Jesus provides the advice. You can take it or leave it.. your choice

The words of Jesus comes first.

The teachings of Paul and the Apostles comes second

The writings of the Prophets come third.

Its in the Bible. Jesus is greater than all before him and after him so his teachings are critical.
Next there are things revealed to the Apostles which were not revealed to the prophets.

So try to resist the temptation of placing David and Solomon over Paul.

29 Dec 08
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
There is to me no hope so great that the Perfect Person, Jesus Christ, could come to live in me a mingled life of union.

This is a great hope.
This is to the reply of the original OP.

What a hope. That God could be dispensed into us in the Son as the Spirit - into men and woman.
I see that hope plays a role here. It couldn’t be better expressed.

Referring to my comments on page one of this thread, I think that the doctrine of hope is a palliative treatment for the panic of possessing a belief at the moment of one’s death, that is wrong in some essential way that warrants its holder’s being in agony forever.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @divegeester
But I’ve just proved to you that “distinct” doesn’t mean what you are claiming it means. Do you accept the dictionary definition of “distinct”?
But I’ve just proved to you that “distinct” doesn’t mean what you are claiming it means. Do you accept the dictionary definition of “distinct”?

I accept your dictionary definition as useful and right in conversing in English about typical things.

I accept its limitation in the realm of divine experiences, such as the touching God in the Person of Jesus Christ. That is something that never occurred to the natural mind.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @rajk999
I tend to focus on critical matters ie critical to ones eternal life, much the same way that Jesus Christ focused on these things.

You are not saying by this, I hope, that the Son's throne being forever and ever (Hebrews 1:8 comp Psalm 45:6,7) is not a "critical thing" in the Bible.

And yes following the commandments of Christ is the one critical thing that determines whether or not a person is accepted into the Kingdom of God or rejected and cast out.

I have some question as to you realizing Who Christ is in the first place. You may talk about following the commandments of Christ a lot yet not knowing accurately Who Christ is to begin with.

It appears that your understanding of Who Christ is is of a temporary King when it is critical that He is God Who reigns forever and ever.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17
1 edit

You focus on trivialities,

With this statement, it is reinforced that you don't know what you are talking about.

Is it a "triviality" that Christ is Jehovah God Who reigns as Godman forever and ever? That is a "triviality" to you?
Yes or No ?

Am I right in believing that you were either educated by the Jehovah's Witnesses or possibly The Way International?
I am pretty sure that your Christology was learned from some Arian cult of one kind or another, though you are a individualistic "anti group" kind of person.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17
1 edit

and you further use these trivialities to proclaim your superiority over other Christians,

If the word of God says the Son's throne as "O God" is forever and ever, and someone else says "Christ is not God" or that "Christ's Lordship is not permanent" it is a matter of them being wrong. Superiority of one person over another is not the point. Truth over error is the point.

Where did I ever say "I am an intrinsically superior person to you" because I corrected something wrong you taught?

I never did it.

I do emphasize the superiority of the Triune God over all of us.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17
4 edits

Originally posted by @rajk999
The words of Jesus comes first.

But is this the word of Jesus to you ?
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

I wrote a thread on prayreading the word of God once. In the Holy Spirit the whole Bible is Christ speaking to me with His words.

I have learned that the whole Bible can be taken as the words of Jesus in the Holy Spirit.

Did you ever read this?

"All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work." ( 2 Tim. 3:16,17)

The teachings of Paul and the Apostles comes second

You are saying that the so-called "red letters" always should be taken as the top priority. Well, for arguments sake, will not help you with a none permanent and temporary kingship of Jesus Christ.

Where in the "red letters" does Jesus Christ tell you that His reign is not permanent but temporary lasting only a thousand years?

Show me His teaching of that in the "red letters" of the Gospels.
I cannot find such a teaching.

But I do see in the "red letters" Jesus speaking of eternity when His followers will be with Him where He is in the glory which He had with His Father before the creation.

"Father, concerning that which You have given Me, I desire that they also may be with Me where I am, that they also may behold My glory, which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." (John 17:24)

I don't see any hint of Christ's glory being temporary. Before incarnation He was eternally glorious even before the creation of the universe. His desire is His Father's will that He bring with Him others into this glory to be with Him where He is.

Where in your "red letters" is Jesus teaching of His temporary reigning ?

The writings of the Prophets come third.

Do you realize that the prophets say that the Son's throne is forever and ever then ?

" Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; The scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Your kingdom.

You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness;

Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your companions." (Psalm 45:6,7)

Please notice the prophet's utterance.
1.) The one being spoken to is the Messianic King, who is one of the sons of men (v.2).
"My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever."

2.) The Messianic King is addressed as God.
3.) The Messianic King's throne is for eternity - forever and ever.
4.) God is His God ! So you have God the Father and God the Son.
5.) Since He is also a man He has "companions"

I don't say I am superior to anyone here. But I do point out the facts of the scripture here.



04 Apr 04
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
I tend to focus on critical matters ie critical to ones eternal life, much the same way that Jesus Christ focused on these things.

You are not saying by this, I hope, that the Son's throne being forever and ever [b](Hebrews 1:8 comp Psalm 45:6,7)
is not a "critical thing" in the Bible.
And yes following the commandments of Ch ...[text shortened]... Christ is is of a temporary King when it is critical that He is God Who reigns forever and ever.[/b]
The curse of knowledge and the feeling of superiority it gives.
You have it and you dont know that you have it.
Others on the forum see it all the time.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus explained these things - the ones believing themselves to be superior, but who refuse to act, will not be in the Kingdom of God, the priest and the Levite did not act will be cast out. The one who knew nothing but who displayed compassion to those in need will enter the Kingdom of God.

Those who practice mouth worship will be damned.
Those who preach it will be in an even worse predicament.


28 Oct 05
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
I don't say I am superior to anyone here.
You claim that Jesus "flows out" of you and that he doesn't "flow out" of non-Christians here, and that somehow isn't you claiming you are superior to anyone here?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
29 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
In the experience of the Christians we sometimes realize that typical human utterance is not adaquate. In the case of the three-one God we seemed forced to stretch the human language.

Didn't the Apostle Paul say on occasion that he spoke according to man, implying that the mysteries were deeper than typical human language could capture?

[quote] [b] ...[text shortened]... her two are there also. Yet there is One God. Yet the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct.
Wow....I mean no disrespect as I know you are sincerer in what you believe and really hope by your explanations that it will make sense to others, but the more you post the more it doesn't.
When Jesus was on earth and was teaching others about who he was and who is father was, how did Jesus teach? What methods did he use?
First why was he teaching them? Was it to cause confusion and possibly deepen any misunderstandings that they already had? No it was to help them understand the things he taught. And why was that? It was so they could teach others and on and on.
As time were to go on the bible says that the truths in the bible were to get "brighter and brighter" not darker and darker and less able to understand.
Other then saying point blank and with no disrespect, no one here understands anything you are trying to explain.
The bible is very clear on who Jehovah is, who his "son" Jesus is and what, not who, the holy spirit is.
Jehovah is the Father or God Almighty, one that is our LORD, Jesus is his son and one who is also called a god and our Lord, and the holy spirit is Jehovah's force that he uses to have his will accomplished by.
Remember the bible says there are "many gods and many lords". The word lord is just a title, it is not a name. And it is not a term only used for Jehovah and his son.
My point here is the confusion that this explanation you show us does nothing to teach. Jesus showed us how to teach in a simple and clear way.
A question...why is the holy spirit never called "Lord"?

01 Oct 04
29 Dec 17

Originally posted by @fmf
So you would feel a lack of hope without your religious beliefs. Why do you think this is something that people who don't have your religious beliefs are required to address?
Do you feel you have more or less hope now that you have abandoned your religious beliefs?

01 Oct 04
29 Dec 17

Originally posted by @divegeester
It’s not worth much, but thanks for the vote anyway.
I guess your thanks isn’t worth much then? 😕