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Anyone got any good Simpsons quotes?

Two my favourites are:

'Hi Lisa, hi Supernintendo Chalmers'

'You've got a girlfriend dude? That is so gay.'


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How's about...

(Grandpa) That's my metal knee. That's my metal hip. (Beepbeepbeep) That one's new to me!

or from the same episode.

(After finding a detection from the metal detector) (Lisa) It's a bottle cap.
(Bart) Jewel encrusted?

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Bart phoning Moe's: Hello, is there a Freely there? First initails I P.

Moe to everyone at bar: Ok I P Freely here? Do you know I P Freely?

(You have to say it for it to be funny) πŸ˜‰

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what about Amanda Hugenkiss? Or Hugh Jass?
Homer Sexual?

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The classic:

'Hi everybody. Hi Dr Nick.' πŸ˜€

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See you in the operating place!


The wrist bones connected to the, arm bone. The arm bones connected to the...red thing, the red things connected to my, wristwatch. Oops

pure gold. do you read Matt Groenings other comic, Life/School is hell?

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There are so many great ones! Offhand:

Homer: You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.

Homer: Oh, everything's too damned expensive these days. This Bible cost 15 bucks! And talk about a preachy book! Everybody's a sinner! Except this guy.

Homer: No, no, no, Lisa. If adults don't like their jobs, they don't go on strike. They just go in every day and do it really half-assed.

Bart: What's Santa's Little Helper doing to that dog? Looks like he's trying to jump over, but he can't quite make it.

Bart: There's no such thing as a soul. It's just something they made up to scare kids, like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson.

Chief Wiggum: Oh, man, what a day. It's no cakewalk being a single parent, juggling a career and family like so many juggling balls ... two, I suppose.

Chief Wiggum: I hope this has taught you kids a lesson: kids never learn.

Ralph Wiggum: Me fail English? That's unpossible.

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Security salesman to homer during the riots..I cant believe you could put a price on the safety of your family.
Homer.. Niether did I but here we are.

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These are from memory, so the quotes may not be exact....

Bart passes a message through the crowd at the school... it comes out like this.
"The teachers plan to strike, purple monkey dishwasher."

The TV executives when Homer and Moe spoil the plot of a soap.

"Oh no, they're giving away the plot! Go to commercial.... Right...... [long pause] Now.

Moe with Homer...

Moe: "This fryalator will deep fry a Buffalo in 40 seconds."

Homer: "Awww, but I want it now!"

Golfing, Mr. Burns says to Homer in the sand trap.
"An open face club, man! Use the Sand Wedge!"

Homer drools, "Open face Club Sandwich"

Also to add to this list...

any time Chalmers yells "Skinner!" (especially when he's just saying hello)

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Homer, to Patty and Selma - time to take out the trash!! But first, I'll have to ask you to leave.

or the classic(do you know, that this appears in the script as ANNOYED GRUNT ? Strange but true)


That's interesting. If it appears as ANNOYED GRUNT, that explains the episode (with Sherry Bobbins) where the title is Simpsonsuoercalifragilisticexpialli(ANNOYED GRUNT)cious. (*phew*).

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This isn't a quote but a request for help - Simpsons related...

In Series 14 "A Star is Born-Again" - EABF08.
Can anyone tell me the composer/title of the music playing (classical I guess?) when Ned Flanders walk's away from the dance?


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Chief Wiggum: Ok guys. Get the whole force on this.

Other guy who works with him: Uh chief,.... the three of us are the whole force.

Chief wiggum: Oh yeah. Whatever.

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mmm...free goo
mmm...forbidden donut

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Originally posted by D43M0N
mmm...free goo
mmm...forbidden donut
1) ???
2) When Bart and Milhouse get high on squishy and chew too much bubble-gum.
3) Simpsons website


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Originally posted by orkyboy
1) When Homer pries a waffle of the roof and he thinks it is God.
2) When Bart and Milhouse get high on squishy and chew too much bubble-gum.
3) Simpsons website

πŸ˜€πŸ˜€Editied Quote.πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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