Tha Brotha Hood
Yo mama so fat, she got the entire text of Genesis tattooed around her ankle.
Playing percussion
Yo mama so fat, when yo papa got her pregnant, it really was the Big Bang.
Yo mama so fat, even Joshua couldn't march a full lap around her.
Yo mama so fat, God tried to banish her from Eden but she couldn't fit through the gate.
38N Lat X 121W Lon
Yo Mama so fat she sat on a quarter & squeezed a bugger out Gorge Washington's nose!!!
Center of Contention
Your mama so fat, Jesus has to help her turn the other cheek.
Your mama so fat, when she done with Canaan, it was just the land of milk.
Your mama so fat, when she get lifted up by the Lord, He get tired.
Your mama so fat, she swallowed some cat called Jonah, when she was swimmin.
Spiel des Lebens
Your mama so fat, the Rock of Ages done gone & split asunder under her.
Your mama so fat, they used her to feed the five thousand
Sewers of Holland
Yo mama's so fat they're too lazy to get up off their beds to smack you for such crappy jokes. Is there no end to my suffering? anyways: Yo mama so fat they used her as the mound for the cross for Jesus.
With White Women
Yo momma's so fat, she made Richard Simmons gay.
Yo mama so fat, Jesus had to die an extra two times to pay for her sloth and gluttony.
Yo mama so fat, she had to become a Protestant to get her sins absolved because she couldn't fit in the confessional booth.
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