Are people basically good?

Are people basically good?


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04
27 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
I get hassled post after post for a scriptural reference and when I go out of my way to find one it gets ignored. Why I am not surprised.
I am out of state no one is ignored I have been getting to these as I can.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
27 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @kellyjay
I am out of state no one is ignored I have been getting to these as I can.
No offence but you have appear to have spent more time questioning my words rather than heeding them.

Keep yourself to your true friends and family. Do not spread yourself too thin. If in doubt just dont call anyone AT ALL for a few weeks . Your true friends will still be your friends still. The rest ARE the problem, not people like me.

Despite your misguided faith and lack of intelligence your sincerity and your good heart is not lost on me.
People like you have to realize that you have been duped . The abstractions and hollow words you pass for truth are nothing but. Your apparent resistance to the words of Rajk and ToO have been indicative of your fear which is borne of the manipulative ones.

I urge you to heed the words of the wise. Those who seek to inform and include you . Those who wish to keep you down, who try to tell you to do nothing in this life other than have faith in religious mumbo jumbo until you die ARE the problem.

I dont have any problem with your path because I myself was duped for so long. Once I humbled myself and observed the ways of Jesus, most importantly treating the least of us as the best of us, I saw everything in a new light. I now saw who was who. This most definately included understanding who was who on this forum.

I see all the regular posters here as being of good intention and good heart however the ways of the world have corrupted them into attacking others because they see difference as the work of the other.

Tale it easy and go in peace, The Lord never forgets His children, thats why He sen his best

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
No offence but you have appear to have spent more time questioning my words rather than heeding them.

Keep yourself to your true friends and family. Do not spread yourself too thin. If in doubt just dont call anyone AT ALL for a few weeks . Your true friends will still be your friends still. The rest ARE the problem, not people like me.

Despite ...[text shortened]...

Tale it easy and go in peace, The Lord never forgets His children, thats why He sen his best
Like I said when I have time.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @karoly-aczel
No offence but you have appear to have spent more time questioning my words rather than heeding them.

Keep yourself to your true friends and family. Do not spread yourself too thin. If in doubt just dont call anyone AT ALL for a few weeks . Your true friends will still be your friends still. The rest ARE the problem, not people like me.

Despite ...[text shortened]...

Tale it easy and go in peace, The Lord never forgets His children, thats why He sen his best
Why in the world would I heed your words without questioning them? Outside of yourself I haven’t seen anyone except you as someone whose views were beyond reproach!

16 Feb 08
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
It was created and declared very good, we fell, that doesn’t take God out of the equation.
So you don’t believe that the entrity of creation was affected by the fall?

Interesting, I thought you were a “it’s in the bible so it must be true even if I don’t like it” kind of of Christian.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
So you don’t believe that the entrity of creation was affected by the fall?

Interesting, I thought you were a “it’s in the bible so it must be true even if I don’t like it” kind of of Christian.
What man was in charge of yes, that doesn’t mean God was booted from the universe.

God did not become infected with corruption when we fell, just His imagine bearers.

The universe is still filled with God.

That is why I believe we are compelled to justify our actions with excuses when they are contradictory to love, righteousness, kindness, holiness and so on.

We don’t have that need when we do good things.


28 Oct 05
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
It was created and declared very good, we fell, that doesn’t take God out of the equation.
Are you talking about "good" and "goodness" in the moral sense?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
Are you talking about "good" and "goodness" in the moral sense?
All of the above.


28 Oct 05
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
All of the above.
The chef was good at his job. He made a good soup. He was a good man who treated others well. Do you really think the word "good" means the same thing in the three instances above?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
The chef was good at his job. He made a good soup. He was a good man who treated others well. Do you really think the word "good" means the same thing in the three instances above?
Do not care!


28 Oct 05
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
Do not care!
The word "good" means different things.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
The word "good" means different things.
The word "good" is seen all throughout the first chapter of Genesis, beginning with Gen 1:4 "And God saw that the light was good." up until the last verse (Gen 1:31) "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." ESV

In this context what meaning is the word "good" is meant to convey? (the connotation)
In other words, what does it mean to you?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @whodey
What did Jesus mean by this?

Mark 10:17 “As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. ‘Good teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ ‘Why do you call me good?’ Jesus answered. ‘No one is good – except God alone. You know the commandments: Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not ...[text shortened]... fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”

Was he saying that he was a Republican?

wrong forum


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Aug 18

Originally posted by @rajk999
Good does not mean no sin. Good means righteous.
There are righteous people who follow the commandments.
These people Christ will call into the Kingdom of God.

Dont know why you are quoting those irrelevant passages.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
OMG, oh stop, you're killing me!

Dont know why you are quoting those irrelevant passages.
Yeah kelly, why are you quoting from the NEW testament?
What's up with that?!


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Aug 18

Proverbs 17:22