Being righteous, doing God's righteousness works.

Being righteous, doing God's righteousness works.


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04 Apr 04
1 edit

@medullah said
You two are as bad as each other. Let me ask -

Do either of you knowingly participate in a religious festival that are of pagan origin.

If this is the case with either of you, then you should both stop throwing stones. Maybe Jesus would have said to remove the log out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of the eye of another person?
Your focus is sadly off and you are too fixated on these things you call pagan festivals. To me those are minor issues. Some religions take these minor things and blow it out of proportion, and it becomes the critical thing in their doctrine. Eg Seventh Day Adventists say that the correct Sabbath is the 7th Day of the week and that the Sabbath must be observed as the 10 commandments stated, otherwise there is no eternal life.

Jesus said no such thing. Jesus is the new law. Jesus has the truth and Jesus is the way and the life. If you know one place Jesus spoke of these pagan festivals please quote it. Bear in mind Paul did say something ... Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: (Colossians 2:16 KJV)

Focus on the only important thing ... good works. Jesus said do like the Good Samaritan, and in the end all who do it will enter the Kingdom of God [Matt 25].

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@rajk999 said
Your focus is sadly off and you are too fixated on these things you call pagan festivals. To me those are minor issues. Some religions take these minor things and blow it out of proportion, and it becomes the critical thing in their doctrine. Eg Seventh Day Adventists say that the correct Sabbath is the 7th Day of the week and that the Sabbath must be observed as the 10 co ...[text shortened]... id do like the Good Samaritan, and in the end all who do it will enter the Kingdom of God [Matt 25].
You are forever getting that chapter wrong, and not only that ignoring all of the other scriptures that do not agree with your private interpretation. We must always make sure what we take from the text is not being taken out of context to make it mean what it doesn't.

The separation was done before the Lord started pronouncing judgment on what they did and didn't do. They were simply now giving an account of what they did and did not do, what separated them was done before they got there, what made one a sheep and another a goat.

You are also getting the main point about the good Samaritan wrong too, again.



04 Apr 04

@kellyjay said
You are forever getting that chapter wrong, and not only that ignoring all of the other scriptures that do not agree with your private interpretation. We must always make sure what we take from the text is not being taken out of context to make it mean what it doesn't.

The separation was done before the Lord started pronouncing judgment on what they did and didn't do. Th ...[text shortened]... nd another a goat.

You are also getting the main point about the good Samaritan wrong too, again.
Im really beginning to feel sorry for you.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@rajk999 said
Im really beginning to feel sorry for you.
If you take scripture and try to make it mean something that runs counter to other scripture it isn't the scripture that is wrong, but you. You still have not answered my question about those in your opinion who live out the beatitudes are sinless before God due to their living the beatitudes. These people don't have to have Jesus Christ as Lord, they don't require Jesus to be their Savior, to acknowledge Him as Lord? Can you just answer these questions or are you going to bring up some other off-topic subjects to avoid the doctrine you have asked everyone to accept critially?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

Not once have I ever said good works are not to be done, but that faith is before works every time. If we are not putting our faith in Christ we bypass that which is of first importance. We do good works, the works God gives us to do, not to be accepted by God, but because we are.

1 Corinthians
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,

Hebrews `3
Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

If we are not equipped by God to do the works of God what are we then offering up as good, strange fire?


28 Oct 05

@kellyjay said
If we are not equipped by God to do the works of God what are we then offering up as good, strange fire?
Did Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, for example, "equip" people to do "the works of God"?


16 Feb 08

@rajk999 said
Actually you are very wrong. Being a professed Christians means nothing. What is important is what you do. Since on this chat forum we have no idea what we do, then we have to go by what people say. KJ has said nothing of the teachings of Christ and instead discouraged people from accepting what Jesus taught.
No I’m not wrong. And I didn’t say being a professed Christian means anything.

But you are a professed Christian by your own mouth, and your words don’t match your claims about good works. You should NOT be calling another Christian “Satan” just because you disagree with them.



04 Apr 04

@divegeester said
No I’m not wrong. And I didn’t say being a professed Christian means anything.

But you are a professed Christian by your own mouth, and your words don’t match your claims about good works. You should NOT be calling another Christian “Satan” just because you disagree with them.
I am not judging anyones works here. You apparently are doing that. I am saying that there are Christians here who do not promote the doctrine preached by Christ. This means he is contrary to Christ. Therefore he is not of Christ. Satan is the word for that. Thanks for your opinion though.


16 Feb 08

@rajk999 said
I am not judging anyones works here. You apparently are doing that. I am saying that there are Christians here who do not promote the doctrine preached by Christ. This means he is contrary to Christ. Therefore he is not of Christ. Satan is the word for that. Thanks for your opinion though.
I’m not saying you are judging anyone’s works. I’m saying you don’t practice what you preach. Calling another Christian “Satan” because you disagree with them is very poor forum from you.

14 Mar 15

@divegeester said
I’m not saying you are judging anyone’s works. I’m saying you don’t practice what you preach. Calling another Christian “Satan” because you disagree with them is very poor forum from you.
In fairness, Kelly has been referring to Rajk as a 'deceiver' for months, and in biblical terms deceiver relates mostly to Satan.



04 Apr 04

@divegeester said
I’m not saying you are judging anyone’s works. I’m saying you don’t practice what you preach. Calling another Christian “Satan” because you disagree with them is very poor forum from you.
What exactly am I preaching that I do not practice?

I preach what Jesus preached which in a nutshell is
- feed the poor
- clothe the naked
- help those in need
- stuff along those lines.

How exactly do you know I am not doing those things? Please explain.



04 Apr 04

@ghost-of-a-duke said
In fairness, Kelly has been referring to Rajk as a 'deceiver' for months, and in biblical terms deceiver relates mostly to Satan.
Its going on over a year now. He took a break from posting and when he came back he came straight for me. I think he came back in during the height of the Covid. Must be going on about 2 years at lleast. Personally insults mean nothing to me. Im not one of those immature kids who are offended by what people say. Im good with insults .. in fact I enjoy it sometimes.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@rajk999 said
I am not judging anyones works here. You apparently are doing that. I am saying that there are Christians here who do not promote the doctrine preached by Christ. This means he is contrary to Christ. Therefore he is not of Christ. Satan is the word for that. Thanks for your opinion though.
You are claiming that people whom you have no idea about who they are, what they believe, or how they conduct themselves are not doing good works, so you are not being truthful by saying you are not judging works here, you make the claims that others do not have works. You talk about preaching things contrary to Christ. Yet, you dismiss many things Jesus said, about being born again, that the Father seeks those that will worship in spirit and truth, that to do the works of God is to believe in the One who He sent, that everyone who does not believe is condemned already, and the list goes on.

You add things to the words of Christ, and when asked to defend your meaning you blow off the questions as rubbish and move into name-calling. You use Christian scriptures to justify yourself and condemn others for using them. Promoting the doctrine preached by Christ, the Word of God made flesh does not allow you to dismiss all of the Word of God simply because not everything in scripture were direct quotes of Christ as you more than a few times also suggest things are true that were not direct quotes of Christ or found as a direct quote from scripture period.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@ghost-of-a-duke said
In fairness, Kelly has been referring to Rajk as a 'deceiver' for months, and in biblical terms deceiver relates mostly to Satan.
He said he used scripture to get to Christians not because he holds the scriptures in the same regard as Christians do, he just used them to screw with them. I told him that was deceitful, and from there the more I saw his duplicity the angrier it made me.


16 Feb 08

@ghost-of-a-duke said
In fairness, Kelly has been referring to Rajk as a 'deceiver' for months, and in biblical terms deceiver relates mostly to Satan.
It’s not the same; but KJ is out of order too.