Do you know Islam?

Do you know Islam?


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03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by whodey
"Vengence is mine, I will repay", says the Lord. The parable was talking about how God would judge those at the great white throne and NOT what believers should be doing to their fellow man. Vengence is not meant for us to carry out, rather, vengence is for
God alone. There is no vigilanty justice in the kingdom of God today. It is reserved for him alon ...[text shortened]... their wrong doings? Would you like to suffer for your wrong doings? I certainly do not.
When you talk about Juses and how peacefull he was you talk only parts of your holy book and ignore many others..

Juses say in the bible Matth[5:17]
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"

Which mean he didn't come with something new. And every thing in the law he agree with. And the call for fighting infidals every where in the OLD statement.

And also read this:

Matt[15:22] And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

Matt[15:23] But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

Matt[15:24] But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

what this verses say is totaly aganist your claim that Juses call was unversial. Juses refused to help other than Jewish because he said he was only sent for Jewish.

So as you can see all what you can say about Islam you will find more and more in Christianity, unless you don't belive in all what inside the bible


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
10 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney

Prophet Muhammed never initiated a war. All the wars were selfdefence.

I don't know if this answer your question.

But even if my answer is not perfect or complere, there is another important point. If you got to know that Islam is the true message of GOD and if you didn't follow its rules will you accept it or not.

I'm not perfect but I'm trying to deliver the message as I was asked.
You left out many a slaughter, oddly enough. But on this topic, you admit Mohammed was a murderer?

What happened to the Commandment: Thou shalt not kill?

And your message, that's the message of God, or the message of a murderer?

Was Mo' exempt the Law of God? Did he not know of Moses? Or is the Commandment wrong, and should read: "Thou shalt not kill, unless you think you're in the right, or are a bit annoyed, or can convince yourself you're serving some wacky higher purpose, or if you really just feel like murdering a few people..."?


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
When you talk about Juses and how peacefull he was you talk only parts of your holy book and ignore many others..

Juses say in the bible Matth[5:17]
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"

Which mean he didn't come with something new. And every thing in the law he agree with. And the ca ...[text shortened]... ill find more and more in Christianity, unless you don't belive in all what inside the bible
Jesus did not come with something new?? Explain that statement, if you please.


02 Jan 06
10 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney

Then I come to answer you questions:

1) Islam is not different from any message before, it is not different from the true Christianity and Judism, the messages of Mousses and Juses, that there is only one GOD and he is the only one who deserve worship. Islam tell us the islam was always the religon but people modified it or diviated away from it.
I do not see how you can say that Mohammad is no different from any other messanger such as Christ or Moses. After all, you are a follower of the words of Mohammad just as I am a follower of the words of Christ. The difference I can see is that I claim Chrsit to be my God but you do not claim that Mohammad is your God. You say that there are other prophets out there like Christ but that thier messages have been "tampered with" so that what they have said means nothing other than what Mohammad says they actually said. In effect, you have the prophet Mohammad speaking for every prophet that ever existed before him as he censors them accordingly.

I also do not see Muslims getting bent out of shape when Christ is blasphemed or made fun of. I don't see rioting in the streets or people being killed for such offenses. Why then is Mohammad held in such "higher" regard if he is just another simple prophet in a long line of prophets such as Christ? I can't help but infer then that Mohammad is your Christ other than the fact you claim he is not God.

In light of all these facts, to say then that Mohammad is just another prophet such as Christ would then have to be an inaccuracy don't you think?

BTW I do realize the trinity is a hard concept for those outside the faith. The simplest way I can describe it is that we were made in the image of God and we too are a triune being. Both of these facts remain a mystery to me even though I too am a triune being but can't explain how or why.


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
Jesus did not come with something new?? Explain that statement, if you please.
That is not what I said, that what Juses said by himself

Juses say in the bible Matth[5:17]
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"

What do you understand from this, explan it to me.


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
When you talk about Juses and how peacefull he was you talk only parts of your holy book and ignore many others..

Juses say in the bible Matth[5:17]
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"

Which mean he didn't come with something new. And every thing in the law he agree with. And the ca ...[text shortened]... ill find more and more in Christianity, unless you don't belive in all what inside the bible
"what this verses say is totaly aganist your claim that Juses call was unversial. Juses refused to help other than Jewish because he said he was only sent for Jewish."

Are you for real?

The verse mentioned the House of Israel, and you conclude Jesus was "sent only for Jewish". You are not capable of reading, one gathers. Or you are entirely lacking in sense.

Funny this, though, but before Jesus, there weren't many Christians. And even less Mohammedans. I wonder why.

Care to rephrase your very, very odd point?


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
10 Oct 06
1 edit

Originally posted by ahosyney
That is not what I said, that what Juses said by himself

Juses say in the bible Matth[5:17]
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"

What do you understand from this, explan it to me.
To me it is as plain as the light of day. First you explain how you have read this, then I'll tell you what I think it means.


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
You left out many a slaughter, oddly enough. But on this topic, you admit Mohammed was a murderer?

What happened to the Commandment: Thou shalt not kill?

And your message, that's the message of God, or the message of a murderer?

Was Mo' exempt the Law of God? Did he not know of Moses? Or is the Commandment wrong, and should read: "Thou shalt not kill ...[text shortened]... ing some wacky higher purpose, or if you really just feel like murdering a few people..."?
I don't know how you understand what I say. Where did I admit that. If you call self defence a murder then I think you need to rethink about all the actions you do in your life.


Et in Arcadia ego...

02 Feb 05
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by ahosyney
I don't know how you understand what I say. Where did I admit that. If you call self defence a murder then I think you need to rethink about all the actions you do in your life.
So you define everyone Mohammed killed with his own hand, or ordered killed self - defense?

You could go out and murder till your heart's content, and then claim that the people you murdered were preventing you from passing on God's message, and it's self-defense all of a sudden, and thereby ok.


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by whodey
I do not see how you can say that Mohammad is no different from any other messanger such as Christ or Moses. After all, you are a follower of the words of Mohammad just as I am a follower of the words of Christ. The difference I can see is that I claim Chrsit to be my God but you do not claim that Mohammad is your God. You say that there are other prophets ...[text shortened]... remain a mystery to me even though I too am a triune being but can't explain how or why.
For me as a muslim all prophets are the same. Part of may faith is to belive in all the prophets including Juses and Moses, they are all the same for me because they all came with the same message from GOD. So my reaction to insulting any prophet is the same. But you don't see it. Muslim get angry when we see that you the follower of Juses insult him.

Quran say that prophet muhammed is a messanger of GOD and the last prophet, Quran never say he is the best and Prophet Mohammed never said that about himself.

And again did you read the Quran , I think it will be very different.


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
So you define everyone Mohammed killed with his own hand, or ordered killed self - defense?

You could go out and murder till your heart's content, and then claim that the people you murdered were preventing you from passing on God's message, and it's self-defense all of a sudden, and thereby ok.
Again do you call self defence a murdur


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
So you define everyone Mohammed killed with his own hand, or ordered killed self - defense?

You could go out and murder till your heart's content, and then claim that the people you murdered were preventing you from passing on God's message, and it's self-defense all of a sudden, and thereby ok.
When I talk here I talk about Islam I know , not what you know.

The desition of fight is not taken by individuals. Me as a muslim can't do that by myself.

So what you say is not an Islamic rule and cannot happen in Islam


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
"what this verses say is totaly aganist your claim that Juses call was unversial. Juses refused to help other than Jewish because he said he was only sent for Jewish."

Are you for real?

The verse mentioned the House of Israel, and you conclude Jesus was "sent only for Jewish". You are not capable of reading, one gathers. Or you are entirely lacking in sen ...[text shortened]... s. And even less Mohammedans. I wonder why.

Care to rephrase your very, very odd point?
Isn't the house of Isriel Jewish people.

If I'm wrong let me know


03 Sep 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by sjeg
"what this verses say is totaly aganist your claim that Juses call was unversial. Juses refused to help other than Jewish because he said he was only sent for Jewish."

Are you for real?

The verse mentioned the House of Israel, and you conclude Jesus was "sent only for Jewish". You are not capable of reading, one gathers. Or you are entirely lacking in sen ...[text shortened]... s. And even less Mohammedans. I wonder why.

Care to rephrase your very, very odd point?
And even if I'm wrong,

Tell what does it mean


02 Jan 06
10 Oct 06

Originally posted by ahosyney

Juses say in the bible Matth[5:17]
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"
Galations 3:23 puts it this way.

"But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should be revealed. Wherefore the law was our SCHOOLMASTER to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under the SCHOOLMASTER. For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus......There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, their is neither male nor female; for you all are one in Christ Jesus."

This is even hinted at in Deuteronomy chapter 8 as Moses talks about the children of Israel keeping the Mosaic law. "Learn from this that the Lord your God was training you as a man trains a child, to keep the commandments of the Lord your God, and so follow his ways and reverence him."

1 Timothy 1:5-7 says this about our instruction under the law.

"But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith. For some straying from these things, have turned aside to useless discussion. Wanting to be teachers of the law, even though they do not understand, either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions."

As you see, the love is the perfection of the law. In Matthew 22:37-40 we are told that all the laws hang on the greatest law which is the law of love. If you love your brother as yourself and love the Lord your God with all your heart you will keep the law without trying. 1 John 15-13 says that no man has a greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You see, Christ therefore became the fulfillment of the law. The law was merely a schoomaster to get us to Christ.