"Meh, not my fault."


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24 Apr 10
19 May 14


(CNN) -- A bus packed with children burst into flames in Colombia on Sunday, killing at least 32 people, officials said.
The bus was picking up children from an event at a church in Fundacion, Colombia, when the blaze began, Col. Adan Leon told CNN affiliate Caracol TV.
"Everyone started to scream and run," a child who was on the bus told Caracol, describing how he escaped through a window.
Victims of the deadly fire included 31 children and one adult, Harry Aaron, a civil defense official in Magdalena department, told CNN.
Authorities are investigating what caused the fire, Leon told Caracol.
One witness told Caracol that the driver went to get a drink and left children to put gasoline into the vehicle's tank.
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos expressed condolences on Twitter Sunday and traveled to the northern Colombian municipality to be with victims.
"The country is in mourning," he said.

God likes a bit of irony, doesn't he?

16 Feb 08
19 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Great King Rat
At what age does something like this cease to be "God's irony" and become misadventure? Are accidents that God allows to happen to children more immoral than teenagers or adults?


28 Oct 05
19 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
At what age does something like this cease to be "God's irony" and become misadventure? Are accidents that God allows to happen to children more immoral than teenagers or adults?
If I may use a wee bit of irony and commandeer a bit of sonship's "thinking" on prayer and God etc., it surely "wouldn't hurt to say" thank you to God for whatever His purpose was behind these deaths,right?

Originally posted by sonship on "Update to my request for prayer"
As it couldn't hurt to ask, neither could it hurt to say "God if you are there, I just want to say, Thankyou."


24 Apr 10
19 May 14

Originally posted by divegeester
At what age does something like this cease to be "God's irony" and become misadventure? Are accidents that God allows to happen to children more immoral than teenagers or adults?
Maybe you should try to answer those questions for yourself. I'm more than happy to give my view, but I'm not the one believing there's this all-seeing divine being.

My view: the irony part is that the children had just returned from worshipping God in church. Gosh must have had a chuckle knowing these prayboys were soon going to die anyway.

As to your second question: you don't find it immoral that Gosh would let people die in pretty much the most horrific, painful way possible when these people had no fault in their demise?

Yes, I think allowing children to die in a such a horrific fashion is more immoral than letting a grown up die because children more so than grown ups often do not possess the wisdom to recognize danger.

I also think it's more immoral for a parent to let their six year old child cross a busy road than their 18 year old child. You?


28 Oct 05
19 May 14

Originally posted by Great King Rat
you don't find it immoral that Gosh would let people die in pretty much the most horrific, painful way possible when these people had no fault in their demise?
We are assured by some here that our "sin nature" is passed on to us through sperm.


24 Apr 10
19 May 14

Originally posted by FMF
We are assured by some here that our "sin nature" is passed on to us through sperm.
But these children went to church to somehow "cleanse" themselves of their sin.

Apparently, they still deserved a horrible death. Whereas I stroll through life completely Godless and there is a good chance that I will die much, much less painful.



28 Oct 05
19 May 14

Originally posted by Great King Rat
Apparently, they still deserved a horrible death.
Perhaps we should look upon the good news about vivify as a kind of counterbalance.

Thread 159273

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
19 May 14

Originally posted by Great King Rat
But these children went to church to somehow "cleanse" themselves of their sin.

Apparently, they still deserved a horrible death. Whereas I stroll through life completely Godless and there is a good chance that I will die much, much less painful.

Not everything that occurs on this earth, especially in these last days, is engineered by God Himself. The fault in this case seems to rest on the supposed adult who "went to get a drink" and left children to fuel up the vehicle. Every one of these aggrieved parents should sue this guy for everything he owns. Maybe, just maybe, he'll think twice next time.


28 Oct 05
19 May 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Not everything that occurs on this earth, especially in these last days, is engineered by God Himself.
If the 31 children had somehow been rescued alive from the wreck, would you have thanked God?


24 Apr 10
19 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
Not everything that occurs on this earth, especially in these last days, is engineered by God Himself. The fault in this case seems to rest on the supposed adult who "went to get a drink" and left children to fuel up the vehicle. Every one of these aggrieved parents should sue this guy for everything he owns. Maybe, just maybe, he'll think twice next time.
The point isn't that god "engineers" it (although if sin is taken into account one might argue that god did engineer everything) but rather that god let it happen. He stood by and watched.

But yeah, let's go the American way and let's sue people. Because that's the relevant bit here.


24 Apr 10
19 May 14

Originally posted by FMF
Perhaps we should look upon the good news about vivify as a kind of counterbalance.

Thread 159273
Maybe we should sue the children's parents for not praying enough to have their children come home savely after church...?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
19 May 14

Originally posted by FMF
If the 31 children had somehow been rescued alive from the wreck, would you have thanked God?
I would have thanked the persons directly responsible for saving them. Risking one's life for others is a higher calling in itself. Then later, in private, I probably would have thanked God for sending angels, yes.

Here is the difference. You see this as an evil act (or failure to act) by God. I do not believe that is possible, God cannot be evil. These things happen every day across the globe. When aid arrives in time, there must be a reason for it. But it doesn't arrive in time far more frequently. We only heard about this time because so many children died this time. But I'd save any fault in this for the man who was negligent.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
19 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Great King Rat
The point isn't that god "engineers" it (although if sin is taken into account one might argue that god did engineer everything) but rather that god let it happen. He stood by and watched.

But yeah, let's go the American way and let's sue people. Because that's the relevant bit here.
The "relevant bit" here is putting blame where blame belongs.

Edit: Or would you be one to defend this man with the argument that "God willed it to happen" and therefore this man is innocent?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 May 14
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
If I may use a wee bit of irony and commandeer a bit of sonship's "thinking" on prayer and God etc., it surely "wouldn't hurt to say" thank you to God for whatever His purpose was behind these deaths,right?

Originally posted by sonship on "Update to my request for prayer"
[b]As it couldn't hurt to ask, neither could it hurt to say "God if you are there, I just want to say, Thankyou."
If I may use a wee bit of irony and commandeer a bit of sonship's "thinking" on prayer and God etc., it surely "wouldn't hurt to say" thank you to God for whatever His purpose was behind these deaths,right?

If you are suggesting that there are things which do not cause a Christian to weep or sorrow or be perplexed, even crying out to God, then you misunderstood my post entirely. But I don't think such a misunderstanding appears accidental.

If you are wanting to twist my encouragement to be thankful to God into a sadism which gloats at human tragedy, then you may just show desperation to slander the faith.

I encouraged a poster that because of good fortunes coming to him after he sought prayer for himself, he could be thankful to God. So it appears that you wish to twist this into some useful slander against the Christian's faith and thankfulness in this thread.

Being thankful to God does not equate to insensitivity to others' human tragedy or the tragedies in the world generally. Christ's words - "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" suggests Jesus realized that there is a sorrow to life on earth, much of which seems unavoidable.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
19 May 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Not everything that occurs on this earth, especially in these last days, is engineered by God Himself. The fault in this case seems to rest on the supposed adult .
Good things in life = from god

Bad things in life = Man's fault

I get it.