@fmf saidWhat would the equivalent "practical spirituality" consist of?
practical politics, a definition: matters for concrete action as distinguished from theoretical or ideological discussion.
What would the equivalent "practical spirituality" consist of?
The operative words here: are "concrete action".
There would be no such thing. As I've explained to you before, spiritually exists outside the disciplines of what we know as practicality, logic, mathematics etc. This is an interesting question, but I'm afraid you're seeking something that doesn't exist.
@mchill saidFor a follower of Jesus, for example, "practical spirituality" would be things like obeying His commandments, the nuts and bolts of walking the Christian walk, doing good works, navigating the visscitudes of life etc. Not rarefied enough?
There would be no such thing. As I've explained to you before, spiritually exists outside the disciplines of what we know as practicality, logic, mathematics etc.
@fmf saidFor a follower of Jesus, for example, "practical spirituality" would be things like obeying His commandments, the nuts and bolts of walking the Christian walk, doing good works, navigating the visscitudes of life etc.
For a follower of Jesus, for example, "practical spirituality" would be things like obeying His commandments, the nuts and bolts of walking the Christian walk, doing good works, navigating the visscitudes of life etc. Not rarefied enough?
If you already know the answer to your OP question, then why are you asking me?
@fmf saidIt could mean something as simple as doing prayer, reading, meditation, etc. routinely.
practical politics, a definition: matters for concrete action as distinguished from theoretical or ideological discussion.
What would the equivalent "practical spirituality" consist of?
The operative words here: are "concrete action".
Or it could mean something as radical as prioritizing usefulness of practice over 'seeking truth'. Plainly stated, I look for things I can use from various spiritual texts and speakers, and leave the rest alone.
13 Jul 22
@fmf saidNo, following Christ is a personal experience with Him, the changes in behaviors are a result of the love of God in us not a means to an end. Anyone can follow rules and live by standards set by themselves or others which would fluctuate between individual opinions and all miss Christ.
For a follower of Jesus, for example, "practical spirituality" would be things like obeying His commandments, the nuts and bolts of walking the Christian walk, doing good works, navigating the visscitudes of life etc. Not rarefied enough?
@fmf saidIf ones Lord is truly Jesus, it is Jesus, aka God, Who brings about those changes in our behavior and thinking over time, through a spiritual relationship or connection with Him. Jesus said: "First clean the inside of the cup (spirituality), and the outside of the cup will become clean also(outward appearances and behaviors etc)" [Paraphrased].
This thread is about those changes in behaviour.
14 Jul 22
@fmf saidThe first and second "greatest commandments".
practical politics, a definition: matters for concrete action as distinguished from theoretical or ideological discussion.
What would the equivalent "practical spirituality" consist of?
The operative words here: are "concrete action".
That all that needs to be known, spiritually, and practically.