Should Christians Celebrate Halloween

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween


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26 Aug 07
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Robs, can we agree that the kids don't give a r*ts *ss if it's pagan or not? For them it isn't religious of any kind!

So what you think doesn't matter, they don't ask you for permission, they just have fun! It's all in your head, not in theirs.

If god doesn't like it, he would send a bolt of fire or something to them. He doesn't, that's a proof enough for me.
god permits lots of things Fabs, that he does not approve of, its evidence of his patience.

(2 Peter 3:9) . . .but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
What about this verse .. Matt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

There are religious fanatics who in order to feel that they are part of the prophecy of Christ wilfully create confict within their family using religion (usually petty religious beliefs like birthdays, and Christmas etc) to create the divide.
Yes Matt 5:9 could apply to us as we do not fight for any country. And you can call us whatever you want. Just because you couldn't live up to the Witnesses standards and that of the Bible, it is your problem that you don't understand. A very sad problem that you couldn't find it in your heart to follow Jesus..................



04 Apr 04
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by galveston75
Yes Matt 5:9 could apply to us as we do not fight for any country. And you can call us whatever you want. Just because you couldn't live up to the Witnesses standards and that of the Bible, it is your problem that you don't understand. A very sad problem that you couldn't find it in your heart to follow Jesus..................
What ?? I could not live up to the Witnesses standard? I was never a Jehovah Witness. I would never join a totally assinine religion like that.
Where did you get that idea?


26 Aug 07
04 Nov 09
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
What ?? I could not live up to the Witnesses standard? I was never a Jehovah Witness. I would never join a totally assinine religion like that.
Where did you get that idea?
The brotherhood you describe is the same in all small religions. I was in one and I know. But when I disagreed with their teaching. I was shunned .. some brotherhood

are these your words or the words of another devious liar?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
What ?? I could not live up to the Witnesses standard? I was never a Jehovah Witness. I would never join a totally assinine religion like that.
Where did you get that idea?
Just my opinion but couldn't.



04 Apr 04
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The brotherhood you describe is the same in all small religions. I was in one and I know. But when I disagreed with their teaching. I was shunned .. some brotherhood

are these your words or the words of another devious liar?
Does it say Jehovah Witness? Both you and Galveston lack the skills required to interpret what somebody says plus neither of you can write properly. How do youall manage to study and interpret the Bible. Clearly youall must be indoctrinated.



04 Apr 04
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by galveston75
Just my opinion but couldn't.
Like much of what you say .. opinions out of thin air.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
Like much of what you say .. opinions out of thin air.
Well that's all yours is too. Just an opinion!!!


26 Aug 07
04 Nov 09
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
Does it say Jehovah Witness? Both you and Galveston lack the skills required to interpret what somebody says plus neither of you can write properly. How do youall manage to study and interpret the Bible. Clearly youall must be indoctrinated.
you mean it takes such great skill to trawl the net and pilfer someone else's lies? well well, how original? we must bow to your almost magical skill, ability and technique, does it come naturally, this propensity for fiction, or do you need to work at it? Indoctrinated , well well, another one telling that he promises freedom, yet exists as a slave of corruption. Is there a factory that produces you guys? get your freedom promising slave of corruption doll here, just pull the string, utters apostate saying, just slap his head for disgruntled laugh, full action figure complete with large billboard. collect them all and stage your own protest


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
Does it say Jehovah Witness? Both you and Galveston lack the skills required to interpret what somebody says plus neither of you can write properly. How do youall manage to study and interpret the Bible. Clearly youall must be indoctrinated.
So if misspelling a word or two does not meet your qualifications to be a Christian that is such a lame excuse. Besides it is the lesser ones of this planet that God is looking for. It's not education he wants but what's in the heart. So if I'm uneducated so be it....


11 Nov 05
04 Nov 09
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
god permits lots of things Fabs, that he does not approve of, its evidence of his patience.

(2 Peter 3:9) . . .but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.
Do you really mean that god doesn't want kids to have fun? Do you really mean the he wants kids to just sti in a corner and have a lousy time? Boring god you worship, if you ask me.

The kids is not doing anything wrong, they just like to have fun, but god doesn't approve. Permits, but doesn't approve.

What are the kids doing wrong?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
interesting that you fail to make any reference to those marriages which were saved as a result of one member becoming a Jehovahs Witness, or those who have had practical help to overcome drug abuse, or alcoholism, or prostitution, why dont you mention those cases manny? rather than resort to a rather , one must admit, one sided argument? perhaps y ...[text shortened]... er, perhaps you can point out which one of these principles led to the break up of the marriage?
Well it's the only case I know of personally. The man is my Father in-law. The rest I guess is hear say....I would imagine there are cases were the opposite has happened.
There are people who get off drugs due to all sorts of reasons or programs or dare I say religions.



11 Nov 05
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by menace71
I do agree with you on one thing the kids really don't give a rats @$$ about the holiday if it has pagan roots or not. They just want candy & to have fun.

I feel sorry for all children that have parents saying:
"Don't do this, don't do that, god doesn't like boys who does wrong things."

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
04 Nov 09
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Well Manny Jesus said that the practice of his beliefs would cause not only that but divisions with all family members. Matt 13:12 & 13.
This seems to be a reaccuring complaint that keeps coming up about the Witnesses so why is that? Could it be as Matt 10:22, 23 & John 15:20 16:2 are describing? Also read Acts 13:50. 2Cor 6:3-5 & 11:23-25. Ga 5:11. 2 g Jesus's teachings and have seen what he said does come true..............................
The issue I have is that You & R.C. come off with a victim mentality at times. Man I admire you guys for sticking to what you believe but the human experience is full of peoples being persecuted for there beliefs. If the JW condemns his/her spouse for not wanting to convert thats a hard thing. I don't think it's black & white. Some people are reluctant to just jump into something without knowledge first. If my wife came home and told me she became a Buddhist or a Muslim or JW even I'm sure it would cause some division. Does not God honor the institution of marriage? So for division to be caused is not good.



26 Aug 07
04 Nov 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Do you really mean that god doesn't want kids to have fun? Do you really mean the he wants kids to just sti in a corner and have a lousy time? Boring god you worship, if you ask me.

The kids is not doing anything wrong, they just like to have fun, but god doesn't approve. Permits, but doesn't approve.

What are the kids doing wrong?
dressing up is not wrong having fun is not wrong, is it? certainly not, for we know that God wants us to lead happy, purposeful and fulfilled lives. this is not the point, the point is that Halloween has , as its basis, pagan ideas that are inconsistent and contrary to the revealed word of God. Now you might argue, yes, but in its present day format, these ideas have nothing to do, woth dressing up and kids having fun, but that of course is nonsense, for the customs themselves are derived from the ancient celtic and pre Christian rights. the problem of course is, that normally people are unaware of this, or if they are aware then their conscience, not being fully tuned with Gods word, allows them, simply viewing it as fun.

Now this brings us to the crux of the matter, if you are a Christian, and if you know that Gods worship is clean and pure, why would you wish to contaminate your worship with something that might be deemed to sully it? why might you conscience be prompted to object? thus it becomes not a simple matter of dressing up and asking for sweets, but of purity of worship and cleanliness of conscience. what i suggest you do Fabs, is look up the origins of the festival and hypothetically pose yourself the question, if i was a Christian, could i , in all honesty, engage in this celebration and maintain a clean conscience.