This one gets me thinking. For the sake of argument, let's say the bible is absolutely correct, at least on the significant things related to doctrine.
God is omniscient, and knows everything that has or will come to pass. This means that in the case of the skeptic that dies in a state of unbelief and unrepentance -- God pre-ordained his or her life from beginning to bitter, tragic end.
So does the life of such a person (from a biblical, believer's view) have real meaning? This soul is going to be carted off to the elevator and taken down to the smoking section. For what purpose?
Should God in all fairness have never created this person, or, can we say, since that person tasted life, maybe it was worth it. Sort of a "better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." (replace loved with lived)
-Removed-No motivation. No agenda. Truly wanting to share insights as to what the purpose is. One of the reasons many reject the idea that God pre-ordains hell as a destination for someone is because it seems so cruel. So, they dress up the dilemma with a more comfortable scenario. "It was that person's choice." They literally claim that people choose hell. That might seem more warm and fuzzy but if the bible I'm reading is correct, God knew that person's destination before they were even conceived. Obviously, God could have just said, nah, I won't create that person. Be He did anyway so the question I often ponder is, why?
Originally posted by FMFOk so that's 2 people that don't understand that hell can exist, punishment can happen, and eternal punishment doesn't have to be part of it.
What does "smoking section" mean? You said "I am not arguing for eternal torment. I lean in favor of annihilation...", so what does "smoking section" refer to.
All the sudden within a couple of messages, I'm being challenged on eternal torment. Ok fine, remove that from the equation if that makes it easier. Change it to annihilation of the soul. Either way, the point I'm wanting to discuss is what role, if any, the person plays when from conception, their destination of [annihilation, hell, whatever] was already pre-determined?
Originally posted by Tom WolseyI believe God is the only one who can create a people with the freedom to choose, and
This one gets me thinking. For the sake of argument, let's say the bible is absolutely correct, at least on the significant things related to doctrine.
God is omniscient, and knows everything that has or will come to pass. This means that in the case of the skeptic that dies in a state of unbelief and unrepentance -- God pre-ordained his or her life ...[text shortened]... have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." (replace loved with lived)
has given us a wide birth to do just that. In this life when judgment day comes, those that
have lived a life in the flesh have been hostile towards God and have never pleased Him.
Those that repent and turn to God receiving His Spirit and walk out their lives with Him
will do so in a world hostile towards them, but over coming it with Christ they will receive
God. God who by the way is our great reward. It will be shown in my opinion that
everyone of us will have no excuse, and when excuses are made, there will be those that
call BS, as they saw less and were able to see the truth.